
3rd Person

Knife play was lots of fun, but it was also lots of danger. To lead the play, a person needed a certain degree of competence as well as a certain amount of trust. Dixie was well aware that she would never allow anyone else to play her like this, but she had complete faith in Noah; faith she had in no one else.

He drew the knife across her thighs, gently leading her to react in a variety of ways, all of which led to her being pleased. She enjoyed both the sensation and the idea of being fucked with a blade near her side or at her throat. It was a crazy, perilous fantasy, but look at her now, she's living it out.

In anticipation, she whimpered. He was running the blade across her skin at his own leisure, without breaking eye contact with her. This was her normal life, yet nothing was simple, especially this "relationship."

"Why the fuck is this taking so long, Noah?," She groaned.

He placed the blade to her throat and penetrated her moist, painful area before she even realized it. She winced in agony but remained still. The blade may injure him or worse, her, if she made any sudden movements, and this would be one hell of a story to tell a doctor or, even worse, her parents.

"You're talking too much, whore, and it's sir to you." There was her well needed degradation. She pined for it.

He teased her by slowly going in and out of her body. She desired the freedom to wander around, but it was either her life as she knew it or being a good girl and having an orgasm. Let's just say she went with the latter option. He accelerated his pace and slammed into her, eliciting the biggest scream.

He orders, pushing the blade deeper into her neck, "Tell me what you want."

"M-more," she muttered flatly.


"Fuck, more sir p-p-please," she stuttered, running out of breath.

Dixie was trembling, and Noah kept giving her more, even though she didn't think he could be any rougher. He threw the knife to the ground and slammed his hand into her throat. She yelled and shouted so loudly that the entire country of Italy undoubtedly heard her, but that was the point.

"Don't cum," he shouted, intensifying his grip on her body.

Those two words were more heartbreaking than any other. Her stomach was form a pit, but she knew she had to wait for his command to be released before acting. He yanked away and began sucking on her nipples, giving her the opportunity to play with his hair. She had always wanted to touch it, but she was afraid. Touching hair, of all the things she was afraid of, shouldn't have been one of them, but the human mind is mysterious.

With one three-letter word whispered in her ears, he brought his hands down to the wet and needy place and stroked her clitoris hard and fast, letting any and all secretions to flow, and her eyes rolled over, giving her peace. It was nirvana for her when he let her cum. She came again and again, as if it were her birthday. Now that she had had her pleasure, it was time for him to have his. She stopped him and went to her knees as he was lifting her to wipe up the mess.

"You don't have to-"

She grinned as she said, "I had my pleasure, now it's your turn."

You'd assume she was obsessed on having oral sex. She wasn't a huge fan of receiving head, but she loved giving it. Dixie teased his tip, which elicited a small but meaningful response from him. He wanted to fuck her throat forcibly today, but she'd already had about 5 rounds the night before.

She lowered her head and pushed his cock into the back of her throat, making sure it fit perfectly. It did, indeed, fit. He moaned in delight every time he hit the back of her throat as she bobbed her head up and down. When she took it out, salvia trains streamed down her face and down his dick. He was on the verge of orgasming, and she couldn't decide whether she wanted it on her breasts or in her throat.

Before the sperm began to flow all over her, he warned, "I'm going to cum."

"Sir, you may cum wherever you want."With that stated, he pushed his way down her throat, and she swallowed everything. They kissed and Noah cleaned them up at the end of the session.

"If it wasn't so late, we'd surely have a third round."

She was certain he was a monster. He had the kind of stamina and sex drive that no human should have. Then it dawned on her that she had just been fucked with a knife at her throat. What a fortunate young lady she was. This was the ideal way for her to begin her day. Noah carried her to her bed, and she fell asleep almost immediately. It was almost 7 a.m., and he knew he needed to get some exercise and prepare for his day with Bryce.

He stepped into the shower. Showers were a happy place for Noah, as insignificant as that may appear. The sound, the atmosphere, and the overall scene were all serene. Noah was concerned about Dixie m meeting Halley. Halley was inquisitive and humorous, whereas Dixie wasn't a pushover. Noah didn't need Halley rubbing off on Dixie because she was a brat. She'd be doomed for the rest of her life if she did it. Parts of him imagined Dixie as a long-term presence in his life. He was well aware that they weren't just professor and student, but would that change once they returned from Italy? Or would their reappearance jeopardize what they had? It was all a jumble of thoughts and mental interjections, but love was claimed to conquer all in the end, and he prayed that was true.

He got out of the shower seeing a few missed calls and a text from Bryce.

Bryce Duke: dropping by in an hour or less, also bringing Halley.

An hour or less? Weren't they suppose to be having lunch?

Noah Beck: Dix is still asleep and I haven't worked out yet.

Bryce Duke : Halley doesn't bite and we'll go workout together you puss.

Noah sighed, but he wasn't expecting anything else. Bryce has a reputation for being like this. What he feared was a last-minute change of plans, which would jolt Dixie awake.

"You don't have to get up right now, Dix, but Halley and Bryce will be here sooner than expected. Keep the plans for later in mind and be respectful. I don't want to punish you for the second day in a row."

She nodded and smiled sleepily. He wasn't sure if she was smiling as a result of what he said or as a result of a dream, so he left a note.

He changed in his exercise clothes and packed a little bag, knowing that he would get ready for the event at Bryce's while Halley would get ready here.


Dixie was still sleeping when Bryce and Halley arrived. Halley was a brunette with a medium build who stood 5'6" tall. Curves, ass, and boobs had been bestowed upon her. Her skin was black, but it shone brightly. As Bryce would put it, she's the entire package.

They greeted each other as they entered the house. Noah gave Halley some information about Dixie before leaving with Bryce. What a fantastic day this would be.

A typical boy's day consists of going to the gym and then getting food, and Noah and Bryce were no exception. Despite society's classification of them as mentally fucked, the activities they liked to do outside of the bedroom were very normal. These young men had a very healthy bromance; some even believed they were biologically connected.

The sadists drove to the gym and began their workout. They had enormous authority; despite being outside of their native country, everything in their lives proceeded as usual. They didn't have a personal trainer on hand, so they basically did random workouts till they were satisfied. Noah went on a killing spree. Bryce saw how much more effort he put into today's workout, which could only indicate that he was agitated or distracted. Bryce was well aware that the Alissa situation, as well as his connection with Dixie, were weighing heavily on Noah's mind, but Noah wasn't much of a talker when it came to emotions.

They finished their workout about 2 hours later and went to have breakfast. They would have eat at Chinno's after their exercises in Italy. Chinno was a chef and planner who was of Japanese and Italian nativity. He was an artist and a teacher who traveled the globe. Noah and Bryce met him on their many travels throughout the world, and he taught them the rope tying and bondage secrets.

"Good morning, as usual, eh?" Chinno inquired, his Italian accent strongly masculine.

The males reacted with a slight chuckle, "Ah yes Chinno."

It was always comforting to know that no matter how long they were out of the country, everyone was familiar with their typical orders and procedures. The men and Chinno had a fantastic relationship. It was built on the principles of respect and good business, two things that men were considered to place a premium on.

Instead of staying out and dining, they decided to just order the food and dine at Bryce's place.

Alissa, like Noah, had a sense of power. She was a master manipulator, capable of sleeping her way to the top or bottom of any situation.

They got their food, hopped in the car, and headed straight to Bryce's house. Noah was more traditional, whilst Bryce was more modern. His Italian residence reflected his taste for modernness and elegance. It also provided a lovely view of the mountains and gardens in the fields beyond.

As he began to eat his meal, Bryce asked, "So dude, Alissa?" As always, the food was delicious, Bryce noted.

As Noah munched on his breakfast sandwich, he asked aloud, "What about her?"

"What about her?" Bryce spoke, furrowing his eyebrows. "You can't just-" Bryce said, perplexingly but unfortunately his words were interrupted.

Noah's phone rang just as he was about to finish his statements. Interruption came to his rescue once more. It was a private number that had called. Noah normally wouldn't answer unfamiliar callers, but today he felt differently and took up the phone.

Unknown: hello good morning is this Mr. Noah Beck?

Noah Beck: speaking and who are you?

Unknown: my name is Jasmine Eslover, from the Psychological Sciences foundation. The foundation would like question your eligibility to be the new chairman of the board. We have vetted your durability as well as looked at your qualifications and we see no one better to fit. This call is rather unprofessional and short notices, so ofcourse there will be time for you to think Dr. Beck.

Noah Beck: thank you and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Bryce began squealing like a bitch. He was well aware that this was Noah's ambition. Noah had always wanted to be the chair of a psychology foundation or maybe start his own, and this was the ideal opportunity. He was at the pinnacle of his profession and his life. He desired both of these things, as well as her. Getting this promotion may jeopardize their future plans. Only the chairman of the boards region fucking a public school kid was more detrimental than a professor fucking his student. The cover-up would be a nightmare, but he had to make a choice.

Bryce was incredibly proud of him, but he also sensed that something was wrong with Noah. He appeared more concerned than usual since receiving that phone call, but he told Bryce that everything was alright. He was the best he could be if fine meant coming apart and questioning whether or not you're in love with this girl.

"You should know that I saw Alissa the other day, she was leaving that restaurant near the mountain region where you go to paint," Bryce said uneasily. Noah was irritated by this because it was there that he recently took Dixie for dinner.

"I'd rather not talk about her."

"You can't keep this hidden forever. Manipulation, like abuse, is a very serious situation. You didn't deserve it, and you're a strong guy, but it ought to be acknowledged." Bryce stated angrily, "She will stop at nothing until she damages you or whatever relationship you have with Dixie, and let's hope you don't drop everything and go back to her." He recognized Noah's sorrow and how tough it was for him, but he also knew that secrets and lies ruined even the best things in life.

Noah was speechless, since he knew Bryce was telling the truth. Would he put everything on hold for her once more? This was a question he couldn't answer. His quiet engulfed the space.

"Look I didn't mean to offend you but stop being a pussy and confront the bitch. The most she'll do is try to give you head," Bryce joked.

"Shut the fuck up," Noah sneered "I'm in a - never-mind."

"In a what? Relationship? What even are you and Dixie? Or are you too pussy to label that too?"

"It's not being a pussy, you obviously don't know how trauma works and as for Dixie that's complicated."

"Nothing is complicated about falling inlove, it gets complicated when you deny it."

"No, I'm not in love; she's just another submissive like the others," he shrugged and took a sip of his coffee.

"You don't bring your other submissives to Italy with you. You'll never accept she's more than that, and that's how you'll lose her. She'll most likely meet a college stud with the courage to admit his emotions for her."

Noah was both speechless and enraged. He couldn't even dispute with Bryce since he was correct. That was painful for him to say, but he sold it as if it were the truth. He could never regard Dixie as any of the previous sadomasochistic girls he had. As cringe-worthy as that may sound, she was one of a kind. The rest of the morning was spent making business calls, checking on the girls, and playing FIFA.


The suites and stylists arrived at Bryce's house by 3 pm. It was a black tie formal event and the goal was dress to impress. Noah wanted to coordinate with Dixie, so he chose dark toned- dresses for her and a dark toned sharply tailored suit for himself. Getting a male ready was the easiest thing, they didn't need 3 hours, it just needed about 30 minutes to do so.

Noah stood in the mirror fixing his tie. He was wearing a custom emerald suit from Giorgio Armani. Giorgio and Noah were colleagues who met way back so they were fond enough to go into a partnership. It's impressive how many people he's acquainted with.

"If I wasn't straight I'd totally call you hot right now," Bryce flirtatiously joked with Noah.

"Aww Bryce you don't look too shabby either," Noah laughed.

They loved how fun and playful their friendship was. It was honestly an iconic friendship, one for the books.

As he cast a glance at Noah, Bryce added, "Stop fretting, she'll love the suit on you." Noah got up and re-tied his tie a few times, making sure everything was in order.

"I'm not worried about anyt-"

"It's clear you're paying attention to every detail that cost thousands of dollars. You can deny it all you want, but I know you're falling in love."

He boasted, "I don't fall in love, I ruin and punish." It was noted that his greatest flaw would be his ego.

Bryce chuckled and walked out of the room. Noah was well aware that he was lying, so why was he so afraid to admit it? Maybe he believed it would jeopardize his position of power? Maybe he wasn't ready to accept, but it was obvious. Acceptance and denial are the same thing, but they come from different trees, and he needed to recognize that soon since he wasn't the only one looking for Dixie.

They were done getting ready by 4 p.m., and Noah left to meet Dixie. He had a surprise in store for her to liven up the evening. A day is never completely complete until it includes some pleasure or perhaps suffering.