
3rd Person

On his way home from the airport, Noah called Dixie to ask, "Should I come over to your house?"

"Wait," she responded as she sprung from her bed, "you're back?" she exclaimed.

"You would've known if you had answered my calls sooner," he joked.

"Don't be like that, Babe," she grumbled. "I was in the shower and my mother came in and saw you calling and she started asking why my professor was calling me so many times and blah blah blah," Dixie explained.

"The easy answer is because we're fucking," Noah stated flatly, which irritated Dixie slightly.

"Oh so we're just fucking?" she questioned, irritably.

"I didn't mean it that way," he chuckled. "We're dating, but we're also fucking, aren't we?"

She rolled her eyes and replied, "Oh shut up and be clearer with your words next time."

"I'll do so, and the answer to my question is?"

"No, I'll come to you," Dixie explained, "because my mother is here and I'm not ready to tell her yet."

He said, "I'll be passing your building in about 10 minutes."

"That's not fair," she muttered, "I've been looking forward to seeing my man but can't see him just now."

"It's up to you, and you have my house keys, so you may come and go whenever you want."

"I'll change and then be there," she exclaimed, her face beaming.

He grinned as he responded, "Alright bye my darling."

She smiled, blew him a kiss, and hung up the phone. The nerves in Dixie's body were trembling. After what seemed like a lifetime, she was overjoyed to see  Noah. Dixie went to get dressed and do her makeup in a conservative manner. Just thinking about seeing his face lifted her spirits.

"Where are you going, pretty lady?" his mother asked as she opened the door and seen her applying makeup.

Dixie smiled as she explained, "I'm just seeing a friend."

"A male friend?" Her mother questioned as she gave her a bashful grin and moved closer to her.

Dixie curled her eyelashes and murmured, "Probably."

Heidi kissed her cheeks and walked out, saying, "Well have fun and be cautious baby."

Noah was hardly a friend, so Dixie felt she had to tell her mother right away. Her greatest fear was not that her mother would be upset that she had a lover, but that he was a teacher; specifically, her instructor.

She finished getting ready, grabbed the keys, and exited the house. Her mother was cooking in the background while watching telenovelas on TV. Dixie considered packing a bag, but it didn't make sense because she wanted to talk to her mother tonight.

The ride to Noah's house was never very long, but anticipation makes time pass more slowly. Before she could see the house gate, Dixie felt like she'd been driving for hours. The traffic was moving slowly, and the time was still early— it wasn't even close to rush hour.

Dixie D'Amelio: are you at your house yet?

Noah Beck: yes just got out the shower and i'm cooking, are you outside?

Dixie D'Amelio: not yet and ok see you soon

Noah Beck: ok🤍


Dixie got to Noah's house after what seemed like hours of driving, and she couldn't be happier. She parked her car just in front of his gate and took her time entering. Noah's neighbors were never outgoing, which intrigued her but she never asked about it.

She opened the door and walked inside after inserting the key into the keyhole. She knew he was home when the aroma of his Invictus cologne struck her.

"Noah, where are you?" she yelled repeatedly around the house. Her anticipation was becoming unbearable.

While coming out and adjusting his cuffs, he said, "I thought you'd be more excited to see me see."

"Ahh!" she exclaimed as she flung into his arms. "I've been missing your face," she said as she kissed him.

Noah was feeling the love from her. He held her and kissed her back, making sure she didn't fall. They enjoyed being so close and intimate with one other, but they had business to discuss. Noah put Dixie on the kitchen counter and went around the stove to finish cooking after kissing like teenagers for the next five minutes.

"Can I borrow your laptop?" she said as she sat down with her legs crossed. Noah wondered if that position was comfortable, but he didn't say anything because she didn't seem bothered.

"Sure," he responded as he stirred the pot, "do you feel very comfortable up there?"

"Yes, and thank you," she replied as she began scanning the internet. Dixie was looking for an apartment because she was about to move out.

"Let's talk for a second," Noah murmured as he turned to face her. His body language and tone change to a more serious tone.

"What's up?" Dixie replied as she climbed down from the counter and sat on the kitchen seat.

"I got a call from the Psychological Sciences Foundation while we were in Italy, and they asked me to head the board," he explained.

"That's great," she replied, "but what did you say?"

"I haven't responded yet," he admitted.

"Why? What's holding you back?, "she asked.

"I'm still thought, but I wanted to let you know before I made my decision." Noah told a lie.

Because of her, he didn't want to pursue this opportunity. He wanted her and the life he pictured, but he also wanted this position. He was already the wealthiest he could've been, with everything he desired, yet he want both her and this position. Noah's greatest interest was psychology, and he didn't want it to pass him by, but was it worth it for the life he dreams of with Dixie? Will it work out if he chooses both of them?

"Well, I'm here for you," she reassured him, "and whatever you choose, I'll back you." Dixie rose from her seat to give him a kiss on the cheek before returning to her seat.

Noah felt a little better after telling her. They weren't harboring secrets any longer, and he was happy to tell her about it.

"Are you staying the night?" As he set the meal in front of her, he asked.

"Aww, thank you," she replied, "and no, I'm not going to sleep over anytime soon, why?"

He takes a piece of his pasta and says, "I'm going out with a few coworkers tonight."

"Oh, who?" she exclaimed.

"Some Beck Enterprises employees, such as Karina, Lisa, Sean, and the rest."

Dixie was envious. Noah worked around with other women on a daily basis, and that didn't sit well with her. She couldn't come across as toxic, but that didn't stop her from feeling jealous and insecure.

"Have fun," she responded, feigning a smile before returning to her apartment search.

"What?" he said as he lifted his head from the bowl.

She said under her breath, "Nothing," and continued scrolling.

"Why are you moody all of a sudden, Dixie?" he questioned angrily.

"I'm not moody," she stated passionately. "I'm just surfing the web right now. Don't you have to get ready for a night out with your female friends?, "She muttered under her breath and rolled her eyes.

Noah chuckled to himself as he realized what had caused her to lose her cool. It's nothing more than plain old jealousy.

"Look at me, baby," he murmured, placing his hands on her thigh.

"What?" She remarked this while elevating her head and looking away from the television.

"You don't have to be concerned about any of the folks I'll be seeing tonight. Okay, I'm with you for a reason." Reassurance. A woman's best friend is reassurance. She was in desperate need of it, and Noah's ability to provide it warmed her heart. It said a lot about his personality, and happily, it was a lot.

She considered denying it and continuing on, but Noah saw right through her. He'd figure out she was lying, which would lead to yet another pointless argument.

"All right," she said with a smile and began to eat.

"You know, instead of denying it and acting ignorant earlier, you could've just said you're jealous?"

She rolled her eyes and said, "Oh shut up, I have to get back to this."

"What exactly is this?" he asked, motioning around her and the laptop with his hands.

"I'm looking for apartments in this area or that are near to here."

"Why? Are you moving?, "He questioned.

"I don't have a choice. Remember that the building I'm in is owned by the school, and I'll be graduating in three months, so they gave us letters reminding us that we needed to clear out by a specific date, so I've been looking for an apartment or a place to go into before that day," she said.

Noah responded, "Mhm," and began to think. He had an idea, but he wasn't sure if it was too soon or if it would terrify her.

"Yeah," she sighed before returning to scrolling. Dixie found a few places, but they didn't all suit her criteria. Because she would be the only one in the room, most of these were too large and crowded for her.

"I might have an idea," Noah said as he tightened his tie around his neck.

"Wear the black tie, babe," she said, "and what's your suggestion?"

He cautiously responded to her, "I was really feeling the grey one but ok," he joked, "and how about you live here with me."

Dixie was in disbelief. She had no idea Noah would say this out of all the things he could say. In their "relationship," a part of her felt secure. She was happy that he would even consider moving in with her.

She said, "I wasn't expecting you to say that."

He groaned, "I mean, it's if you want. If not, we'll find you a good place to stay." He shook his head and tightened his belt.

She asked, "Can I think about it?"

"Of course, babe," he murmured as he approached her and kissed her.

"Great. Aren't we going to have sex before you leave?, "Dixie asked, her voice hushed. She didn't even realize that he was fully dressed.

He chuckled and rubbed her head, saying, "No, you can go a few more days."

"Can I at-least give you head? Or get some what? You left me here for almost a full week and then nothing," she stated it with a sigh, as if she wanted to cry. Dixie was the most dramatic person he's ever encountered.

"We can't, Dixie, as good as that sounds right now. I have to leave, and you have to go home," he lectured.

"Wow," she exclaimed as she slid the laptop screen closed. "I guess there's no love here," she added as she rose from the stool.

"Stop being a fucking brat, Dixie Jane, and wait. Where are your manners?, "he asked, his voice firm. Noah's domineering side was showing, and she was enjoying it.

She responded, rolling her eyes, "I don't have any."

Noah clinched his jaw and clenched his teeth, "You're so disrespectful sometimes."

She chuckled and grabbed her purse, saying, "Fuck the disrespect out of me."

"Just because I've been gentle on you doesn't mean I have to be," Noah murmured, pulling her firmly towards him.

Dixie was caught off guard, but she enjoyed it. Her mind was now yearning for some pain. She had forgotten how nice it felt; when he was his dominant self, how intense it felt and how much love she felt.

"Fine," she said, shyly smiling as she backed away from him. "You look hot by the way," she smirked, her lips biting.

He slapped her ass and grabbed his keys, saying, "You're hot too."

Their sadomasochistic relationship was finally mending. Dixie was shaken by the events of the day since she had grown accustomed to Noah's gentle nature, but Noah had to tell her that while he can be gentle, he can also be tough with her.

They both left the house at the same time, but they were headed to different places. Dixie went home, and Noah went to his dinner, both of which were dull without the other.