19 - Completed Plan

Shoichi opened the Divine Store and saw the only item available for purchase.

[Light Ring.

Stock: 1

Price: $50,000]

What surprised Shoichi even more was that the Light Ring's price was much lower than he imagined!

For something as magical as the Light Ring, Shoichi already imagined that he would have to spend at least 1 million ryou, the equivalent of a reward from an S-level quest among ninjas.

The price of 50,000 ryou is far less than he had imagined, being just the average reward of a C-tier quest, something that a few families with some savings could scrape together on their own.

But soon Shoichi understood the problem, there was only 1 Light Ring in stock, that is, even if he has money, he cannot buy a ring for each Anbu ninja as he intended when he found out that it was possible to buy this ring.

Despite being a little disappointed, Shoichi was quick to buy this ring, he soon placed 50,000 ryou on top of the table where the scrolls were previously, and just like the other time, the sunlight that covered the items became more intense and made let everything disappear for a second.

Soon another glow appeared, a beautiful and delicate ring like the one he had on his finger appeared in the same spot, and the stock of Light Ring in the Divine Store changed from 1 to 0.

Shoichi quickly took the ring and experimented, all functions were working just like Momo's ring, leaving him quite satisfied.

Looking at the Divine Store again, Shoichi saw that the green button he had clicked to buy the Light Ring turned grey, and next to it was a message.

[The new shipment will arrive in: 6 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes.]

That message made Shoichi's eyes light up! Even though he only bought one Light Ring, he understood that he would only need to wait a week before he could buy another one!

Even if slowly, if he managed to buy one ring a week he would be able to gather 4 Light Rings in a month, which would help Uzushiogakure a lot in strategic terms for the invasion that would happen in a few months.

'I need to get that ring too!' Shoichi thought excitedly before asking the Anbu ninja to call Reiko.

After handing her the ring and sending compensation to little Momo, Shoichi only wore the ring for a few minutes before the battery died.

Soon he got excited thinking about exploring the Light Web tomorrow and finding as much knowledge as possible to help Uzumaki deal with the catastrophe that was to come.

Apollo had a huge smile on his face as he floated above Shoichi's house.

He had calculated the amount of Divine Power he would receive from Shoichi and found it to be 3 Points!

Added to Satoru's 1 Point and Momo's 0.5 and Mika's 0.5, Apollo was already receiving 5 Divine Power Points for every prayer they made!

If Shoichi also prays 10 times a day like the others, Apollo would have 50 Divine Power Points daily!

'With the 52 points I already had, in addition to the 3 Points I received from Shoichi in this prayer, in 7 days I will have 400 Divine Power Points, which will be enough for me to put 4 more Light Rings on sale at the Divine Store!' Apollo thought excitedly!

The more Light Rings, the more Divine Power he would receive, and with the more Divine Power, the more rings he could make, thus creating an infinitely profitable cycle for him!

The Light Temple he added to the Light Web just now was something he hadn't thought of before.

When he saw how difficult it was for Shoichi to get information about him and prayer, Apollo understood that this was very wrong.

Mortals were using the internet he made, but had such a hard time thanking him? It was as if a person ate in a restaurant and found the food delicious, so delicious that he asked to thank the chef personally, but the waiter said that the customer should find his way to the chef himself, which customer would bother to look for the chef alone?

The number 1 rule of the internet is to make life easier for the user, and this way it became much easier for mortals to know about it.

He even created some poems and adapted some prayers to tell some stories he made up "about him" so that even those who didn't use the Light Web could provide Divine Power to him in the future.

And at Divine Store.

Apollo was initially still unsure about how he would make it easier for mortals to get Light Rings, he knew he had to somehow keep the mystery and divinity about it, so he thought of the Divine Store.

He put the price of the Light Ring at the level of a C-Rank quest, which was considered expensive for an ordinary family, but not impossible to buy, just like the iPhone in his previous life.

Even though it was a very expensive cell phone, Apollo had some friends who bought the cell phone even though they only had to eat fast food for a long time while paying the cell phone installments.

In this way, the Light Ring seemed cheap to the rich, but with a price that even the poor could buy one in the family and then share.

Of course, Apollo didn't need this mortal money, he just put a monetary price so people wouldn't think it was a donation, since someone will give much more value to something so expensive, than if it was free.

Not counting the choice of Inventory and time to replenish the inventory.

That way mortals will always be able to see when he will have new Light Rings, thus being able to increase anticipation, in addition to leaving control in his hand of how many Light Rings will be sold.

Apollo even failed to add a button for people to buy more than one Light Ring at the same time and set a time of 3 seconds for someone to buy a Light Ring, so in 30 seconds a person could only buy 10 Light Rings, thus avoiding that a very rich person would buy all the Light Rings as soon as Apollo released the stock.

"My initial plan is finally complete, now I just need to help Uzumaki deal with this tragedy!" Apollo said excitedly as he thought about the future.


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