Chapter 1: Raiden

*pant *pant *pant. Two men dressed in black trench coat are hurrying to locate an individual in a dark and wet alleyways of Gilman the new capital city of the Philippines. It is located 200 kilometers north of Manila the old capital. "look for that brat on that alley, he can't get too far away" the man with a lighted cigarette in his mouth spoke. *scatter *scatter. "but boss only rats and garbage are on this area, maybe he went to the other direction" said the man a few meters ahead of him, rummaging in the big garbage bins in the alley. Search him using your eyes not by your mouth! I am sure that he went this way!.

I will skin him alive myself if I can capture him!!!. *Beep *Beep *Beep. The man with a cigarette in his mouth flip his wrist and a hologram of an old woman appeared on it. Earth already entered an era where smartphones are already obsolete, it has long been replaced by AI powered smart nanochips called "Nanosense" embedded on the skin particularly on the wrist which holographic communication can be activated with just a flip the wrist. "Team 1, did you already catch him?" said the old woman. "Not yet Madam Carrie, but we are already on his tail and it is only a matter of time before we can capture him". "Make sure that you can catch him before tomorrow's sunrise. He disrupted our operation by opening the safe of the collection house, stealing the organization's blue book and smart drive which contains data of our organization's bank accounts and financial assets." "Yes Madam. we will report once we capture him".

"I will wait for your good news, but please do not disappoint me this time" *beeep. "Boss, what will happen if we did not catch that rat in our organization before tomorrow's sunrise?" said the man that is rummaging the garbage bins. "It is best if we can capture that m*therf*cker before Madam Carrie's deadline because if we disappoint the Madam, there will be a new Team 1 tomorrow and the two of us will be fish feed in the Pacific Ocean" said the man huffing the cigarette in his mouth one last time before throwing it on the wet pavement. In an elevated ledge on the second floor of a building 100 meters away from the two men, a passing car illuminated the part of the ledge where a shadow can be seen wriggling like it is in pain. "Please be safe Yumi, brother will come and get you once I lose these goons that are after me. Just stay where you are ok?". In a hushed voice, Raiden sent a recorded voicemail in his Nanosense to avoid making loud noises that can present his location to the two men searching for him below.

Raiden is just 17 years old, he and his sister Yumi grown up inside an orphanage in Manila but due to the orphanage financial problem it soon closed and the siblings lived on the streets of Manila, Due to poverty, he entered the underworld as a part of a syndicate organization called Gurkha when he is 9 years old. He started at 7 years old, being a lackey of local gangs in the streets of Manila doing simple errands like pick pocketing, purse and jewelry snatching, breaking and entering, and shoplifting until he is 8 years old. Before his 9th birthday a local gang boss ordered him to slash the neck of a kidnapped businessman because his family did not pay the ransom that the local gang boss required them to pay for his life. Afraid of the gang boss, Raiden executed the task without much emotion which made the local gang boss grin with glee. Starting then, everytime that the gang boss feel that he needed an entertainment. He will order his lackeys to kidnap one of their rival gangs people and order Raiden to kill them in front of him. Due to the gossips in the underworld. Madam Carrie the head of Gurkha Organization, a top criminal organization with branches around the world became interested in this 9 year old executor and poached him from the local gang boss by wiping out all of the gang members except Raiden. Madam Carrie treated him like her child, assigning him private combat trainings with world class martial artists, giving tutors with doctorate degree in any subjects for homeschooling, giving him private military training and tactics with top generals of private military contractors and giving him all the luxury that a 9 year old boy can dream of. For five years, he is trained to be the best assassin of Gurkha because of Raiden's talent for combat and high IQ. At 14 years old, the organization started sending him to high level assassination missions located domestic and overseas which he exceptionally excuted everytime, the organization awarded him one of the highest status in Gurkha as a Numbered Assassin called Uno his codename even if he is only a 17 year old teenager.