A VIP Job (part 7)

Minjae had made a serious miscalculation, he'd figured the guy was a grappler from the moment he found out a small guy like this was the head of the school. But he got arrogant thinking that his experience in running Yeonje back in Busan, and him beating many grapplers would apply. This guy was on another level then all those other guys he'd met, his speed and patience in waiting for an opportunity Minjae admitted he'd thoroughly been beaten but he refused to tap.

Go Ryeong was a bit confused as he'd held the armbar for more then 15 seconds and Minjae had yet to tap. "Hey bitch are you gonna tap or am I going to break your arm!"

"Break it you fucking asshole!" Minjae tried to move towards the nearby alley wall and slam Go Ryeong against it in a desperate attempt to get him to let go.

"Have it your way asshole!" Go Ryeong grit his teeth as he pulled Minjaes arm back even farther.

Minjae screamed, Go Ryeon felt his arm was near the breaking point from experience .

"Have fun in the hospital for the next few days you prick", He was about to completely break it but he was kicked in the face.

Go Ryeong flew he momentarily blacked out, losing his grip and letting go of Minjae's arm as he crashed against the wall. Go couldn't process what had just happened -what was that? Was that a truck? Is my nose broken? Did I black out?Why can't I move my arms?- Go Ryeong had many questions and no answers as he laid on the ground.

Meanwhile Minjae who was moments from having his arm broken and closed his eyes out of pain no longer could feel the pressure or the weight of Go Ryeong on his arm. He opened his eyes as he cradled his arm, he looked to see to see one of the most handsome guys he'd ever seen who was looking at a semi conscious Go Ryeon, if Minjae was being honest with himself while he was handsome, this guy was....perfect.

"Who are you?" Minjae who was in daze from pain and surprise made eye contact with this new guy as he turned towards Minjae. "Avert your eyes" Minjae had just enough time to register what he heard before his head was grabbed and a knee smashed into his face. Minjae's legs lost strength as he felt his consciousness flutter, he felt himself get thrown by the head towards the wall where he saw Go Ryeong at, but he had neither the strength or time to resist.

Go Ryeong recovered enough to open his eyes and stand back up, he looked to his left and saw that Minjae was also struggling to get back up with trembling legs. He looked forward where he'd been kicked from, there the most handsome guy he'd ever seen stood. Behind him his subordinates were running out, he heard there voices but they sound muted but he still registered it.

"Go are you ok?!"

"We got this guy!"

"Keep filming Min-ho! We can take this guy!"

Go Ryeong watched as the handsome guy turned and kicked with a front kick the first guy who went for a tackle knocking him out. Taking two steps back and throwing 4 kicks in rapid fire alternating between left and right confusing and eventually landing a clean hit on the jaw of two more sending them too the ground.

The last one grabbed the handsome guys leg trying to to get him off balance and take him to the ground,but the handsome guy just jumped up twisted so his back faced his opponent and launched a back kick to the face, the kick landed cleanly. And he landed softly on the ground turning to face Go Ryeong and Minjae, as the other collapsed with his eyes rolling back.

Nobody could believe that 4 of Go Ryeong's subordinates were dealt with in just a few seconds. And that last move they were sure that this handsome guy was in trouble but he cleanly twisted out of it and cleanly knocked out his opponent.

Go Ryeong spoke first as Minjae tried to calm his breathing. "Who are you?" with a slightly shaking voice.

The handsome guy who had cloudy grey eyes that didn't seem to have any care in the world, showed a hint of amusement as if the fear Go's voice was amusing to him.

"Me, I'm Gyun and you" he raised a hand and pointed at Go "are no longer the school head"

"What do you mean? Why did you attack us in the middle of our fight, nobody's going to respect you as head of you win by surprise attack." Go protested

The guy called Gyun laughed at Go's protest, "Nobody?"

Go felt chills run down his spine, -what is this guy's game plan? Does he want to fight? I can't handle this guy alone-

He looked over at Minjae who had recovered mostly though he was bleeding from the nose and he looked a bit unsteady.

Gyun spoke "well since you put it that way, nobody will protest the results if you both come at me. I'm sure that's what you were thinking of doing anyway….so I'm telling you I'm ok with it since it won't make much difference."

Minjae spoke quietly to Go, "hey I think you realize it too, with our current condition and that guys strength neither of us can take him alone, we need to work together, how about I go high you go low."

"Fuck! You're right, we need to flank him" "got it" It hurt Go's pride to two on one somebody but he couldn't lose the head position not in front of so many people and especially not when he's already streaming.

They started to circle around to Gyun's sides, Gyun made no effort to stop them as they stopped, with one on each side of him.

Gyun spoke "we-"

Gyun was cut off as they both charged forward, Minjae jumped forward with all his force with a side kick fully committing with all the strength he could muster, while Go lunged forward for a takedown.

Gyun turned so his back faced Go and jumped slightly just enough so Go's grip on his legs wasn't solid. Gyun leaned back as he delivered he got a leg free from Go's grip and delivered an upwards kick to Minjaes jaw using the momentum of Minjae fully sprinting and jumping into the kick it sent his consciousness to a land far far away.

Gyun continued to move with the momentum and used his superhuman strength to just rip through Go's grip on his legs as he rolled off Gos's back landing on his legs.

Go slower and turned around terrified, -what the hell was that?Is that even possible he just tore out of my grip, the grip I've trained since I was 6, with raw strength alone?! What the hell is this monster.

He could barely finish his thought as he registered that Gyun had gotten much closer and had put his leg back down as if he'd kicked something before he lost consciousness.