Creating a character.

3 days later... Finally, It was 10th January, the day when the world was about to change, the day when lost dreams could again be ignited, the release of the mankind's best - full dive mmorpg game 'Zforce'.

The whole world was super excited about playing the game. Rey was one of those who was excited about playing the game.

He had withdrawn 40,000 dollars from his bank account to buy Zforce full dive set.

After the clock hit 10 in the morning , all people went crazy. The game was finally officially launched,everyone ordered the game online like some crazies. It was Sunday so Rey didn't have to go to the cafe to do his job , so he also ordered the game capsule by spending his 40000 dollars.

He felt a surge of pain in his heart after he spent so much money for buying the game. "Hopefully , it doesn't let me down." Rey mumbled as he 

lay on the bed again .


After 3 hours , the game capsule was delivered to Rey's house. He opened it quickly and entered the gaming capsule after finishing the unboxing.

After 5 seconds passed, inside his mind came a soft chime.


//Hello, I'm Lin, I'm in charge of monitoring this game //

A beautiful woman could be seen sitting on a throne. she was like a princess sitting on a throne. The woman introduced herself to Rey.

//May I know your name sir...? //

Rey was silent for a second because of how realistic the woman inside this game was.

He then dismissed his thoughts and said.

"Hello- You can call me Crimson."

Rey answered in a polite tone.

Rey told her that his name was Crimson , not 'Rey' because he learned on the Internet that you can use alt names in the game to secure your privacy.

//User-name registered, Please continue with character creation//

The ai 'Lin' guided Rey about creating a character.

"sure." Rey nodded his head at her.

After a second, a glassy-screen appeared in front of his eyes.

// User name - Crimson//

// Age - 18 //

// Gender - Male//

// Height - 177 cm//

// Weight - 49 kg//

// Eyes color- none//

// Hair color- none//

// class selection - none (available - 1)//

// Weapon selection - none (available - 1)//


At first , he was satisfied with the real life evaluation in the game, but after reading through the whole list , he freaked out.

"Why is there only one class and one weapon for me ? It was clearly stated on the Internet that one can choose between 4 classes and 4


He was so confused that he asked the ai about what was happening.

The ai didn't say much but only a few words.

//The user is detected to be the 'selected one'. You can obtain the unique Supreme God-level class and weapon in the whole universe. //

Rey was shocked, so he kept asking her more questions but only got a simple answer .

//Prompt failed. The user's level is not enough to gain information about the data//

He kept trying, but the ai only kept showing the same message.

He finally gave up after some time and looked at the character creation window again.

"Sigh... I should let everything be like it is for now , I will try again after I have a sufficient rank."

He then selected his eye color and hair color as 'Crimson,' as his name suggested.

After that , he checked the class selection panel .

He was dumbfounded after he saw the class rank and its attributes.

//Class selection - KING OF DEAD ( EXCLUSIVE CLASS - UNIQUE)//

//Class rank - Supreme God Level ( EXCLUSIVE - UNIQUE)//

//Class attributes - You are the king of the dead , Every dead should bow towards you. Every being should fear your presence,  even gods bow down when the wrath of the king of dead descends//

"Just what on the earth ...!!!" I've heard about 4 classes in common , that everyone can obtain. They were so simple and common, yet this 'king of dead' class sounded like a cheat . Dead bow down towards me ? Even gods fear my wrath? " Isn't this a bit odd ? an ordinary player could make gods bow down , who wouldn't laugh after hearing this.

After he regained his calm again , he chose the only 'king of death' class 

that was available.

After selecting his class , he clicked on the weapon panel .

He was again dumbfounded by the overpowered cheat-like weapon he had received .

// Weapon selection - Soul harvesting bracelet (CLASS EXCLUSIVE WEAPON)//

// Rank - Supreme God Level //

// Attribute 1 - Decreases the enemy's mental defence by 35% within a 100 meter radius (upgradable - current grade - B)

(Next upgrade: - 100 souls)

Attribute 2- Decreases the enemy's luck stat by 200 points within a 100 meter radius (upgradable - current grade - D)

(Next upgrade: - 100 souls)

Attribute 3- Decreases the enemy's health by 50% within a 20 meter radius (upgradable - current grade - B+ )

(Next upgrade: - 100 souls)

Attribute 4 - Can tame any beast below 'god' level

Attribute 5 - Can harvest souls of dead beings to convert them in stat points (upgrades by collecting souls - 0/100)//


"Dude! Isn't this heaven defying ? New players only get swords , staffs , Shields and bow but I am getting this heavenly weapon without doing anything?" Rey was confused .

After a while, he got an idea . "What if I use these two heavenly powers to earn money and try to become someone at the top? It's not a bad idea, I guess. The gods must've gifted me this chance to escape my hardships and become someone remarkable in the history. Well, only time will tell. For now, let's continue the game." He was now thinking positively of the weapons and class. He had now set a new goal in his life , become someone remarkable and escape his hardships.

He then asked the lin about how to enter the game.

//You can enter the game world in 10 seconds. Please wait patiently//

Rey nodded and continued to look at his character panel again. 

After 10 seconds , a gentle voice came in his head.

//User 'Crimson' is now entering the virtual world.  please prepare yourself//

//Please note - the pain felt inside the game is 45% real , getting hurt in the game will cause pain //


A Bright light flashed across Rey's eyes as his journey began.
