Gehenna Gate Project

With a serious face irene finally started to speak.

Irene : igneel,metalicana,grandine,skiadrump,weisslogia and tusk actually I gathered you guys because there are important things to express.

Tusk and the five dragons started listening to what Irene was going to say with serious faces.

Irene finally started talking about a big project that she would be doing. The project was called the gehena project, where she would create a teleportation gate between space and time that would be used to go to the future.

Hearing this, Tusk and the others were shocked because this was the first time they heard about this project, Irene, who saw this, continued her story.

Irene : actually a few months ago when I was out looking for materials to make my magic equipment, I met a black-haired man with an aura of death around him, and I had a chance to talk to him.

Irene : the man's name is zeref and he is a black magician with magic that I don't know, the man said to me that he wants to change the future from the present situation but I won't believe what he said easily.

But that man showed me a strange magic power and for a moment, I saw a flashback of what could possibly be the future, in that flashback I saw that there was a black dragon who was very strong and killed all the dragons and destroyed what he want.

However I don't know the identity of that dragon because in the flashback I can't see the history from the past.

Hearing this they all seriously started to think about the plan to be carried out in the future.

Tusk continues.

Tusk : irene continue your story i know it's not finished yet.

Hearing this irene continued her story and finally she told them all that the man gave her a mold of a building that looked like a big gate and was named gehena gate by the man.

Hearing about this Igneel asked

Igneel : gehenna gate, what is the use of this gate?

Irene : from what the man said this gate can make people who enter it move to the future or the past depending on how we arrange the transfer.

Irene : but according to that man we need someone who uses celestial magic because that magic contains elements of space and time, I'm trying to find information about people who use this magic.

Irene : because of the many people in this kingdom it will take time to find it.

Igneel : Hmmm, so what do you think, Irene, will you join this project?

Irene : I'm still confused about this due to lack of information and whether the flashbacks I'm seeing are real or fake.

Tusk : i think irene you better gather some information to confirm the truth of this, because if this is true related to the future we can bet on those children. "said tusk"

Irene and the others nodded because from the tusk's words they thought it made sense too, if in this war there will be a black dragon like the one irene saw in her flashback, then they better send the children to the future to defeat that black dragon.

Tusk continued saying.

Tusk : irene try to look at the imperial archives who knows there is something related to this there.

Irene nodded and was going to search for this information in her empire's archives.

Tusk looked at igneel and the other dragons then said.

Tusk : hey crimson are you going to pass on your magic to your son?

Igneel : of course boy I did what your grandfather did for you hahaha.

Tusk : but the risk?

Igneel : Of course I already know that stinky boy, and I decided to do this for the future.

Igneel : but that is not being done now because my son is not ready, his physique cannot withstand the impact of my magic which I have to teach him in a few more years.

Tusk paused and looked at all the dragons in front of him with a sad face.

Seeing this grandine comforts tusk.

Grandine : little boy don't make that face we are not going to part now, it will take time.

Tusk : I know it's an old grandma but I've felt the feeling of being abandoned by my grandfather and from that I can understand what those children will go through.

Grandine : take it easy boy we have thought about that problem." said grandine with a smile"

Tusk : hahh okay old woman it's your decision I will keep my word and take care of them all "said tusk with a little wry smile"

Seeing this the five dragons fell silent knowing the feelings of this boy who often argued with them.

But after that tusk showed a smile to them and said.

Tusk : hehehe if you all are not there I will certainly teach the children properly.

Hearing this the five dragons had a bad feeling for their children, but they didn't think too much about it because it wouldn't happen now anyway.

Tusk laughed loudly while hiding the sad feeling in his heart.

Seeing this, Irene seemed to know the feelings of her little sister, she was silent and didn't say a word because she knew that if she spoke now, maybe her sister's feelings couldn't be hidden anymore

Finally, after being silent for some time, Irene resumed her conversation.

Irene : tusk I want you to train yourself again because war has broken out from the western border.

Tusk : I can go there now to beat those dragons.

Irene : No! You're still not ready." shouted irene "

Tusk: I'm ready Irene with my current situation I'm ready to beat them one by one." Tusk shouted

Irene : listen to me stinky brat first train your magic for one more year after that I will let you go help this war.

Tusk : no irene i will go!

Seeing the stubborn tusk, Irene couldn't help but make a challenge to him.

Irene: okay tusk if you can beat me I'll let you go to the western border.

Irene : but if you lose you have to listen to my words and train for one more year.

Tusk : well don't break your promise.

Irene : of course, come on let's start.

Irene began to chant her enchantment magic and started attacking the tusk, the tusk that saw this had started to prepare itself to resist Irene's attack.

Irene used her enchantment magic to create a tusk explosion which saw this withstand the impact of the explosion and get wounds all over her body.

Tusk said.

Tusk: damn really big impact explosion.

Irene : How come a little boy has given up already?

Tusk : hehehe there is no word give up in my life. "Tusk said getting excited"

Tusk finally started his counterattack, then he shouted.

Tusk : sand dragon chain.

A chain of sand began to form from the ground and bound Irene's body, then the tusk continued to launch its attacks with.

Tusk : it's still not irene accept this sand dragon roar!!

an energy began to collect in the mouth of the tusk and finally in the shot and solid sand like a laser started to come out at high speed towards this seeing this irene was shocked because this roar was different from the roar she had released when fighting igneel before.

Igneel who saw this was also surprised because this roar was different from the last time and he muttered.

Igneel : it seems the boy's roar has changed because it has become like the roar of that stinky grandpa.

Irene saw this immediately destroyed the chains that held her and jumped away but a strange thing happened, a roar that should have been straight suddenly turned and hit Irene's body.

Before being hit by the explosion of the roar, Iren screamed softly, enchantment defends, and when he was hit by the attack, he was not seriously injured, only the clothes he was wearing were torn at the shoulders and knees.

Seeing this, Tusk immediately ran to Iren so he wouldn't launch his attack.

A punch was thrown by tusk irene who saw this blocked the blow with the defends magic she had cast just now.

Seeing that Irene held the punch like nothing happened, Tusk finally attacked her blindly by combining her kick punches.

Irene who saw this just chuckled and said.

Irene : only this is your ability boy, you are still too weak.

Tusk : ck damn old aunt don't be happy just yet.

Tusk finally started compacting the sand in his hands and after the sand started covering his hands a shape of dragon claws formed then he launched his attack again at irene.

Seeing this, Irene was curious because there was no magic before, maybe she made this during her trip. "muttered Irene"

Tusk continued his attack by saying.

Tusk : sand dragon claw!!

With hands covered in sand like dragon claws he attacked Irene and Irene's defensive magic began to be unable to withstand the attack because from the attack it received Irene felt that this dragon claw was different because it contained strong magical energy which was condensed.

Seeing this Tusk smiled and said.

Tusk : hehe how aunt can you still hold this.

Tusk : this is far from over.

Tusk dashed forward like the wind with a very fast movement he arrived in front of iren and gave another claw attack.

Irene couldn't endure this because of the swift movement of the tusk she was hit by the tusk's claw attack and was sent crashing into the back rock which sent dust flying.

Seeing this the tusk immediately ran forward wanting to end this battle but before he got near iren he heard a small sound, an enchantment explosion and an explosion occurred in front of the tusk's eyes which hit him and sent him flying backwards.

Finally irene came out from behind the dust and saw tusk struggling to stand up, seeing this irene said.

Irene : Tusk I have to admit your strength has increased so far, but if you want to beat me this is still far from enough.

Then irene seemed to mumble words and a strange thing happened.

From Irene's palm, maroon scales appeared like her hair covering the upper part of her arm and milky white scales appeared on her face that covered her left and right cheeks.

Seeing this, Tusk was shocked because he didn't know what magic it was, but Tusk felt the feeling that the magic energy from Irene was overflowing like an overload.

And finally with the blink of an eye, Irene immediately arrived in front of the tusk and hit it so that it flew backwards.

Seeing this igneel said.

Igneel : hoho it turns out this is the dragon force mode that he said before.

The other four dragons saw this and fell silent because they felt that when irene entered this mode she seemed to be on a par with the dragon herself.

Tusk got up and looked at irene, then he said.

Tusk : damn what is it why his power is really increasing.

Irene who heard this said.

Irene : I call it the dragon force mode where if we use this mode our magic and physical strength will increase drastically and maybe we can compete to beat the dragon.

Tusk : dragon force, so why even if you enter this mode don't think I will lose.

Tusk immediately pumped all the magic in his body but did not open the mana storage mode, and with all the strength that was gathered Tusk said.

Tusk : hehehe even though I will be tired but it's worth it, hey aunty accept this.

Tusk : sand dragon slayer ultimate magic sand dragon hell spear.

By condensing the magic energy in her hand quickly the sand began to gather and form a spear with three teeth and the tusk immediately took it and threw it towards Irene, with the speed of the spear which was very fast it was difficult for Irene to dodge. She countered the attack by emitting her dragon slaying magic roar.

Irene : let's see whose attack is stronger, sage dragon roar!!

A dense magical energy formed from Irene's lips and finally she exhaled it and a breath of fire flew out of her mouth, with the addition of enchantment magic to the breath of fire, the breath of fire automatically became stronger and the power of destruction became greater.

The tusk spear collided with irene's breath and finally shattered irene's breath quickly hit the exhausted tusk, but before the flames hit him the tusk created a sand barrier in front of it.

Tusk: protector of the sand dragon.

A wall of sand quickly formed in front of the tusk and endured the impact of the fire breath.

When the fire breath began to disappear, the tusk sand was destroyed instantly, tusk could not defend it because his magic energy was running out.

he saw irene and thought of a way to attack her, seeing the already exhausted tusk irene said.

Irene : how did you give up.

Tusk : hehe do not expect.

Tusk saw that there was a piece of sand under him and immediately sucked all the sand into his mouth.

Seeing this irene remembered because tusk is a sand dragon then naturally if she eats sand then her magic energy will recover soon, irene rushed forward to stop tusk but she was too late.

Tusk had finished eating all the sand beneath him then he excitedly said.

Hehehe my stomach is full and now it's time to continue the second round. "Tusk said with a grin"
