
3rd Person

"I know you're a painfully assertive and intrusive person, Halley, but look after her for me today," Noah said, almost pleading. Despite his uncaring mask, no one was more concerned about Dixie's safety than he was. He was beginning to build a deeper bond with her than he had never imagined possible.

"Bryce was right, you're head over heels in love with her."

Noah laughed at her remarks and walked away. His grin wasn't solely due to the fact that the line was a jest, but also because to how promising Halley made the statement sound. He'll undoubtedly daydream about this today.

Halley had come to spend the day with Dixie while the boys went out to do their thing. She was also aware of their preparations for the ball tonight. Halley had a wonderful, but pushy, personality. She was an invigorating breath of fresh air. Most people thought of her as the best friend anybody could have, yet they'd either ruin the bond or do things that were as hurtful as betrayal.

"The purest hearts experience the hardest, and that's OK," Halley said, "my redemption will be worth the hardships I face."

Her and Bryce's love affair began when she came into one of his clubs looking for work a few years ago. He hired her since her financial position was dire. Bryce had never been the kind to be drawn to ladies he'd never met before, but something about this goddess was different. He'd stay late in the club on purpose to see her, or he'd fend off the drunk males who didn't know how to respect a woman's space. They went through a lot of difficulties, but it was all worth it in the end. Sadomasochism is a chore, but it gives wonderful results.

Bryce understood that nothing or no one could prevent him from falling in love with Halley. He wanted to be smitten by her. There was no fear, no difficult choices; it was just pure. That's the point where he and Noah differ. Bryce is unconcerned about everything , whereas Noah overthinks everything. It's sometimes best to leave things alone and not question them. Because of our undesirable thoughts, the nicest portions of life are damaged or missed entirely.

Halley had heard a lot of good things about Dixie and was looking forward to seeing her. Her and Noah were god-siblings and had a special relationship. He has mentioned Dixie to Halley on several occasions, but she has never been able to place a name to the face; that will all change today.

When Halley knocked on the door, Dixie was asleep upstairs. She looked like a lovely Greek goddess, enveloped in the pearly white linens. If only Noah had been present to witness this amazing spectacle.

Dixie groaned and yawned, "Noah, you don't have to knock, it's your house."

She giggled and wiggled her toes, "It's not Noah, it's Halley." Halley also had a bubbly and adorable personality, similar to that of a kitten.

It was at that moment the name and the whole scenario hit Dixie. She had forgotten all Noah had told her, but it wasn't her fault. After the wildest few days of her life, her body was undergoing reconstruction. A part of her was terrified to meet Halley, but the rest of her was ecstatic. It's not every day that two submissives of similar males meet and converse, so Dixie decided to make the most of the opportunity.

"Oh, give me a few minutes to get ready," she said as she walked to the shower.

"All right, I'll be downstairs," Halley responded. She giggled and took a cautious step down the stairwell. Her greatest fear was falling down the stairs. She was often reminded of her clumsiness and her proclivity for stumbling over air. Her personality had a certain amount of silliness to it.

Dixie awoke with the events of the previous day imprinted on her mind, and she continued to fantasize. It was enchanted and twisted, but mostly enchanted. She was amused about it—genuinely and honestly happy. Everything about the marks and carvings on her thighs, tummy, and ass intrigued her. She had a feeling Noah would be pleased with his job.

Surprisingly, she was ready in about 20 minutes, having taken care to shower and properly tidy herself. She felt like she could be herself around Halley, no matter how much she wanted to pamper herself. Halley drew her spirit and soul in, almost as if they had known one other for a long time. The thought of cleaning the room occurred to her, but she knew they'd dirty it up again, so she just straightened the bed sheets and arranged the slippers on the floor. Dixie took her phone and went downstairs after finishing those thoughts and acts.

"Hello, I'm guessing your name is Dixie." Halley greeted her, "God you're stunning, it's so nice to meet you." Halley was feeling something LGBTQ, and she was not questioning it. She knew a beautiful woman when she saw one.

"You look familiar," Dixie said, puzzled, "but hello and thank you, you're also extremely gorg." This was a little awkward for both of them at first, but with practice and patience, they would become acclimated to each other.

"Thank you, and yes, we go to the same college, so you may have seen me around campus."

"Oh my god, yes," Dixie said, "but you're not in my year, and I guess Bryce and Noah have a thing for students."

She knowingly responded, "I'm in a year above yours, and yeah, I guess they do."

They laughed, and the more they talked, the more at ease they became with each other.

"Last year, your boyfriend taught me psychology, and I must say, it was the most difficult lesson I've ever taken."

"Tell me about it; he's strict and cruel for no reason, and he's not my boyfriend." Dixie wanted him to be, but she had no idea what Noah thought of their relationship. He wasn't a talker and a sharer of feelings. Everything was hidden and locked away, or practically everything was hidden and locked away.

"Yet," Halley remarked, shrugging, and Dixie gave an uneasy smile. "But, to change the subject, how did you end up as a sub?" Halley's intrusiveness began at a young age.

"I'm sitting in his class one day, being fucked the next day while he's on a zoom call, and now I'm in Italy." Dixie was certain she had overlooked a few details while speaking, but it seemed like the best option for explaining everything.

"You're fucking joking," Halley remarked in a tone of astonishment. Noah was risky, but she didn't realize it was to that level.

"I'm so serious, but I'm not complaining. It was fun being so risky."

"Zoom call? You've got it good girl. Just be careful. It's easy for a sub to fall for her dom, but it's not so easy for the dom to fall for his sub. Some people are fortunate, while others aren't. Dating an older man who is always busy is taxing, not to mention the snide comments you hear, but love conquers all, and I couldn't be happier with Bryce."

"Yeah, I know, and I doubt he'd ever fall in love with me. What's your poison?"

"I wouldn't doubt it, and I don't have any poison, but I do have a past. My father was a drunk and an abuser, and while my mother is a hard worker, we didn't get along. She is harsh and at times unbearable because she allows her comments to be rude. Bryce freed my mother and I from my father's abuse. I worked at his pub because I needed money to pay for my college tuition. He took a liking to me and I to him, we hit it off, and then he introduced me to the world of dom/sub. We fell in love, but it was a long and winding road to get here. In the past, there was always a girl who tries to fuck things up..."

Dixie became disheartened. She couldn't believe Halley had gone through so much. She was undeniably a strong woman, and is there usually a woman? Despite the fact that Dixie was aware that Noah had other subs before her, she knew that he was too open with her to keep any former subs hidden from her. The ladies sat and talked for a bit, getting to know one other better.

"Shall we make some food?" Halley jokingly exclaimed.

"I was starving and thought you'd never ask."

They walked inside the kitchen and were relieved to see no one from the staff. Dixie appreciated the personnel, but it limited her ability to do things she enjoyed. She liked preparing her own meals. She was making pasta and orange juice because it was close to lunchtime.

"No way, you make the juice yourself too," Dixie rhetorically asked.

"Haha, yes, my father surprisingly taught me how to juice and strain them."

They exchanged a synchronized smile. Dixie and Halley have a lot more in common than they'd like to acknowledge. It was the beginning of a wonderful and important friendship.

They sat and ate after the pasta was finished being prepared. There was nothing but stillness between the two young ladies. Dixie thought it was wonderful that Halley liked silence as much as she did. If it had been any of her other college friends, they would have already exchanged a million words, but Dixie wasn't like that.

"I've never attended to this event before; how is it?"

"Are you aware of the Met gala?"

Dixie said hesitantly, "Uh yes." Her nerves were frayed as the deadline drew nearer.

"It's basically the Italian version of the event," says Halley. "There are many business people, fashion designers, CEOs, chefs, and celebrities in attendance, and the gowns are lavish. Mine is already chosen, and it should arrive in a few hours. Every year, Noah gives a speech or hosts the event, however this year, the event is being hosted by Alissa McLean, and Noah is giving a speech, I believe. It wasn't even confirmed because no one else is aware of it; I only learned about it from my stylist yesterday."

Dixie was edging. She had no idea what she was going to wear and was afraid of being the least well-dressed person in the room.

"That sounds both terrifying and exciting. I haven't chosen a dress yet; Noah told me of this yesterday."

"If there's one thing I've learned about Noah Beck, it's that he's a powerful man, and you'll get that dress, hunny."

They finished talking about the event and went to tidy the kitchen and wash the dishes. They had a good time together. Dixie and Halley seemed to have known one other for years and were just catching up on some things.

"How are your BDSM scenes? Do you enjoy them?"

"The first one was yesterday and it was extreme but I liked it. You've probably done more than I have."

"Yes, I've done it a couple times before, and hey, I watched your smile fade. Do not be sad or embarrassed. It's perfectly normal and a normal part of life. You define yourself, babes; don't allow the rest of the world do it for you. I used to think I was a failure, but today I'm the happiest girl alive, achieving everything society said I couldn't."

Dixie's heart warmed. This part of Halley was really appealing to her. She moved in for an embrace, which was awkward at first, but they soon melted in each other's arms. They were building the most legendary friendship, and they couldn't wait to see how far they'd go.

"I apologize for interrupting Ms. D'Amelio, but the stylists are here."

Dixie smiled and nodded to the worker as she brought Halley upstairs to shower. She noted how formally and well aligned the workers in and out the house spoke—it was a delight to hear. They didn't know where they'd get styled, so they just bathed and went downstairs.

Halley had already chosen her outfit and was getting ready to leave in a car that Bryce had sent for her. She couldn't wait to see Halley at the party because she looked amazing. It was only a pity Halley couldn't get ready with her.


"Ciao belle, here are your options to look at, but Dr. Beck instructed us to wait until he arrived before dressing you." Dixie was overwhelmed by the sudden attention she was receiving, but it didn't stop her from seizing the opportunity. She knew she wouldn't get another chance like this very soon, so she had to make the most of it now.

"Uh okay?"

She noticed a variety of options, all of which were stunning and spectacular, not to mention costly. It gave her goosebumps to know that these were hand stitched by some of the world's most skilled people. Dixie never imagined this day would happen, but she was with Noah Beck, a legend in his own right.

"Oh my," she whispered, "these are all so nice I don't know what to pick."

"Let's have a look at some deductions. The event is formal and opulent, therefore the clothing must reflect that. These two, on the other hand, can be set aside," the stylist spoke "Do you get cold easily?"


"OK, that leaves these three. "So, which of these screams to you? Remember, it's all about you and what makes you feel good."

"That one is perfect; I love it."

"It's ideal. I'm looking forward to seeing you in it. Let's move on to hair and cosmetics now that you've finished."

Dixie was grateful for the stylist's and her staff's generosity. It wasn't as terrifying as she had anticipated, and that dress was definitely eye-catching. This would be a night to remember, but not in the way they had hoped.

Dixie had her hair styled with the perfect tight curls and her makeup done with a complete glam glittery appearance. She certainly looked the part for this occasion, and she was completely enamored with everything. This styling took nearly two hours, and Noah had arrived by the time they were completed.

Noah spoke up and came into the room, saying, "Thank you everyone, you can leave us now."

They gave him a friendly smile and walked away. Everyone enjoyed working with him, but it didn't stop a select few from developing a crush on him.

He moved over to her and placed his hands on her waist, saying, "You look lovely." This was a great shock to her, but Noah didn't seem to mind. He understood exactly what he desired.

"Wait until you see me in the dress," she taunted, her gaze rising to his.

"I'm not sure, I prefer you without one, and ah, I'm happy you didn't cover my marks on you," he continued, sounding like a predator stalking his prey, with the exception that she was his.

In response, she rolled her eyes and pulled away from the hug. He followed her in the mirror and grabbed her from behind. Today, Noah was thoroughly enjoying the physical contact.

He growled and sucked her neck, "Your lingerie looks very great too, can't wait to rip it off of you later."

"Flattered, but didn't you say you'd be ready by 7 p.m., and it's already 7 p.m.?"

He explained, "I work on my own schedule, and I'm not the one hosting." With an eager laugh, he added, "Why can't we just fuck right now?" Dixie was particularly captivated at the time.

"You tell me, you're the dominant."

"You have a really sharp tongue; unfortunately, your makeup is already done, so I can't mess it up right now."

"Plus, I know you're not the one hosting, Halley said it was Alissa, but I'm not sure."

Noah went completely still. He was baffled. The atmosphere in the room had altered dramatically. He attempted to hide his dissatisfaction on his face, but it was killing him on the inside. He was afraid that this night would be disastrous for both his relationship with Dixie and his sanity.

"Do you know her?"

"No, I don't," he stated emphatically, quickly shifting the conversation's focus. Dixie sensed something wasn't quite right, but she trusted him enough to let it go. He didn't have to lie because it was a simple question, she reasoned, but Alissa was anything from simple.

He gave a falsehood answer. He did the worst thing he could to her: he lied to her, knowing full well that she would be devastated when she discovered the truth, but he couldn't look her in the eyes and tell her everything. He couldn't help himself, but he shouldn't have said the truth. Worse, she had given him access to every bone, vein, and artery in her body. Highs are depressing.

"Okay, I trust you. Can I go put on my dress now? she asked, giggling as she pulled away from the hug.

"I lo— I mean not yet, no," he smiled and reached into his pocket, "I have something for you."Sex toys were the spiciest aspects of relationships, and Noah intended to take advantage of them while he could. Kegel balls are among the most intense and delightful vaginal toys ever created.

"Balls?" She continued, her smile slowly dimming, "You're not putting those in my butt."

He reassured her, "They don't go in your butt."
