

Before knocking on the door, I paused. Nobody knew if he was even in there, so why did Kate insist on doing it so soon? It could've just waited until this class began. Despite my ruminating thoughts, I got the bravery to knock on the door. This bravery did not come easily. He most likely despises me.

"Come in," he stated emphatically. I hear shifted papers, so I assume he's marking or arranging his desk.

Was he rough with everything he did?

We walked into the room, and I gulped. His office was stylish and up-to-date. Everything was neatly organized...ah, he's neat freak. My gaze drifted aimlessly throughout the office. He had paintings, a mini fridge, a small bed and a closet, as well as two well-organized bookcases. I was so preoccupied with my curiosity that I didn't notice Kate handing in her assignment and leaving me. There was just me and him....

"Umm Good morning, sir, and here's the assignment."

With a chuckle, he replied, "Hm, thanks, and I'll see you in class today, Ms. D'Amelio."

Was it just me, or was that an incredibly attractive smirk?

"You can leave now," He spat out. Asshole.

I'm off to a great start with day.


My literature class was enjoyable. Mrs. Shepherd was the best and most calm Professor I've ever met. When she read the novels, she articulated everything and gave them life and emotion. I looked forward to having her teach me again for the second year.

"Yes, that's why Shelly was the most mature, Dixie, I can already see you're a great student," she congratulated and smiled at me. Wow, that sentence made me smile.

I smiled and thanked her for her kind words; she had definitely brightened my day. The session is over, and it's time for my lunch, which is my favorite class. I'm starving plus I didn't get my breakfast sandwich today.

Kate, Larray, and I weren't very close, but they were my only friends in psych classes and in college overall. I couldn't do any better, so I couldn't complain. We didn't know much about each other, primarily because I am a pretty private person, but we did know our names, addresses, and phone numbers.

We walked to the café after I met them in the hall. My thoughts were elsewhere, but they seemed giddy and excited about tonight. My plans were either fall at asleep at my house or my parents house.

"Hoes, it's Friday night! Let's have some fun and drink alcohol," Kate exclaimed ecstatically. That's not my style.

"Bitch, I have a boyfriend, so I'm not as dusty as you, but let's do it! Dix, are you up for it?"

Was I really up for it? Or would I just do it because they'd pressure me until I did it anyways.

I could just tell my mother that I had arrangements with friends and would come over the next day. Let's see what we can do with that.

"Uh, sure let's go." My nervousness spoke for me but they didn't pick it up, thankfully.

I've been to my fair number of parties with hookups, however I've always had to finish myself. These boys were simply uninteresting. Perhaps tonight will be a little different.

We spent the entirety of our break talking about the plans for the evening and making fun of Larray; we even set up a group chat for fun. Or, they did. I'm shit at texting everyone.

The bell rang, indicating that it was time for Dr. Beck's class. What if he had already graded the assignments? I can't be embarrassed today. We strolled into class and sat in the front row. He entered looking very upset with the world. I wonder who pissed in his coffee today.


"I graded your papers; I was impressed by some, intrigued by others, and hated reading others; it's also wonderful to see that the majority of you didn't switch classes."

I wasn't sure which category I fit into, but I hoped he was impressed. He began strolling around the room, handing out the graded papers. I noticed a wide spectrum of emotions, from joy to despair to confusion to nonchalance. Now I'm worried; I know that's just a classwork grade, but I'm sure he'll include it on the report cards. He arrived at my desk after what seemed like an eternity and handed me the paper .

C+. Whoa, whoa,what the fuck? A C? I was enraged. He must have messed up my grade.

"He gave me an A, dude."

What the hell? How the fuck did I get a C? Kate didn't even complete the work and she got an A.

You've got to be joking, right?

"He gave me a C+; I'll speak with him after class."

I'm angered at this, so angered. How the fuck did I get a C+? Kate and Larray looked really shocked when I said that, but I wasn't in the mood to give a fuck about their thoughts. The class moved along painfully slow. I could feel his eyes scanning me, he probably heard what I said or sensed my anger. I didn't deserve this grade, especially it being my first grade.

The lesson came to an end, and everyone took their own sweet time to leave. Waiting for the room to be vacated, I sat in my chair, not moving a muscle. Whether he likes it or not, he'll have to explain why I got this grade.

"Ms. D'Amelio, may I he-." I interrupted his statement. I didn't give a damn if he was my teacher; I was furious.

"How come I got a C+?" He gave me a puzzled expression.

"Ms. D'Amelio," he said in a warning tone.

"I asked why I got a C+? Was my paper so bad?"

He looked angered and took a few steps towards me backing me into the corner of the wall. My breathing hitched. What the hell was happening and why am I enjoying it?

"You don't address me without saying sir, and you don't come in here and try to be dominant. You got a C+ because your writing is faulty not because you had lack of information." I gulped. Hard.

"You want to higher your grade? Meet me at my office by 8 p.m. tonight, and don't be late."

"Sir, I had plans for 8 o'clock." I doubt he cares but it would look bad if I ditched them on our first outing.

He said roughly, "I'm not the one who wants a grade change."

3rd Person

Dixie seemed a little flustered as she walked out of the classroom. She relished that moment or whatever it was, but she was afraid, and she craved that terror. Noah, on the other hand, enjoys it. Knowing how afraid she was of him and how intimidated she made him fueled his ego. She'll quickly understood that he's the true dominant she craves.

Dixie desired to be penetrated, harmed, and exploited. She wanted to be impaled and battered to the point where she screamed and her mascara ran down her cheeks. She wants it, but was she capable of handling it?

The remainder of the day whizzed past. Noah stayed at school completing paperwork as Dixie and her friends went home. He wasn't only a teacher; he was also a businessman and a speaker. He had a lot of money and hailed from a wealthy family, but that didn't stop him from building his own brand and network. He was in charge and powerful in every element of his life. He was uninterested in romance. He'd fuck and get out of there. His family life was safe, and his parents loved him unconditionally, but he considered of himself as mentally twisted because of the methods he found pleasure.

When Dixie arrived got, she FaceTimed her sister. A part of her wanted to tell Charli about the experience, but the other wanted to keep the information to herself. She didn't want to call or label anything because it meant so much to her, but she assumed it meant nothing or was a mistake to him. The conversation lasted a long time. They discussed school and how things are different now that Dixie is gone. Charli spoke about her crush, Chase. And Dixie was enthralled by the situation.

Her plan was to first see Dr. Beck and then hang out with her friends. She figured it would only take thirty minutes, and she'd be able to enjoy the rest of her evening.

"I can't go wrong with a LBD, right?" She thought to herself.

Dixie put on a black bodycon dress and high heels, applied cosmetics and curled her short black hair. She had never paid attention to her beauty before, but tonight, as she looked in the mirror, she realized how stunning she was. Time passed quickly. She had 15 minutes to go to her professor's office as it was already 7:45.

"How fun," she rolled her eyes and noted sarcastically.

She grabbed her pocketbook and keys, shut the door to her house, and left for the night ahead.

She didn't have to drive far to go to the office because she lived just a few minutes from the college.

Thankfully the road was clear.

7:55 approached, and Dixie panicked. She parked the car and practically ran to the office in her heels. When she looked at the clock again, it read 7:58 and she got to his office door. She noticed a dim light beaming through his window, indicating that he was in office.

knock knock knock

Wait, no response, what the fuck?

Knock, knock, knock

He finally came to his senses and answered the door. He was still dressed in the same clothes he was wearing earlier, so she knew he didn't go home. Dixie couldn't help but feel sorry for him because he had so much on his plate, but it wasn't her problem. She swiftly examined the entire workplace as she walked into the room. Papers and books were strewn around his desk, and a half-eaten sandwich sat atop his mini-fridge.

"Well if you're done staring at everything we can go over the paper." Fuck he notices everything I do...she quickly thought to herself.

"I'll change your grade, but tell me something first. What's so interesting about BDSM, dominance and sadomasochism?"

He asked her the one question she didn't want to be asked, and she said nothing. She rambled and rambled, unable to find the right words. The silence was getting to be too much to handle. No student wants to be put on the spot, especially when it comes to such a delicate subject.

"I asked a question, answer me now." The dominance and vigor in his voice aroused her.

"It's an interesting topic, the trust and bond is the most important aspect, not the sex. The sex is good but once there is good trust and bond and understanding it makes everything hmm better?"

He was shocked at her answer. She sounded experienced or at least knowledgeable.

"I'll give you a C." He smirked while saying it and handed the paper to her.

"Sir, what the fuck. That's a lower grade than a C+."

"Get over here now, and bend over my knee." Her eyes opened almost falling out of socket. "You heard me, and I don't like waiting."

This was a very bold move to make but he didn't care. Fuck the boundaries. Fuck the rules. Brats get punished.