A white light flashed through Rey's eyes as he entered the vr world.

After some time , the white light started to get dimmer and dimmer until it finally stopped flashing in his eyes.

Now , only darkness surrounded him.

He struggled to open his eyes for a bit and then he finally opened his eyes . A crystal blue sky could be seen above , a lot of people , and tall buildings could be seen on the streets, it all felt so real that one would believe that they were not in a game but in reality.

He moved his limbs for a second and he noticed that it was all very real.

He then saw other people around him and then saw that he was standing in a giant circular formation . Many players like him were also there , checking where they were.

Rey finally remembered that there was a spawn point location in the game , he found it on the Internet browsing.

He quickly moved his limbs and left the circular formation . After he left, he was greeted by a soft chime in his mind.


//Welcome to the world of 'Zforce' , user 'Crimson' , you can now play the game freely , and ask the ai for basic guides . May you enjoy the game to its fullest//

Rey just nodded his head and dismissed the message .

He knew about some basic things to do in the game , because the Internet mentioned some guides about them.

"I should head towards the City Bank to receive my beginner's money."

Rey thought as he walked towards A tall building that had a big large borad hanging on it's door with 'City Bank' written in large letters on it.

He then entered the City Bank and walked towards one of the counters.

The game's banks had many counters on many different floors, because there were many players playing it , so to not waste much of their time ,the game had provided many counters on many floors of the bank.

Rey was greeted by a woman after he reached at the counter.

"Good morning sir, how may I help you today?"

Rey nodded at her and said .

Good morning , can I get my beginner's money ?"

The woman nodded and handed him a small pouch of gold coins.

Rey thanked her and left afterwards.


After 10 minutes of walking , Rey arrived at a inn where not many people came .

He asked the owner of the inn for any free rooms , and the owner handed him the key to room no. 12.

He paid the owner with one gold coin and the owner accepted it quickly.

He then headed towards room no. 12 , opened the door and entered.

After he closed the door quickly , he sat on a chair near him and opened the small pouch that he had received from the bank.

After he opened the pouch , he received a notification.

//Ding... 18 gold coins received//

(Two gold coins were deducted from the pouch to pay for his booking)

He smiled in satisfaction after hearing the notification.

He had already spent 4 gold coins for booking the room for 2 days.

Gold coin valued very much so he only had to pay two gold coins for 8 hours of booking.

The currency system in the game was very simple .

1 gold coin = 100 silver coins

1 silver coin = 100 bronze coins

There were only three types of coins .

bronze , silver ,and gold.

One can also convert 100 bronze to one silver and 100 silver to one gold , or 1 gold to 100 silver and 1 silver to 100 bronze.

That's why the game currency was not very complicated.

It was already leaked on the Internet so Rey didn't need to find it out himself.

"Good, I will use these coins for other accessories that are needed to hunt monsters." He was satisfied with the amount of money, the game provided to beginners.

After a while , he remembered that he had chosen a weapon in the character creation window.

He asked the ai about where the weapon is , the ai responded to his prompt and told him that there is an inventory function in the game to store weapons or any other item.

Rey thought about the inventory in his mind and a new system window opened before his eyes.


There were many empty boxes in the inventory with only one box filled.

It was the 'Soul reaper bracelet' that he had chosen.

He clicked on the box where the bracelet was stored, it then suddenly fell into his hand leaving the inventory empty.

He was satisfied with the game mechanics , he thought that the game's price was quite inferior to its performance .

"let's head to the equipments shop now."

Rey thought to himself.


After 10 minutes...

Rey arrived at a two-story building where many armors and weapons could be seen.

He headed towards an old man and asked.

"Are there any common grade swords and armors avilable? "

"Yes, you man , are you looking for those equipments to hunt monsters ? if yes , so I can provide you with some good equipments."

A polite reply came from the old man as he smiled.

"Yes sir... I need equipment to hunt monsters. Can you also tell me where to hunt monsters?"

Rey answered and asked a question at the same time.

"Yes-yes, you should head to the wilderness area towards south. Also , your equipment will be here soon ."

The old man answered.

"Thank you for your assistance sir..."

Rey bowed to him slightly.

"Ah- no problem young man."

The old man said.

after some time , Rey's equipments arrived.

"here are the best equipments for you."

The old man pointed at the equipment.

Rey nodded at him and started to check the equipments.

He firstly picked up the sword and asked the ai to identify it.

//Common grade sword//

//Attack: 20 , Durability : 100/100//

//special skill: bleeding : leaves a bleeding effect on the enemy after triggering this skill. Chances to trigger: 20%//


He was satisfied with the sword so he tossed it in his inventory.

Then he picked up the armor.

//Common armor//

//Defence: 15, Durability: 150/150//

//special skill: Increases wearer's agility points by 5//


He tossed the armor in his inventory ,paid for them , and left the shop.

He then headed towards the south where the wilderness area was.

He asked the ai for the map , and he then obtained a man interface on his ai window.

He opened the map and walked towards where the wilderness area was marked.

And so began his first move for standing at the top of everyone.
