20 - Bread and Circus

Reiko was pretty lost. She thought that the Patriarch would find something evil in that ring, but apparently it was something very good!

When she went to get the ring she also noticed that the patriarch had a ring on his finger just like Momo's, probably he got it after the sacrifice.

Thinking that even the Patriarch considered this ring to be a treasure, Reiko was much more careful as she held it until it was time to hand it over to Momo.

The little girl was very happy when she got her ring back, but since it was night and the ring was out of battery, she couldn't do anything with it but put it on her finger and smile.

What made her happier is that now she and Mika would no longer have to hide that they wore the ring, and could freely use it around their parents.

The most surprising thing was that the next day the two families met again and asked Momo to show and explain the Light Web to them, this time without any hostility, just curiosity.

Momo and Mika explained everything they knew about the Light Web, and found out from their parents about the Temple of Light and the Divine Store.

When the girls' parents saw that it was possible to buy a Light Ring 6 days from now for such a low price, they even considered buying them a ring too, as they saw how useful it could be, after they lost their prejudice. previous.

The most fascinating was the Temple of Light, where there were several stories and explanations about the God of Light.

When the girls' parents read a poem that told the story of how the God of Light defeated a giant divine serpent called the Python with just a single arrow, because that serpent once tried to kill his mother.

The whole poem is full of twists, but always showing the goodness and justice of the God of Light. Until the moment he took the serpent priesthood for himself and used that priesthood to help people.

This poem took more than 10 minutes to read, but everyone who heard this story felt that it was extremely short and started reading again.

Although there is no record of the name of the God of Light, their respect for this mysterious God grew even greater.

A few hours later Kyou had even memorized this poem and was planning to tell his friends about this fascinating story.

For Apollo that day was extremely profitable, as the 4 ninjas from the little girls' families had prayed to use the Light Web for 3 hours, with their strength of 2 Chunin and 2 Jonin, yielding 21 Divine Power!

(Author Note: How much each strength level yields for Apollo:

Pessoa Comum: 0,5 Divine Power, Genin: 1 Divine Power, Chunin: 1,5 Divine Power, Jonin: 2 Divine Power, Kage: 3 Divine Power.)

Adding the 50 that Apollo received from Momo, Mika, Satoru and Shoichi, the total comes to 71 Divine Power in a single day, bringing Apollo's point total to 123 Divine Power!

While Momo and Mika's family were having fun, Satoru in Yugakure was shocked.

He just saw today that Light Web received an update yesterday and when he saw that in 6 days he would have the chance to buy a Light Ring he got super excited as he thought about his mom.

Thinking of his mother who is just an ordinary person, if she started using the Light Web, at least he could quickly know if she was in danger, so he could help as soon as possible!

But first Satoru decided to test if his mother could use the Light Ring being an ordinary person, but to his surprise, she did!

It was difficult to explain to her about the Light Ring, but when she learned that this ring could help Satoru become stronger, when she thought that his extra strength would make him more secure, she quickly accepted it.

When she heard that Satoru wanted to buy her such a ring, she was even happier.

Even though she didn't see much use in getting stronger, since she thought only ninjas could get stronger with this ring, she thought of so many fun things she saw in Light's Library and felt that it would be really nice to have such a ring.

Not to mention this ring is so pretty that her friends will definitely be jealous of her when they see her wearing it.

Satoru saw his mother happy and was even more determined to buy her a ring. Unfortunately, he didn't know how many rings would be available in 6 days, and considering that this was the idea of ​​a Light Ring user, he realized that maybe there are more people with that Light Ring around the world, and that these people could also be his competitors to get it. a ring in 6 days.

'Even if there are hundreds of people for each ring, I'll get one for my mother.' Satoru thought hard as he looked at her smile.

Ever since his father's death, Satoru had always felt that his mother was getting sadder and sadder.

This world's entertainment is far behind, and since she hadn't had something fun to occupy her mind since becoming a widow, depression was hitting her, but seeing so many fun things today, which were several times more fun than anything she had ever seen before. seen before, made her ignore the sadness and laugh without even realizing it.

This was also noticed by Apollo.

'In a world with so much war, the great villages that only care about bread and ignore the circus, don't understand the concept that the Romans mastered so well. Feed the population and give them enough entertainment, then everyone will be happy and live in peace, while dedicating themselves more and more to the government.' Apollo thought. 'Here they just feed the people of the village, but they treat them as if their lives are just a throwaway number, with no concern for the welfare of the common people.'

'Just as Momo and Mika were fascinated by otherworldly stories, I believe that a true cultural invasion would be very effective in these people's boring lives…' Apollo thought as a wicked smile appeared on his face.


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