
3rd Person

Dixie was thrilled as it was a brand new day. She continued her association with the group, but only on one condition: Halley had to be there. They haven't seen one another in a while because Halley has been busy with her fertility tests, but they have talked via phone and text. Heidi was supposed to arrive at Dixie's house today, along with Noah's return from his trip, and she was really looking forward to it. Everything was lining up to make this a great day.

She said over the phone, "I'm in Starbucks buying coffees."

"Coffees? More than one?" Noah wondered. He couldn't figure out why there was only one of her, but she was ordering multiple cups of coffee.

"Yes, babe," she groaned, "for Kate as well as those people."

"Oh," he remarked unexpectedly, "I forgot you're all back on speaking terms."

"Not even that," she said as she grabbed the coffees and walked to her car, "but I'm not a mean person. What time is your flight?"

"We need to talk," he stated, his tone dropping and he speaking in a more serious manner. "I have my flight in two hours and when I get back, before we go into the whole sex and close up aspect. We're going to talk," he stated. It was finally time for him to have the long-awaited discussion.

"All right...," she murmured, her voice concerned. Dixie was unsure if Noah would back out of their relationship or if something bad was about to happen. She'd be worried the entire day.

"Don't be too concerned, my love; it's not a huge thing." He tried to soothe her by saying, "I promise." She let out a chuckle and walked over to her car to start it.

They conversed till she arrived at the school gates. Noah was always there to keep her company, but she was curious as to what he wanted to discuss with her. It sounded life-changing, but her mind couldn't quit generating scenarios for what she thought might happen. Dixie arrived at school with coffee and a strawberry refresher for her friends. Because no one had a lesson right now, they were to meet at the main outdoor seating area.

She found them all seated together talking and studying after minutes of looking for them. Halley was also there, which made her really happy. Dixie, Hailey, Richard, Kate, and Larray sat there. She handed each of them a drink and they began a small conversation. Dixie didn't seem to mind being with them today, but she would be rude if she needed to.

Larray grumbled, "These substitute teachers are the worst." Everyone understood there would have to be an issue if he complained.

"Tell me about it," Kate chimed in, "it's been a couple days since Dr. Beck left and all we've talked about is one topic that I don't even understand," she grumbled.

Everyone was sharing the same resent as of now. As tough as their original teachers were, there's no one to better teach them.

Richard wondered aloud as he flicked over the pages of the book, "When are they coming back?"

"Dr. Beck is coming back today," Dixie exclaimed, her face lit up with delight. She'd never smiled like that before. Everyone was taken aback by her ability to know so much.

"Wait," Kate said as she took a few steps back and looked around, "how do you know?"

As Kate asked this question, Halley cast a sidelong glance towards Dixie. She was growing increasingly suspicious.

"It was said in front of the entire assembly. You don't know how to do math, do you? The trip is four days, like Mr. Williams mentioned," Dixie remarked, shrugging and moving on.

With the exception of Richard, everyone bought it. He had no choice but to keep asking his burning questions. Kate was well aware that he was smitten with Dixie, but she was grateful for the attention, even if it wasn't excessive.

"Are you fucking Dr. Beck, Dixie?" Richard asked as he looked around.

Everyone came to a halt, with Dixie and Halley sharing glances for a brief while. She swallowed a mouthful of coffee before widening her eyes and giving him the death gaze.

"I'm sorry what Richard? That's not your fucking place to ask me anything like that, "Dixie retorted angrily.

"I'm sorry I just-"

"In what universe do you think you have the right to question who I am and who I am not screwing?" she replied. She argued, "Get the fuck out of my life and worry about your own."

"Leave her alone, man, let's go," Halley said. They left everyone at the table and went to their classes. Kate and Larray took several glimpses at Richard before walking off too. No matter how much they thought about asking her that question, no one did. It wasn't their business.

Dixie hated lying to them, but it wasn't just about fucking Dr. Beck; they shared a strong connection. Richard was being obnoxious and disrespectful, and Dixie was having none of it. Her eyes were always opened by the fact that Halley, the person who had known her for the shortest time, was the only one who stood up for her. That made her love Halley more than she already does.


"Mom, I'm home," she announced as she slid her bags into the living room chair and set her phone on the table.

"Oh hey sweetheart," she exclaimed from across the room, "I'll be out soon."

Dixie called out, "I'm going to shower, so talk to you soon."

Heidi heard Dixie's phone start to ring as she walked into the kitchen past the table. She ignored it until she realized the ringing was never going to stop.

"Professor Beck is calling," her mother exclaimed, stunned.

Dixie's heart raced and her breath caught in her throat. She couldn't believe she was in this circumstance right now. Noah was not one of the people she expected to contact her unexpectedly.

Her mother persisted in asking, "Why is your professor calling you?"

"I'm guessing it's anything to do with school? I'm not sure, but I'll send him an email."

Heidi commented, "He called like four times, are you sure it's okay?"

"It's fine, Mom," she said. "Don't worry," she grinned, took out her phone, and returned to the shower.

Heidi returned to the living room, shrugging her shoulders. All of this was a terrifying truth, and her heart was literally at her throat. Hiding secrets was bad enough, but adding lying to the mix made things even worse. She wasn't ready to tell anyone, and she knew better than anyone that her mother would not let it go.

Her mother became increasingly skeptical of this and began piecing together the puzzle. Charli wasn't the best at keeping secrets, so she noticed all those markings on Dixie's body and knew she had a lover. She hinted that Dixie went on dates, but her parents realized that as long as she was happy, dating was normal.

"I'm finished now. Did you know that Richard came back, Mom?"

She inquired, "Richard from Connecticut?"

"He's in all of my classes, which is strange, but it's a small world," Dixie observed.

"Oh, I hope he's doing well," Heidi said.

Dixie shrugged and walked away from the kitchen to her room. Heidi used to date Richard's father before she met Marc. He wasn't the most respectful or appropriate individual. He had the characteristics of a verbal and physical abuser, although he never touched Heidi.

Dixie hated the past and resented having to live there. Richard was usually extremely personal and close to her. He would go out of his way to make sure Dixie had everything she wanted, but not in a sweet way; rather, it was frightening and obsessive. Because the feelings weren't and wouldn't ever be mutual, it was largely ignored. Especially at this time. Richard was presenting himself as terrible news. It seemed to have never ended. You can't get away from the past.