
3rd Person

Dixie hadn't spoken to any of them since the Richard incident last week, and she felt her reaction may have been too harsh, so she planned too meet up with them tonight. Anyone would have responded that way in reality, but Dixie was overly remorseful. Kate and Larray were unable to come, leaving only her and Richard. She also intended to tell him everything about herself and Noah's relationship.

Dixie had seen her mother's curiosity in her relationship and had decided to only tell her about some aspects of it. Her mother noticed a significant improvement in her mood the night she returned home from Noah's house. To see her child happy and well cared for is a mother's greatest joy.

"Hey mum, can we talk?" Dixie asked as she knocked on the guest room door.

Heidi said, "Yeah hon, definitely."

"So, yes, I'm sort of in a relationship. We're having a good time despite the fact that it's complicated and unlabeled. I hope you, dad, and everyone else will have the chance to meet him one day."

"I could tell," Heidi said, smiling. "Does he treat you well?" she wondered.

Dixie grinned as she stated, "He treats me great." She was having the greatest butterflies during this entire conversation about Noah.

"Then go have fun darling, dad and I will hopefully meet him soon," Heidi chuckled as she went in to hug Dixie.

Feelings were always a difficulty for her, as was sharing them. This conversation made her emotional, and to a lesser extent, it made her mother emotional. Nothing else mattered to Dixie's mother but her happiness and mental health. They sat for a time, embracing each other and simply enjoying the silence and the moment they were experiencing.

Dixie told Heidi, "And oh mom, I'm going to hang out with Richard tonight so you don't have to wait up." She only had to keep her informed about her location.

Heidi stated, "I'm seeing Tammy tonight, so I'm going out as well."

"You go, queen," Dixie cheered her on.

They were the most outgoing and craziest of the gals. Let's hope everything went smoothly. They had a wonderful mother-daughter bond, and Dixie only wished she could have the same with her child when she grew up.


After a few hours, the ladies were sitting in the living room, conversing. Noah called while she was sitting with her mother, and her heart raced. This would be Noah's second call while Dixie was with Heidi. She leapt from her chair and dashed to the kitchen. Her sole hope was that her mother didn't notice the caller ID.

"You have got to stop calling me unannounced," Dixie stated the minute she answered the call.

"Good morning to you too," Noah added with a chuckle. He asked, "Were you not going to call me today?"

"Good morning, I told my mum about you," she continued, "but not who you were just minor details. And yeah, I would've called you but later."

"I'm flattered," he replied. What specifics did you share with her?"

"Only that I'm in a relationship, and maybe she and dad will meet you someday."

Noah remarked, "Interesting."

"Do you know what's interesting? The fact that you haven't put a child in me yet, "Dixie grumbled.

"I thought we were done talking about babies?" Noah questioned.

"You were over it," she grumbled, "but I still want one."

Noah groaned and said, "Baby, we can't have one right now."

"What's to stop us? Please give four reasons "she retorted Dixie was not about to give up without a fight.

"The first reason is that you're still in college; we aren't mentally prepared to have a child; children need a lot of time and work, and your body would be put to a lot of stress."

She was taken aback when Noah actually gave her the four reasons, and no matter how much she wanted to think about them, he would continue to say no.

"Fine," she answered, her teeth chattering, "what are you up to today?"

"Can I take you out tonight?" Noah inquired. "Wear something red," he advised, "you look stunning in that color."

She joked, "What if I was hanging out with friends?" Except this wasn't a joke; she had to hang out with Richard and had forgotten. Noah was far more important to her than Richard was to her.

"They won't be able to make you feel the way I do all the time, Ms. D'Amelio."

"Now who's testing who?" she joked, "and will this be my boyfriend taking me out on a date?" she wondered.

"I think I'm too old to be labeled as a boyfriend, but if you want to call it that, go ahead."

She smiled and said, "Alright fine, and I'd love to."

"That's the spirit princess," he said. Outside of their intimate moments, Noah knew she'd cringe if she heard this.

Gagging, she added, "Don't ever call me princess again."

He brazenly added, "Oh how I enjoy hearing you gag."

She joked, "If you come over earlier, we can absolutely hear so much of it."

He chuckled and said, "Hmm no, I'll come at 8."

"Why are you torturing me; we haven't had sex since you got back," she groaned as she flopped back on the bed.

"Patience," he said, and he meant it.

"Whatever you have planned for me, better lead me to the fucking gates of paradise," she remarked, yawning at the end.

"All right, my love, bye."

She hung up the phone with a sigh and a roll of her eyes. Noah had a clear idea of what he wanted to do with Dixie, and as for their sex life, it was dormant. Both persons were preoccupied with other matters and couldn't fit it into their schedules at the time, but the desire and sex attraction remained.

Another date night for the two of them would be fantastic. Their dates were usually well-thought-out and pleasurable. Noah and Dixie had spontaneous ideas, and despite being official by the books, they were only official and exclusive to each other.

But didn't she invite Richard to hang out? How was that going to play out?

She spent most of her Saturday doing laundry and preparing for her examinations, with the occasional snooze thrown in. December was flying by, which meant finals and graduation were approaching at a breakneck speed. She had no doubts about herself or her ability, but she refused to take any chances.

Noah spent his Saturday focusing on getting this date set up. Setting exam papers wasn't as simple as it appeared, and Noah knew he had to make it the most difficult task. No stone would be left unturned, and they would have to study extensively in order to pass these exams.

Dixie started getting ready for her date at five o'clock. She considered choosing a different color just to irritate him, but her inner brat actually calmed down for a while. Her outfit was a pair of red pallazo pants, a black tube top, and a jacket. Because it was getting a little chilly in LA, everything just fell into place.

She finished getting ready and waited for Noah to arrive, her hair in a sleek bun. Meanwhile, she was taking selfies and adoring herself in the mirror. She took notice of her weight gain in all the appropriate places, as well as how much happier and more radiant her skin appeared to be. This was the result of a girl being surrounded by positive energy, and she was overjoyed.

Noah was never late for anything, so there would be little downtime. He was casually dressed in black slacks, a brown turtleneck, and a brown trench coat. He didn't want to get frost bitten because the temperature was lowering daily; the outfit was fitting.

She screamed, "Mom, I'm leaving," as she heard Noah's car come up to her apartment.

"That's all right, hunny. Take care!, "Heidi hugged her and exclaimed.

It's their night tonight. It could be a happy night, or it could be a sad one.