Chapter 2: Betrayal

Raiden slowly inhaled a mouthful of air to clear his mind, stalking the two men below him like an eagle monitoring his prey. He searched for anything that can be used as a weapon in his side and found 2 pieces of rusted screws, each has a length of a finger. "This will do" he said to himself. Beside Raiden with a codename Uno, there are 4 other numbered assassins in Gurkha starting with the second codenamed Dos, third is Tres, fourth is Cuatro, Fifth is Cinco respectively. Also other than the numbered assassins which operate independently, the organization has an assassin branch which consist of two to five members called Team. They are also numbered from 1 to 20 with the lowest digit being the strongest. Raiden is facing Team 1 which can be said the strongest of the Teams. He knows that he can't face them barehanded because he will be put in a disadvantage with 2 to 1. Raiden planned his attack by surveying the area first. That is when he found out that he can possibly lure one of them in a small gap that can fit one adult man between the walls at the front of the building where he is hiding. He threw one of the rusted screw in the gap where he planned to spring his trap. *clink *clink. It made a noise when it touched the wet pavement. "Boss did you hear that sound?" said the man near the garbage bins with a smile on his face. "I think our rat is in there, we can finish this job and report to Madam Boss. My hand smells like garbage already with all this rummaging here." he said it after he wipe his hands in the wet poster on the wall and walk to the position of his partner. "Shhh, be quiet. He is not an easy opponent. Remember he is a numbered, he has a reputation in our organization." said the other man while getting a box of cigarette on his trench coat pocket, picking a stick of cigarette using his mouth and lighting it up with a lighter in one fluid motion.If anyone can observe the movements of this man which been called Boss by his partner, his eyes are always scanning every nook and cranny of the area. His right hand is always inside his trench coat pocket as if there is a hidden object in it which can anytime be pulled out. While the other one seems to be easy going, he is always checking their side for any movements. When they make sure that everything is fine and nothing is amiss, they slowly headed to the direction where the sound they heard came from. Carefully examining the area. "You search this place for clues first, I will be checking our six. Do not go too far we can't be complacent when there is an assassin in the dark." Boss told the other one. "Yes Boss. by the way, can I have one of your cigarette after I checked this area? Mines already empty, my other pack is in our truck" he said while peeking in a corner. "Let's finish this job first, I will not only give you a pack of cigarette but we can also go to our favorite bar after. Drinks are on me." Boss replied. With a grin, his partner continued to scan the vicinity for clues that can indicate where Raiden is hiding. On the other hand, Raiden is crouching in a dark corner of the building ledge. Only the top half of his head is peeking to avoid detection. He is also wearing a black fitted coverall suit with a black balaclava on his head, only his eyes are not covered. If any of the two men look into his direction, they can only see darkness like they are staring at the void, coupled with a dark nightsky and dark thunder clouds pouring rain all over the city with occational lightning ripping the sky. Raiden gripped the remaining rusted screw on his hand placing it between his index finger and middle finger. He checked the position of the two men 15 meters below him and slowly crept inch by inch without making a sound to the back of the building where he is hiding. There is an emergency ladder that he used to climb up to the second floor and he used it also to go down. After peeking at a corner to check the position of his pursuers, he flanked them to the side where the two men came from before he threw the rusted screw. Blending in the shadows, Raiden walked slowly and carefully to his pursuers position before he abruptly paused on his tracks and hide behind a garbage bin because the man checking the gap in the walls returned to his partner's side. "Boss, no movements here. I told you that maybe he went to the other direction." the man said while walking to Boss's direction "Ok" Boss turned around and walk to the direction of the alley where Raiden peeked earlier "we will check this alley nex- . . . " before Boss finished his sentence, he felt a sharp pain in his back and saw a cold tanto blade sticking out of his chest. He leans to the right and to his surprise, he saw his partner's face beaming with a wicked smile and heard the words behind his ears "you can treat your partner a drink in hell after" before his consciousness fade.