
3rd Person

The ex-"couple" got to the airfield and the entire crew was silent and knew to not pester Noah today. He wasn't in the mood for anyone else's bullshit. He tried helping her with her bags but as expected she grabbed them from him. His dominance completely dropped and for good reason too. He knew he could've avoided this but it wasn't exactly the easiest topic to talk about. It was only now he was hoping she heard what he told her the other night.

All you could see on her face was pain and heartbreak. The trip that was suppose to de-stress her, but it in turn caused the most stress on her. She just wanted a sense of feeling. Her heart was shattered by the person she was in love with.

Love is one aspect but being inlove? Changed everything and added a new narrative.

"Dixie please-"

"You know, a broken heart still beats with the same rhythm as the fragmented pieces. You could say a million things right now, but nothing compares to the fact that you broke mine. There may have been a reason or it may have been a ruse, but when you're floating in a state of pain and sadness, the only option is to let go," she regretfully stated as she walked away from him. This entire phrase was sad, and it dug even farther into the depths of his heart.

He had to abide with her wishes. At the very least, he owed her that. She boarded the plane and walked straight to the back, where she sobbed again in an empty seat. Noah could hear crying in the distance and immediately felt compelled to defend her, but from what? Himself. He had thought that love would still triumph over all, but things didn't appear to be looking up.

That moment played over and over in her head: "There's always another girl." When they first met, Halley made such reference. She even wondered if Halley was aware, but she was certain she wasn't. Her thoughts were all over the place, and she refused to believe that everything was so obvious. If a man were to cheat, wouldn't he at least try to hide it? And she realized they aren't in a relationship, so it can't even be classified as cheating.

She wanted to be wrong. Dixie really wanted everything she'd said to him earlier to be false, but she'd never know the truth, because she's done.

Mentally, she was broken and drained nothing else mattered. But hope was still there. Hope and Delusion at least.

"Bryce, everything is fucking done."

"What? What went wrong?"

"This morning, I was in my office. Alissa came out of nowhere and then Dixie entered and saw everything being unfolded before her eyes."

"What the fuck is?" Bryce asked in shock, "This is fucked, but I told you to get on with it, guy. This is going to be one hell of a fix up, and I'm sure that girl isn't going to stop talking to you. She loves you more then you think she does Noah."

"I know, she accidently admitted it the other night," Noah said, rubbing his temple.

"I'm sorry bro. I'm sorry, but I have to agree with Dixie on this. You could've avoided this regardless of the circumstances, but I understand that abuse is a difficult subject to confront. But, man, I'm here for you. I love you." The line fell silent, owing to Noah's knowledge that Bryce was correct. He knew Bryce was correct, but what could he do now?


Dixie fumbled when she began chatting with her sister, "H-hey char."

"Hey, Dixie doodle cup, what's the matter with you? Are you crying? What's the matter?"

"I'll tell you soon," she answered between sobs. "In a few hours, I'll be back at home. Please tell mom and dad that I will be spending the remainder of the break at home."

"Of course, I love you, Dixie."

"I love you too."

Love. As many have pointed out, one word was both the creator and the destroyer. Dixie couldn't believe what she was seeing. Her world dropped from a score of 100 to a score of -1. She could go on and on for hours, but nothing would ever be able to replace that vacuum.

She knew what she was going to do as soon as they arrived, and she was well aware of how terribly it would further destroy her, but she couldn't think of anything else. It had to come to an end here. The flight was long and tedious. They didn't speak to each other, and a tidal of of emotions washed over them. She spent the entire flight looking at the photos they had taken throughout the trip. At the beach, there are the pretty ones, and at the gala, those are the sophisticated ones. At a million miles per hour, all the memories came crashing down. Every kiss on her lips and every touch on her skin. Now it's all gone. Everything.

What angered her even more was the fact that she knew her unwavering faith in him would never be shattered. She knew it would falter soon enough, but she wasn't expecting it so soon.

Noah drove her to her apartment after she arrived in LA, but the stillness continued. Dixie didn't get a single wink of sleep, only occasional uncontrolled faint tears. Noah was crying and breaking down as well, but he was far better at controlling his emotions than she was.

"This is your stop, and here we are," Noah remarked, not looking her in the eyes.

She didn't respond. She couldn't. Her words couldn't formulate. He wouldn't let her go without even hearing a word from her, so he got out the car and went to her.

"Please, Dixie-"

"Yellow," she groaned and started walking away from him, tears flowing down her cheeks with each step.

"What?" Noah's heart sank completely out of his chest. He felt as if it had been pulled out and trodden on.

"I'd want you till the end of time, but after being lied to and made to appear like an idiot, I'm not staying," she paused to take a breath. Dixie was still facing the opposite direction but talking loud enough for him to hear. She couldn't possibly look Noah in the face and share all these wild reliefs. "I'm sorry, but yellow, it was amazing being your submissive, but it seems that's all I'll ever be and I can't do that to myself. I hope you have the nicest time possible with the lady from earlier, that's the happiness you deserve." She went away again as her voice broke with every silence.

The mention of her safe word was there. Noah took a step back and walked away from her, allowing her to depart. Tears streamed down his cheeks. They had no idea what this meant. They were done. This was the final straw. The only disappointing part was that everything wasn't yellow. It was fucking black.

Noah paused for a few moments in the vacant space before driving away. He was unable to move as his entire body had become numb. At this point, every limb, bone, and nerve in the body had died. He was stuck in a rut. This is the first time in his life that a pain has hit him so hard.

That night, the most beautiful friendship between the two most crooked people came to an end.