Returning to the Modern world

Author note- Please read the synopsis first since I will write the story assuming you have

It's been 3 days since Gyun had returned back to the modern world, after convincing his parents despite his appearance that it was him, while still young thanks to body purification, de-ageing his appearance. He also experienced the body purification drastically increasing his muscle mass and improving his physical looks. He had come to terms that his 7 years in murim were over and all the Qi and power he'd accumulated had disappeared and he could no longer gather or sense Qi in the modern world.

He didn't have to go to school since there were still 5 days left of semester break, so he spent his days lounging around the house, and watching TV. He was depressed while at first upon returning to his family with only a days difference between him transmigrating to Murim, he was able to pass it off as him staying over at a friends house. Once he realized that 7 years of hard work, building a qi center and growing it and using his qi and technique to become the strongest warrior of Murim. Founding and leading the greatest Murim mercenary group Raven, and becoming a faction strong to be on par with the other 3 large factions surpassing the large orthodox families and sects. For all that effort to just disappear it was heartbreaking, for someone who followed the sword in the modern world and someone who followed it in Murim.

Gyun sat on his couch watching a popular anime that was trending at the moment. Gyun yawned despite it still being only noon, "should I go out? I'm getting bored" he thought to himself. -Yeah maybe I should test out the full extent of this body's limits. In the historic texts I discovered it's physical capabilities were equal to around a 3rd stage martial warrior, which would be in the realm of superhuman- Gyun got up, now intrigued with the idea. "Hey mom I'm going out" he said loudly hoping his mom would hear him, "ok there's 80,000 won on the table, Eunhae said she wanted someone to pick up her special order from the beauty store thats in that mall we went to last week!" She replied from the kitchen.

-I don't know where that is that was so long ago for me- "No I'm just going to the park to have a look around", he heard a sigh despite being on the second floor he heard her mumbling. "Fine I'll pick it up myself tomorrow". Gyun walked to the door and threw on a jacket grabbing the money, before walking outside he pulled up his phone and searched up the nearest fighting gym. He found one that looked decent one a few streets over, it was an MMA gym, -good if I'm missing anything its grappling since murim didn't like it- he walked while watching his phone.


8 minutes later

Gyun stood outside the entrance he looked at the name for a moment 'Gold Star MMA Gym'. Gyun chuckled "what a coincidence", he opened the door and was greeted with a modern interior, the gym looked pretty clean and was quite spacious and not very crowded. -Seems pretty good, and it's MMA so I can fill in what I'm missing with my Murim and Avalonian martial arts-. He walked to the reception desk, "hello I'd like to apply for a membership here please."

The receptionist was quite young had short blue and pink hair was quite pretty and looked like a high schooler, she turned from the computer to look at him. "Oh hello, uh our membership forms are right over there" she pointed at a stack of papers on the desk. "And our fee's our 75,000 won a month, and classes are. not included but you have access to all of our facilities". As she gestured at the surrounding gym equipment, Gyun frowned as he was filling out the form.

-Classes aren't included, the facilities are nice, but I came here to fill any gaps I had in my unarmed martial arts, well I guess I can cancel my kendo gym membership since I've probably progressed far enough that a teacher won't help me, so I guess with that I can afford a class depending on the cost-. As Gyun handed the girl his form with the money he had grabbed from his house, he asked "so how much for a class?"

She smiled as she came around the desk, "come with me I'll give you a tour as I explain and heres your membership card", she passed him a black card with a gold star on it as she gestured. She walked over to doors at the side of the gym, "here's the locker rooms, over there is the octagon for events" she pointed at the large enclosed with a fence octagon. She pointed to the left wing of the gym, "thats an open area with mats for sparring and classes and the right wing has training equipment, bags and some standard gym equipment, treadmills, dumbbells, pullup bars and the such, you know?" she turned back to see if he understood.

Gyun nodded his head -okay this pretty good but she didn't go over the classes-, "and the classes?"

She clicked her tongue "oh yeah we offer classes for 6 different martial arts at various times, they include jui-jitsu, boxing, wrestling, taekwondo, MMA, and muay thai. Each one is 3 times a week for an hour and a half, at about 100,000 won a week and 250,000 if you wanted to have private lessons with one of our instructors, but if you can prove yourself as someone talented enough during regular classes some instructors may offer lessons for free."

Gyun smiled as he nodded as he looked over at someone getting a private lesson in the far left corner of the gym. -It's pretty pricey but these guys seem like the real deal, and I always felt like a lot of murim martial arts were impractical without qi in a street fight, and my kendo fee's money could cover one class, and maybe I could get some attention from the coach-

The receptionist clearly sensing he wasn't paying attention wrapped up her tour. "Ok last but not least there is 9 rules here that we have here at Gold Star MMA. Injuries happen a lot but don't hurt anybody in spars beyond what's reasonable, exercise equipment stays in the right wing and off the mats. No jewelry allowed on the mats or during sparring, no smoking, no stealing. No food on the mats or the exercise area, no shoes ok they stay in the locker room, and no picking fights with members got it?" She closed the distance, though she was only to Gyun's shoulders she had an intimidating aura.

Gyun smiled "ok got it, I'm going to put my coat away, but thank you" as he turned to head to the locker room. -She seems to be quite good, she was well built too probably a striker based off her hands-. Gyun stuffed his coat in the locker ignoring the over men, he walked out -I guess I'll be fine with this for now, but next time I should bring something more comfortable to train in-.

Gyun thought as he looked at his regular t-shirt and sweatpants, he headed over to the exercise area, he looked at the other equipment, he was tempted to go straight to the bag to test the power of this body that had supposedly been purified and morphed into the ideal body for martial arts, and increased his muscle mass drastically. But he decided against it since if he wanted to get the best results he would have to properly warm up. He wanted to test this bodies limits, and the easiest way to do that was good old fashioned cardio.

Gyun sighed as he got on a treadmill, -god I hate running so much-, he got on and turned the speed to 25 kmh. He ran for 25 minutes he found it too easy despite covering a few kilometers so he turned it up to a faster running speed outside his comfort zone his surprise that speed was almost 45 kmh he was running at 44.7 kmh and was keeping pace with the treadmill. He ran like that for 40 minutes before he was forced to stop after he felt the exhaustion in his body.