VIP Job (part 6)

The transfer got taken away to the principal once the teachers arrived, and the unconscious duo were taken to the infirmary. Gyun had gone back to eating as he heard some gossip from around the cafeteria.

"The transfers freaking strong he knocked both of them out with one hit"

"Who is he?"

"I heard he's from Busan and that his parents are big time lawyers"

"Was that Muay Thai though?"

"It definitely was but he never really used it"

"Won't Go Ryeong get involved now that the transfer knocked out some of his people"

"Oh your right Go Ryeong's definitely going to deal with him once schools out just like he did with that first year last semester."

"This means we can watch a fight after school"

Gyun who'd had his eyes closed as he listened, opened an eye in surprise. -So there was someone else who caused trouble I'll have to make a note to look into them later. But more interesting then that, this Go Ryeong he moves fast eh?Well that just gives me the perfect opportunity to introduce myself. If it's like this I can subdue the school and gain a strong recruit with one move, after school? I guess I can wait until then.-


End of the school day

The bell had just rung but many people weren't going to their lockers they were heading outside where the transfer was sitting on a bench waiting. Gyun followed them outside after grabbing his backpack, Gyun walked out and sat on the grass to observe, and saw circle of people crowded around the bench watching the transfer waiting for Go Ryeong to show up.

It was about after 2 minutes of waiting that a group of 5 showed up with the one in the front a small guy with purple died hair in a mullet style he was wearing a sweatshirt with a Gold Star MMA logo on it. Gyun chuckled "what a coincidence, so he must be Go Ryeong, argh I really need to go back but there's just so much to do in so little time."

They approached the transfer who Gyun had overheard who's name was Minjae Ryu, Gyun couldn't hear there conversation from where they were but it was fairly obvious as to what they talked about as a minute later. As Minjae stood up and followed Go and his posse, Gyun got up and many people followed them.

They walked for a short while on the sidewalk until they turned to a somewhat large alleyway behind between a store. There was a delay as Go Ryeong talked to someone who was filming with his phone, meanwhile the 30 or so people who'd followed Minjae and Go had formed circle, Gyun sat on the roof of a parked van nearby.

Gyun asked someone who was sitting next to him, "hey why's Go Ryeong recording this?"

"Oh you don't know, Go Ryeong has a Soul TV channel with 200,000 subscribers where he streams and records fights. It's called 'Chokehold' and he gets around a million views every video so he records most fights."

-How interesting- Gyun didn't have time to think more on it as the fight finally started, Gyun had a clear vantage point so he could see most of the fight.

Minjae was in his Muay Thai stance while Go took up a strange stance that Gyun didn't recognize. -I might be MMA since it looks like a very versatile stance-

They circled for a moment, Minjae landed a pair of quick leg kicks to Go's lead leg then backed off. Go Ryeong showed no visible damage though Gyun couldn't tell since he was wearing pants. Minjae through out a few jabs and leg kicks, but Go Ryeong either blocked or took it but didn't react otherwise. Minjae changed tactics seeing that Go Ryeong was going to turtle up he charged forward throwing a flurry of head kicks, Go put his guard up to block but the kick curved to hit his body.


The kick was caught, Go smirked as he pushed Minjae who tried to keep his balance on one leg, Go put his lead leg behind Minjaes one leg sweeping him to the floor but before Minjae could hit the floor Go grabbed the collar of Minjaes uniform as he went behind Minjae and flipped him over his back sending Minjaes head into the concrete even faster.

-Oh shit this Go Ryeong guy is pretty fucking fast to get under Minjae as he was falling and to throw him into the ground, I can see the reason why Birchell has been able to stay independent-

Minjae was able to recover as he started get back up but Go was back on him, as he tried to force a kimura while Minjae was turtling up. But Minjaes strength kept his arms, Go changed tactics and tried to get a hold of Minjaes neck, after some back in forth Minjae ended up flipping over on his back and Go landing punches.

Gyun had his hand under his chin, -this is disappointing I thought that Minjae guy was strong but if he's this weak to grappling I guess I'll need someone better to be my number 3-

But Minjae from a bottom position landed a clean hook on Go sending him reeling, getting off Minjae. Minjae hurriedly got up his nose was bleeding and his face was red and had multiple scratches on it from getting face planted into the concrete. "Hey fucker if it's like this Jiu jitsu uses collars right?!"

He took off his uniform jacket and shirt revealing a few scars across his body and a muscular upper body, there were gasps from many in the crowd as he tossed his clothes to the side. He resumed his Muay Thai stance, "come at me bitch! I've taken tougher in Busan!"

Go Ryeong wiped the blood from his lip with his sleeve, "I see more then working out you've experienced quite a few fights and real ones at that. But I've taken plenty of guys like you, so why don't you step forward and get your ass choked out." He took a deep stance that looked like wrestling.

Minjae charged forward with a front kick, as Minjae lunged for his legs but at the last moment Go avoided the kick and moved towards Minjae's back he took advantage that Minjae had yet to recover his balance from throwing the kick and lifted and tried to throw him in a suplex but Minjae realized and spun his torso and threw an elbow which connected causing Go to lose his hold and stumble back.

Minjae threw out a powerful straight trying to end the fight with the punch, but Go had leapt in the air and caught his arm in a flying armbar. Minjae was brought to his knees unable to get out of it as Go deepened his hold applying pressure on his elbow causing Minjae to scream as he furiously threw desperate punches at Go's legs.

Gyun seeing no way for Minjae to escape based off his inexperience in grappling decided this was the moment for him to step in.