21 - Light Web New Feature

During the six days until the new shipment of Light Rings became available, Apollo developed 4 new rings using 400 Divine Power Points.

If other Gods at the University knew that Apollo had spent 400 points of God Power in such a short time, they would go crazy.

For them, getting 10 Points in a month is already a reason to brag to their friends and absorb that power slowly.

While Apollo received 400 Points in a week and spent without absorbing anything!

The total God Power Apollo had this week was 480 Points, but discarding the 400 points he used to make the rings, only 80 God Power Points were left.

If it were a few days ago, Apollo would probably save those points to make more rings, as that would be very useful for him, but this was different.

After what he saw in Satoru's mother, Apollo realized that investing in the Light Web's content can have an even better effect on raising God Power than a single ring more.

Then Apollo used another 60 Divine Power Points and started to upgrade the Light Web.

First it was the Light Forum. Previously there were only two rings and something was not needed to identify each user, but as the number of users increased to 7 from the following week, Apollo knew he would need a way of identification, so he created a system of Nicknames.

Just like his previous world, there could only be one person with a certain nickname and the person could only change that nickname after 15 days to another nickname that nobody was using, so it would be much more organized.

In addition to nicknames, Apollo also added other tabs.

With more people joining the Light Web, their tastes would be different, so Apollo created tabs related to some subjects like ninjutsu, chakra, food, funny, and a few others.

As a Reddit user, Apollo had some ideas in mind to implement even more in the future, but for now the Light Forum was too young for that.

Even though there were only 7 people and those people weren't enough to make all these tabs busy, it was just a matter of time for more and more people to join and populate this forum.

Fortunately, while Apollo was developing the Light Rings, he was perfecting this process more and more, to the point of greatly improving the speed with which he did it.

Now Apollo only needs 1 hour to make each ring, and he still felt like he could improve that time a hell of a lot.

While Apollo's changes to the Light Forum were quite pleasing to users, it only consumed 3 points of God Power.

The other 57 points were spent on upgrading Light's Library, or rather a function that Apollo added to the Light Web that greatly benefited Light's Library.

Opening the developer version of the application, Apollo looked at the bookshelf and was quite satisfied.

Before, Light's Library only showed the titles of the books in a list and the user had to read them one by one until he found one that interested him.

Now it was different, Apollo spent the 57 points of God Power to enable the Light Web to show images!

These images were still very simple and very low resolution, but being able to see images on the cover of books was so much nicer than just words in a list!

Apollo used his memory to use the original covers of these books, while the ones that didn't have picture covers, or that he didn't remember, Apollo just read the contents and created a proper cover.

Despite spending 57 Divine Power Points to enable Light Web to receive images, to be able to create an image was now very cheap, just a small fraction of Divine Power.

It's as if Apollo had spent 57 God Power Points to buy a car and now he just needs to put gas in it to get that car going.

Although "gasoline" is still an expense, it is very small compared to the full price of the car he bought.

With the addition of images in the Light Web, Apollo took the opportunity to redesign the other apps as well, adding small icons in important places and making logos to make the apps more recognizable.

Even the Divine Store would have a picture of a Light Ring in the sales advertisement, while the Temple of Light had some pictures that represented certain things in the stories and poems.

Of course, the only thing that didn't have an image was the God of Light, as Apollo knew very well that the mystery was much more interesting, so he would keep as much personal information as possible hidden from him.

This update was not yet available for Light Web users, he intended to make it available after the Light Rings were sold, so new users would have the best possible experience, and could enjoy the surprise together with the person who bought it for him.

This way that Light Rings can only be obtained by someone who already has a Light Ring was something Apollo learned from banks and secret societies in his previous life.

If you can enter something whenever you want, you will not appreciate it, but if you can only enter if someone inside invites you, it will make you very anxious if it happens.

For now the Light Ring was unknown, but once the ninja world knows it exists, who wouldn't want a ring?

That way people who have Light Rings will feel that it is an honor to have that ring on their finger, while those who don't will do everything to please whoever has it and also get one.

With this happiness of having a ring, the most obvious thing to happen is, of course, praying a lot to be able to use the Light Web as much as possible, thus increasing the Divine Power that Apollo would receive!

[The new shipment will arrive in: 29 minutes.]

Seeing that it was less than half an hour before the scheduled time, Apollo looked at the Light Web data and realized that currently the 3 users were already connected to the Divine Store page, just waiting for the right moment to buy.

Beside the 3 users there were some people, and from what Apollo knew of them, these people were possible candidates to have the Light Rings that these people could get.

Momo had her parents and Mika's family also looking at her Light Ring screen, while Shoichi had a group of village council elders and a young man with a heroic expression looking at his Light Ring screen.

Only Satoru had only one person beside him, his mother, who was excited to have a ring like that too.


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