Chapter 3: Server Online

July 24, 2096, Delta Storm Company Headquarters(DSC) Detroit, USA.

The CEO Office of Delta Storm Company is at the 99th floor of Delta Storm Company Building. It has a 200 square meter area. Located in front of the elevator is the Front Desk/Information Desk manned by his secretary. At the side of the Front Desk, there is a big 8 feet tall solid granite door decorated with gold hinges, Frame bolts covered in gold and gold electronic door lock with a Nanosense scanner. After opening the granite door the CEO desk will be the first to be seen followed by a 15 feet tall and 10 feet wide bulletproof window overlooking the city of Detroit. It is highly decorated with medieval artifacts like Steel Armors, Iron maces, Heavy Swords and Shields displayed like museum pieces. In the center of the room, there is a white and blue painted capsule which is shaped like an egg with flickering blue and white lights inside of it.

Sat in his chair behind his oak desk a man in his early 30's, with a clean set of blonde hair swept neatly to the side with a few strands hanging in his forehead giving him a youthfull look. His name is Peter Myers CEO of Delta Storm Company.

"Mr. Goodwin, is your team ready for the launch of Lightborn tomorrow?" he said after resting his chin above his righthand fingers, palm touching the desk while his left hand is fiddling with a pen nonchalantly. He's not bothering to make eye contact with the two gentlemen seating in front of him. The person in his right is Charles Goodwin, Chief Officer of DSC Game Development Team. Under him are Game Design Department, Software and Programming Development Department and Graphic Art Design Department. To his left is Alvin Peterson, Chief of DSC Marketing and Operations Department. Under him are the Marketing Department, Product Design Department and Sales Channel Department.

"Mr. Myers, as reported by the programming team. All the necessary updates for technical bugs and glitches are already on their last leg of patches, the game should be running at 100 percent before our server launch. Also the design teams are already working on the new maps and new characters to be implemented for the future server updates." Mr. Goodwin reported while fidgeting the holographic image on his Nanosense.

"How about you Mr. Peterson, any good news for me?"

Peter said before placing the pen in his hand on the desk making a soft click sound.

"Mr. Myers, my team reported a total of around 6 million game copies sold worldwide with a price of $200 per copy as of 12 p.m today with 20 million still lined up in pre-order. Also a total of 2.6 million DSC VRheadsets sold with a price of $2,000 per VRheadset worldwide. Deducting our operational cost which is around 1.4 billion dollars we have gained a total of 9 billion dollars worth of profits." Alvin reported with a smile on his face.

"Well done, very very well done."

"Mr. Goodwin, Please tell your team to continue with their excellent work. As for you Mr. Peterson, monitor our sales channels. If our distribution stores can't handle the influx of clients after the release of Lightborn tomorrow, you can contact a few gaming stores to partner with us. Allocate 30 percent of the demand to our partner stores to alleviate the demand on our distribution stores". Peter said after he stand up from his seat, walked slowly behind his desk to the bulletproof window. Looking at the busy afternoon streets of downtown Detroit where Magnetic Levitation vehicles are seen buzzing in their tracks. With a sigh, he walked past the window into the VR Capsule. Upon reaching the capsule he stretched his back and crossed his arms,

"Do you still have anything to report? if not my secretary will see you off. Let us discuss the operation sequence tomorrow before our 11a.m Server Initialization and after that we will wait until 12 noon for our Server Opening." Peter said while placing his right leg inside the capsule.

"Oh, by the way Mr. Goodwin, please tell the technical team to make my avatar online in 2 minutes. I will address our loyal fans using my in game avatar inside this VRCapsule. They can upload the live feed of my speech in the holographic screens of our distribution stores and also in the holographic screens of every city center around the world."

"We will arrange that Mr. Myers. We bid you goodbye." Charles replied before he and Alvin Peterson are escorted out by Peter's secretary.

In every city center around the world and DSC Stores.

"Greetings Everyone, My name is Peter Myers CEO of Delta Storm Company. I know that a lot of you are waiting for the release of our new game called Lightborn. Well, our wait is over. At exactly 12 noon tomorrow, the server of Lightborn will be online. All the players that bought the game and pre-installed it to their VRheadsets can open their application 30 minutes before the server launch to make their in game avatar ahead of time. Our design team prepared a gift for all of you on the initialization sequence of Lightborn. I hope you will like our small token of appreciation and see you all on the world of Lightborn. We will be all waiting, Happy gaming"

Majority of the pedestrians along with some people in their cars and buildings in every city center and DSC Stores cheered to Peter's speech.

January 25, 2096 11:59:39

The countdown on everyone's vision that is wearing their VRheadsets and installed Lightborn is slowly trickling down. When the timer hits 12:00:00, they felt a pulling sensation along with their vision blurring. It felt like as if they are shoot out from the outer space because of the little flickering lights in the background to the world of Lightborn. When their feet touch something hard like a ground, a mechanical voice echoed in their ears.

"Server Online"

"Welcome to Lightborn Day 0- 00:01"