Rey finally arrived at the wilderness area after 30 minutes of constant walking.

The wilderness area was a very large forest , where many monsters were roaming around.

Rey was hesitating to walk in first because if he got harmed , he would feel real pain , but then gathered the courage to enter.

After he entered , many howling and hissing sounds could be heard everywhere.

After walking in the forest for a while , many players could be seen fighting monsters while teaming up with each others.

Rey ignored them and kept walking in the forest.

After some time, He saw a pack of wolves coming towards him from behind at a fast speed.

He unseathed his sword quickly and took on an offensive stance.

He then swung his sword and sliced the head of a wolf that was too close to him. The head of the wolf fell on the ground with blood splattered everywhere . He then heard a soft chime in his head.

//Ding... You've killed a level 4 'southern wolf' , Gained 120 experience points//

//Ding... You've level up levelled up, achieved 2 free attribute points//

The wolf wasn't even able to see how it died.

All the other wolves felt a shiver go down their spines when their eyes met Rey's crimson eyes.

He then charged straight at the pack and sliced their heads off like butter.

A lot of notification popped up in his mind as he kept killing the wolves.

//Ding ... you have killed... , obtained 100 exp...//

//Ding ... you have killed... , obtained 100 exp//

//Ding , levelled up , Gained 2 attribute points//

//Ding... //



After a while a giant wolf stood on the ground glaring at Rey in a furious manner , its eyes went bloodshot when it saw the Corpses of its own kind.

It howled very loudly , Rey's ears went numb after it howled .

He then checked the giant wolf's stats.

//Giant Southern Wolf//

//Grade - Gold//

//Level - 20//

//Skills - Bite , Giant leap , Fur armor , Death Claw//

//Can be tamed//

He was first shocked after looking at the wolf's stats but then regained his calm , and called for his stats pannel.


//Age - 18//

//Level - 5//

//Class - KING OF DEAD //

//Class weapon - soul harvesting bracelet//

//Free attribute points: 10//

//Attributes: Hp: 50 , Attack: 10 , Defence : 10 , Agility : 8 //

He didn't wait for long and directly called the ai to spend the ten free attribute points in his attack stat .

For now , he had the soul harvesting bracelet , so he didn't need to care about his defence and agility , so the only thing left was endurance and attack, that's why he chose attack as the main priority for now .

He then activated the sould harvesting bracelet and the wolf's stats almost halved because of it , due to the negative luck points the wolf gained because of the bracelet , many types of misfortunes started happening to the giant wolf.

The wolf then started rushing towards Rey with bloodshot eyes . Rey took a defensive stance as well to block the wolf's attack.

When the wolf was within a 15 meter radius , it took a giant leap in the air and readied it's claws on the front limbs to attack Rey at full power.

Rey managed to dodge the attack when the wolf was very close to him.

The wolf fell on the ground because Rey had already dodged it attack .

Rey then rushed forward at the wolf with his sword kept in an offensive stance.

When he was very close to the wolf , he swung his sword with full 20 attack points, the wolf got heavily injured in the stomach and it's limbs were also damaged.

The wolf started howling loudly in pain , Rey again started heading towards the giant wolf that was lying on the ground .

"haaaaah..." Rey shouted very loudly as he put very much force in this final blow.

When his sword came in contact with the wolf , the sword pierced the wolf's stomach and severely wounded it.

The wolf could only howl in pain and do nothing .

After a while , Rey was sitting on the top of the wounded wolf which was still alive .

"You wouldn't have been in this condition , if you didn't mess with me."

Rey said while looking at the wolf in pity.

"AWOOOO..." The wolf howled in pain.

Just when Rey was about to deal the final blow to the wolf, he received a notification in his mind.

//Ding... You have severely injured the 'Giant Southern Wolf' , would you like to tame it using the soul harvesting bracelet?//

Rey was slightly confused at first but then he confirmed to tame the wolf because it would not cause any problem , would it ?



//Congratulations Player 'Crimson' to become the first to tame a Gold level beast //

//Congratulations Player 'Crimson' to become the first to tame a beast//

//You have been awarded with a Black gold grade sword for your merits//

Rey was shocked at the world announcements , he ? World announcement? he was so shocked that his jaw dropped . Making a world announcement was not something that anyone could do . Only top of the top players could do that. So he , who was here just to make some money managed to make two world announcements at the same time , that's why he was very shocked.

On the other hand , all the players in game held their breath as they saw that the same player managed to make 2 world announcement at the same time .

Some big guilds and player were shocked that they could tame beasts in the game. While some were shocked that a nobody managed to defeat a gold grade beast and even tamed it.

It would require atleast a team of 10 -20 high level players from a guild to defeat a single gold grade beast.

Some envied Rey while some were in awe.

Everyone was just talking about Crimson and Crimson only.


Meanwhile Rey was seeing a different scene.

The giant wolf's body was starting to heal and also started to emmit a black , dark and deadly aura , it's skin started to turn black slowly and after a few minutes , it became a completely new entity.

The wolf was emmiting dark deadly flames from its body , while it's skin when completely black. it looked cool and better than before but also deadly at the same time .

Rey couldn't think of what had happened to the wolf , he was still shocked about the world announcements and the tame thing.

What he didn't know was that he had gained a new powerful pillar for becoming the top player in the whole universe.

And so continued his journey with making a new friend.