Basic training (for a superhuman!)

Gyun sat on the floor gasping for breath, sweating "damn I overdid it, but I wasn't even sprinting and I'm that fast, counting the running I did before I could probably hold 30 kmh for longer, based off comfortable I was at 35 I think my sprinting speed is probably around 50 maybe 55 kmh." He held his sides, he had a bit of a side stitch but mostly it was just his lungs that had gassed out and his legs felt fine.

He looked around for the water fountain he'd spotted earlier, "water, water, I'm so damn thirsty."

He spotted it and slowly walked over there gulping the water, he drank until he was satisfied. He regained his composure as his breathing calmed, and the pain in his side subsided. "Ok now let's do the strength test, I still remember how to lift, and based of the speed this body has we can probably start at 100kg."

Gyun head to the bench press, there was already an empty bench with a bar there. Gyun's expression soured at the sight of it, "though it could be less sweaty." But Gyun was humbled when he noticed that his body was basically soaked with sweat, -well might as well-. He grabbed the necessary plates, he noticed how light the 25 kg plates were when he picked it up. "Huh" they felt like when he picked up a bag of groceries, not light, but not at all heavy.

He slid all the plates on their and laid on the bench, -ok lets start out with 5 reps", he hesitantly lifted the bar off the wrack and was immediately surprised as he completed a rep with no issue despite the fact he was lifting 100kg worth of plates plus the 20 kg bar. It felt comparable to lifting an adult lifting a 2 year old. He easily finished his 5 reps but continued for 20 more.

He sat up, "this.....this is too light isn't it ? Maybe I should go heavier?"

But it didn't matter 150 kg, 175, 200, 300 kg, even 400 kg he did 5 reps, each rep clean and smooth to the awe of many of the gym goers.

He felt his limits as he finished his last rep of 425 kg, he sat up breathing heavily "any more would be dangerous" -especially since if I can't lift it I doubt anybody else can-.

"Since I've got an idea of my strength we can skip other exercises, and head straight to the punching bag, especially since I'm all warmed up now, but first the most important thing".

Gyun sat in front of the bag but he wasn't hitting it no, he was stretching, unsurprisingly his body was extremely flexible. Unlike before when Gyun trained his flexibility for martial arts in murim extensively, he could feel the difference as his body was now much more flexible naturally and everything felt much smoother.

After a few minutes Gyun stood up satisfied with how flexible his body was, "ok lets test my power."

Gyun took up a basic boxing stance -this should look a bit more inconspicuous right? I don't want to be using some unseen martial art in such a public space, and from what I saw on tv it goes something like this-. Gyun leaned forward, starting with his legs he rotated his hips and shoulders and extended a jab, then straight. The standard 1-2 he learned from watching a tutorial on youtube. Despite being rough, with Gyuns knowledge it was roughly imitated but far from perfect but *Wham! *Wham! the 45 kg bag swung several few inches despite Gyun only hitting with around 80 percent power. -Uh isn't this a bit much for a few punches.... maybe I'll keep it at around 60 percent for now - Gyun thought.

Solhee watched the handsome guy, from the reception desk, "damn he hits hard, the coaches are going to have a feeding frenzy over a guy like him. Gyuns white shirt was sticking to his skin from sweat and highlighted his shredded physique. - Holy, look at that body, he's got an 8 pack combined with a face like that ! He was asking for classes earlier maybe I should become an instructor, I should ask dad about since I'm already good enough-. She thought "maybe I could even offer private lessons" she mumbled under her breath as she stared at Gyun, caught up in her own fantasies. She didn't even notice the voice until they shook her by shoulder, "ah w-what!" she shouted in surprise. She turned to see her father in his signature blue tracksuit "hey Solhee, who is that guy that you've been staring at?" Solhee's face flushed at the remark, "I wasn't staring! but what does it matter it to you?"

Her father sighed "Solhee I'm just interested if he's a member or not, since he's got unbelievable power and speed and he looks so young too." Solhee pouted but pulled the membership registration form, from the cabinet "here you go".

The old man examined it and was immediately surprised "damn he's 17 with a physique and power like that! He's got the hardware for sure but...." He looked over at Gyun, -he's got a basic boxing stance and all the basic punches and is throwing them pretty well, but I'm not seeing any footwork or any other more advanced moves- he thought.

But Gyun at that moment switched to what looked like a modified taekwondo stance, as he began throwing multiple kicks mixing in some punches. The mans jaw nearly fell off,- t-tt-this is way more refined then before it looks like a form of taekwondo but different, it seems more old, this guy's the real deal, he's got the physique, talent ,combined with looks, he's perfect star fighter material-.

"Hey dad can I become in instructor", the mans excitement was cut off as Solhee interrupted his train of thought. "Huh?Why now?" He turned to look at Solhee, she looked away "well... I'm more then qualified you know especially since I won the regional competition recently, I feel like teaching could help me advance more and.... well you know, instructor's get paid much better then a receptionist" she said while blushing heavily.

Her father narrowed his eyes for a moment "sure I guess, you've already got your license anyway, but does it have anything to do with that kid, he's 4 year's younger than you, you know."

Solhee didn't answer as she buried her head in her arms out of embarrassment, the old man sighed "well it doesn't matter to me, call me from the office everytime this kid shows up, I want to measure his potential."



Gyun felt some staring but ignored it

-Maybe switching to the Peng family's martial art was a bit much, but's the only martial art I know that looks passable as a modern martial art, its too bad I really only learned it to the 4th level-

Gyun kept at it experimenting and testing his speed and flexibility, while still keeping his power in check at around 60 percent. Despite this he could sense about where his true strength in speed were.

Not just this he could feel that everything in his body had become tougher his wrists and fists were able to deliver heavy shots without any repercussions.

Gyun continued with the bag for 10 more minutes before deciding to call it a day, "dang this body's upgrade is insane, I can beat world records with ease with this type of strength".

Gyun head to the locker room to pick up his jacket -Oh yeah I almost forgot what class should I take? well maybe the MMA class would be best since it encompasses a variety, no what about I exclusively focus on some grappling since thats the biggest gap in my martial arts, or maybe I sh-

His thoughts were interrupted as he ran into the receptionist girl on his way out of the locker room after grabbing his jacket. She smiled awkwardly as she apologized "oh I'm so sorry that was my fault".