Met the magic heir of the Dragons

The next day Tusk who was already on the mountain was waiting for the arrival of Irene and the others.

While waiting for the tusk to do his training routine which he usually does every day, finally when he was almost done with his training routine he saw a dragon's shadow above his head and finally started to dash and landed near him.

Tusk who was below was hit by the gust of wind and didn't want to complain to the dragon who was none other than Igneel.

Tusk: damn you crimson can't you see that there are people here damn. "Tusk said angrily"

Igneel laughed and answered.

Igneel : hahaha smelly boy I didn't realize that you were here hahaha.

Tusk : No wonder you don't see I doubt your eyes can hardly see anymore hahahah.

Igneel: Damn you smelly boy, looks like you need to be given a few more hits.

Tusk : go ahead antique old I will repay what you did yesterday.

However, before they started to do battle, a child's voice came from Igneel's back, saying.

Origin of voice: daddies let's beat up that bad guy.

Hearing that voice, I couldn't help but see that there was a small child on Igneel's back and he glanced at Igneel with a cynical look and then said.

Tusk : ckckck I just found out that there is a kidnapper here.

Igneel : What stupid thing are you saying kid.

Tusk : what stupid thing who is not suspicious of seeing a dragon carrying a small child who is not in the know on his back heheh.

Igneel : damn stinky boy don't talk nonsense.

Finally, after the debate, several figures began to arrive gradually and Irene was the last to arrive.

Seeing this tusk started glancing at the old dragons and noticed that there was a small child on each of their backs, and tusk couldn't help but taunt them all.

Tusk : hahahahaha I just found out now that dragons are babysitters hahahahaha.

Hearing this mocking laugh they all glanced at the tusk and prepared to beat him up, finally after the mocking laugh finished a wail of sorrow started to sound from that location.

After they all beat the tusk proudly they said.

The five dragons: haha feel the consequences of what you did smelly boy hahah.

Tusk : damn you old antiques can't you see I'm joking.

The five dragons guffawed at the tusk who was lying on the ground again, and finally grandine cast her healing magic again on the tusk and said to the tusk.

Grandine : hey smelly boy I told you to change the way you talk." grandine said with a sigh

Tusk : aihhh I'm just kidding why do you all like to bully me so much, this is so unfair hoh." Tusk said complaining"

Hearing this complaint, they all couldn't hold back their laughter anymore and laughter erupted from the mountain behind it.

And finally came the sound of laughter from several small children who saw this incident.

After that little scene everything slowly calmed down and the five dragons started to introduce their respective foster children.

Irene only watched from the side because she was also curious about the adopted children of the five dragons, this was the first time Irene saw the appearance of the five adopted children.

Finally, Igneel started introducing his adopted children, followed by Metallicana, Grandine, Skiadrump, and Wiesslogia.

Igneel: hey Natsu come down. "said igneel"

Followed by the words of igneel metalicana, grandine, skiadrump, weisslogia began to send their adopted children down, and finally the five children stood beside the dragons.

Ingeel says ok you all come on introduce yourselves to that stinky uncle.

Tusk hearing this glanced at igneel and complained in his heart.

Tusk : Damn this antique must have taught strange things to his son.

Seeing tusk glanced at him igneel could not help but say.

Igneel : What do you see, stinky boy, my adopted son will definitely get a better education than your grandfather taught you hahah.

Tusk : Damn stinky dragon I'll beat you up.

After that a short battle occurred where Tusk was definitely defeated again by Igneel.

Seeing this incident, some children couldn't help but laugh because they thought the tusk was funny.

Irene shook her head as this was common.

After that finally the four small children began to introduce themselves respectively.

An eight year old child with pink hair introduced himself, he was named Natsu Dragnell, and continued with a child of the same age, black hair and a somewhat spooky look, named Gajeel Redfox, then a girl who was a bit shy. approximately five years old named Wendy Marvell, then a boy with yellow hair named Sting Eucliffe who is seven years old and finally a black haired boy with a slightly cold face named Rogue Cheney who is also seven years old.

Seeing this Tusk couldn't help but see the faces of the five children and finally he began to remember, that if he wasn't mistaken Natsu would become a member of Fairy Tail but at this time there was no such thing as a guild, and Gajeel was going to fight Natsu because there is a war between guilds.

Then Wendy Tusk didn't really know about it because he had forgotten some of the plots he had watched but he knew that Wendy would also join Fairy Tai, while Sting and Rogue Tusk didn't know at all for their case because he only watched until the plot against Hades on the island of Tenrojima.

Tusk won't talk about that future because he doesn't necessarily know what will happen then it's better to just shut up and go with the flow of time.

After that introduction Tusk nodded and started to introduce himself and continued with Irene.

Hearing this the little boys couldn't help but look tusk and natsu said.

Natsu: uncles I've heard you fought with father and finally you were defeated said Natsu.

Tusk who heard uncle's words looked at Natsu and said.

Tusk : Natsu don't call me uncle call me brother tusk, look at this handsome face where did uncle Natsu come from.

Natsu: but dad said you should be called uncle." Natsu said with an innocent face

Tusk who heard this couldn't help but look at Igneel with eyes teaching fight.

Igneel just chuckled at this, and finally Wendy asked Tusk.

Wendy : hmm brother tusk. "Wendy said in a low voice"

Tusk saw this cute little wendy and couldn't help but with a bright smile answered.

Tusk : yes wendy what's wrong?

Wendy : Tusk brother I hope you can take care of me in the future.

Tusk : hehe of course wendy brother will protect you in the future." tusk said while stroking his little head"

With her small face, Wendy looked at Tusk and said.

Wendy : Tusk's brother is the best.

Hearing this, Tusk couldn't help but be electrocuted in his body and lifted Wendy and said.

Tusk : Wendy you are the cutest of them all. "Tusk said with enthusiasm"

Seeing this the five dragons looked at the tusk sarcastically then said.

The five dragons: damn you loli lover

Hearing this Tusk said back, what's wrong with loli lovers, this little loli must be kept away from those dirty hands.

Seeing the response tusk grandine laughed and said.

Grandine : haha ok stinky boy in the future I will leave my child to you, I hope you can take care of him." said grandine with a serious face"

Tusk : of course my grandma will definitely take care of this little child, And the others too." tusk said with a smile"

They all know that tusk will definitely protect his family members at all costs because from their relationship so far they have realized the nature of tusk.

The five dragons nodded and finally they all let the five small children play near this area.

Finally after all the little kids had gone to play, irene started talking about this important thing.

To be continued.....