
3rd Person

Her breathing became labored as her heart raced. She couldn't tell if this was a dream or if he was serious. Her mind was telling her not to, but her body insisted on feeling the pain. She approached him with a terrified expression on her face. Noah appreciated the opportunity. He had his student at his disposal at all times, and it wouldn't be long before he claimed her as his own. She's unique, but aren't all the other boys saying the same thing?

He yanked her over his legs in one rapid motion and carefully lowered her dress, revealing her lacy underwear. She felt dominated, and she deserved it; she desired it. They couldn't stop thinking about how stupid this was and how much trouble they could get themselves into, but the urge was too strong to resist.

He promised himself that he would just do this for one night, this night; but when you get a taste of the apple, you'll be returning for more every time.

Slowly, he ran his hands up and down her legs, caressing her area. She whimpered and twisted in his lap with every touch he made on her body. Fear, which was previously so prominent, has evolved into hunger and want. The sexual tension between them was palpable, but Noah had other ideas.

He spanked her without warning. At the unexpected impact, she shrieked and jumped. The sensation was initially hot, but as it cooled, her sex became increasingly drenched by the minute.

Why was she enjoying this? What kind of sick and twisted person would relish in these moments?

"Let's see how many slaps you should get? You were disrespectful at least five times today and you won't keep still...so let's round that off to about 10? 15?" He seductively said.

Dixie isn't a mathematician, but she knew something was wrong with those figures. Her nonchalance exuded; all she wanted was as much pain as she could her.

"Count and every time you miss a number, start from the top again," he ordered.

This was torturous, yet it was exactly what she desired. She yearned to be in this defenseless situation, and the fact that he was an older man only added to her desire.

Slap ..."One"

"One what?"

"One s-sir"

She writhed and screamed in agony. Each strike developed into a pleasurable experience. Her inner masochist was bursting forth, and it was all very well timed. He ran his hand up to her genitals, noticing how moist it was.

"So wet already?"

Fuck, all of her nerves shifted. She needed to have him inside of her. She yearned to touch him but she's a brat and brats don't get what they want.

"S-sir p-p-please," she said soon falling out of breath.

"Please what? Beg whore," he demanded.

Her desire for humiliation was becoming a reality. It was almost as if she was in a dream. The words would have revolted other girls, but she accepted them. She yearned for someone to humiliate and subjugate her.

"P-please can I c-c-um?" She was willing to get on her knees and please him at this point.

"No, don't."

Orgasm denial was more painful than any grief she had ever experienced. He not only put a bullet through her heart, but he also turned her on even more. The fact that he urged her not to release suggested they'd definitely see each other again in this moment or a moment similar.

He spat at her, "Get up, get dressed, and sit."

Dixie was irritated and sexually agitated. He pushed her to her breaking point by denying her the release she so desperately desired. She followed his instructions and they stared at each other in utter quiet, but the tension was still pervasive. How was she going to sit in front of the same man who had just punished her, every class? How was he going to keep himself from devouring her now that he'd crossed the line? And, more importantly, how was Dixie going to have her rightful release if this was only going to be for one night?

There are a lot of questions and no clear answers. In any case, none of them were that simple. Finally, he spoke up and said the unthinkable.

"Don't touch yourself, all your releases belong to me now. I'll know if you touch yourself. Leave."

Her thoughts were drawn to one thing... Did this imply that they'd have another sexual encounter?

Dixie went home after leaving the office, thoroughly embarrassed. She didn't even hang out with her friends, she couldn't. The only thing on her thoughts was the previous occurrence and how much she wanted to be free. She couldn't help but be grateful in certain ways. Those few minutes were far superior than any of the sloppy fucks she'd gotten before.

On the other hand, Noah should've shut it down. He shouldn't have crossed the line, but how could he exercise self-control in the presence of such a temptress? He's never been sexually drawn to a student because they flung themselves at him, and he despises desperate women but not her, she's a challenge. Relationships between students and teachers are unethical. Despite the fact that they are both adults, their futures may be jeopardized as a result of this. They weren't in love, but they both knew it wasn't the end.

Noah rubbed his temples as he sat back in his chair. He couldn't get her out of his head, and he couldn't believe the universe he'd just created. He isn't a romantic, yet there's no way he couldn't want more from this goddess.


"I wasn't feeling well," she told Kate over the phone. "I think I got sick or something."

Kate called, worried about her and inquiring about her absence from the club the night before. Kate had a passing interest to the professor, but she perceived it as a strange infatuation. She swiftly discarded the idea since she knew it would never happen and he would never love a student. Kate and Dixie talked on the phone for quite a while. Kate told her everything that had transpired at the club, and they discussed how second year was going as well as other personal problems. It's reasonable to say they were forming an unbreakable friendship.

Dixie spent the rest of her weekend doing laundry and visiting her parents.

Dixie and her family were exceedingly close as well as extremely affluent, but they maintained a humble demeanor. She spent the entire Saturday with them in an attempt to forget about the events of the night before, but the more she tried to forget, the more she remembered.

Her arms would wander around her sex and sensitive parts as she lay in bed, but she wouldn't dare to please herself. Dr. Beck is a man of his word, and when he says no, he means it. She was assuming her true role as a submissive without even recognizing it. A thrilling but perilous existence.

Noah worked all day on Saturday. His responsibilities included giving speeches to prominent benefactors, traveling, and even making international phone calls. Because the majority of his colleagues were European, he had to deal with time zones. He grew up as the oldest of three children, one boy and two girls. From a young age, he assumed command of everything. He was diligent and practically faultless, but his mental troubles and sinful pleasures would soon tarnish his reputation. You can't help but be drawn to this man.

Bryce Duke, the governor, was his closest friend. Noah and Bryce were raised together in Arizona and have been great friends for nearly 40 years. They have similar extracurricular interests, although they have never done sessions together. They put a lot of emphasis on sharing submissives, but not so much on trio activities.

The Saturday ended and both with the same thought in mind: each other.

It was a sleepy Sunday. Over and over, the same routine. Get up. Prepare for the day, dine, and work all on the same day, in a never-ending loop. Noah pined to see Dixie, but Dixie feared tomorrow. He knew he had to cease having interactions with her, but he was determined to get her. Another night ends with them thinking about each oth