
3rd Person

When Dixie heard Noah's horn, she rushed downstairs to meet him. He had brought dozens of brightly colored and fragrant flowers to greet her. Dixie had always assumed he couldn't get any better, but she was in for the biggest surprise of her life.

"Wow, these are a lot of flowers," she exclaimed as she approached him to hug him.

"They are your flowers from Italy, which I had sent someone to get for you." He drew her close and added, "I figured you'd want them.0

The gestures were the loveliest, and she went over to give him a loving hug. She thanked him and put her head on his chest, still absorbed in the hug. They just stood there for a few moments in silence before heading to the car. These were the moments when everything seemed certain. They didn't have the most secure "relationship," but they gave it their all to make it work. They were able to make it work because they truly loved each other.

"Sir, where are we going?" she inquired cheerfully.

The name that set everything off. Sir was a metaphor for her readiness to return to their dominant/submissive relationship. This is the happiest time of their lives.

"For a nice stroll across the park." He replied, "They're exhibiting lights and trees, and you've always talked about how much you adore such things."

"You remembered," she said softly, looking into his eyes. This made Dixie giddy, giddy, giddy. Nothing else mattered except what was occurring on right now.

"Of course," he said, "I remember everything about you."

It simply cannot get much better than this. Noah took her on a tour of the neighborhood, showing her all of the lights and Christmas trees. They grabbed hot chocolate from the vendors and sat back to watch the show. It was one of Los Angeles' most stunning nights out.

"This is absolutely lovely," she exclaimed. The view was breathtaking.

She remembered only witnessing so many lights and happiness when she was a child. In D'Amelio house, Christmas was always an experience. They enjoyed vacations, and the kids became accustomed to them. It was only afterwards that they drifted apart and stopped celebrating as much.

"You're unbelievably gorgeous," he remarked, clasping her hands in his and tugging her closer to him.

"Look at those adorable children over there in the fake snow," she exclaimed.

"Perhaps our lives someday," he said, completely unaware of what he was saying.

"Does this mean you're going to give me that baby?" she joked.

"It means I'll give you that life one day," he answered, "but not right now, baby."

She laughed and bounced through the park, saying, "It wouldn't hurt to ask."

The two only recognized what they had stated after they had made their statements. It was both gorgeous and terrifying. It couldn't have been a better night for them.


"Hello, Mrs. D'Amelio," I said, "Is Dixie here?" I asked as I entered the living room. Heidi opened the door for me. It's always hell getting up to Dixie's apartment building because security is always a bitch. Due to my abrupt move to this school, I live off campus with my friends rather than here in the school's housing programme.

"Oh, Richard, it's great to see you again, and I suppose I should ask you where she is." Heidi said, perplexed, "Earlier, she informed me she was going out with you tonight."

While surveying the room, I said, "That was the initial plan, but plans change, I think." Dixie had a wonderful place to stay, far nice than Kate's.

When Heidi didn't know where her Dixie was, I could see the distress written all over her face. It worried me as well, but all I wanted to know was if she was okay. She didn't answer my calls or respond to my messages.

"Well, that was the plan," I replied, "but I'll get going now, thanks," and walked out of the building.

Her mother closed the door as I smiled at her. I decided to wait near the lobby to see if she would arrive soon. Overall, I just wanted to apologize to her for all I said and did. It's not my business whether she's with Mr. Beck or not, and I shouldn't have pursued it. When I'm basically with Kate, I'm not sure why I care.

Kate is an easy target since she is a weak link. She has charisma, I'll give her that, but she's not Dixie, and Dixie has always piqued my interest. My mother and her father used to get along, but my father is an asshole and I can't stand him.

After around half an hour, a large black jeep came up in front of the building. It occurred to me that it could have been one of the other students returning home, but I decided to wait a little longer.

When I stood up to take a look around, the sights in front of me astounded me. What the fuck?

It was Dixie and an unknown male, who were holding hands and giggling. She was dressed in a lovely red outfit, and she looked amazing. She was holding flowers in her hand, and the car appeared to be full with flowers as well, so I believed she was on a date. I recognized the man was none other than our professor, Mr. Beck, as they moved closer to the light.

"Well," he murmured as he drew her in. "Did you have a good time?" Hearing them converse was unpleasant, but I had no choice but to listen for the time being.

"I always have the most fun with you," she said, kissing him on the lips. This was becoming very upsetting. I hated seeing her with him like this.

"Sure you can't sleepover?"

She sighed and pouted. "I wish but I'll try to see you more often." She leaned in to kiss him again, and he started swallowing her face. This is getting out of hand.

"You deserve so much more than a kiss, but my love, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Of course, baby," she said with a smile as she entered the apartment through the front door. I couldn't take the fact that she had a permanent cheerful look on her face because of him.

I was both surprised and angry. I was shocked when she replied there was nothing going on, which enraged me because he is a lot older than her and I have feelings for her, but she's too fucking dumb to notice it. I didn't make my presence known right away; instead, I waited until she was alone before emerging from the darkness.

I came out and said to her, "So much for nothing to be going on."

She went very still when she saw me. She was the one who invited me out, but she declined since she was dating a middle-aged man she met less than a year ago. Her deafening quiet enraged me even more.

I snapped at her, "Now you're silent, you were quite vocal with him only a few seconds before," and she jumped. I had a powerful rage; I have no idea where it came from, and I don't care.


I was stunned to see Richard here so late, and he was upset—very upset, but why? He had nothing to do with my personal life nor my personal life with him. I trembled in terror and startled when he raised his voice at me. This reminded me of a lot of things I wanted to forget. I shrugged it off and made a big statement in response.

"What the hell are you doing here, and why are you so mad?" I asked. I noticed his cheeks turning red as I made that comment. This was incomprehensible to me, and his demeanor was even worse.

He screamed aggressively at me, "You fucking asked me to hang out." He scoffed, "But you forgot because you were too busy fucking our professor— someone nearly twice your age." He snatched the roses Noah had given me from my grip and tossed them on the floor. My heart broke; this was not the same Richard, and I knew I had "stood him up," but he had no right to be acting so badly.

I absolutely understand how upset he was that I didn't go out with him tonight, but after everything he's done and said to me, he didn't even deserve to see me. I had completely forgotten that we were hanging out tonight, and his excessive conduct was uncalled for.

Tears began to stream down my cheeks. This wasn't Richard at all. I was reminded of Richard's father by this. Fear gripped my entire being as I stood there in silence. He was terrifying me, and all I could think about was dialing Noah's number.

"So you're silent now, huh? Just another whore. You're no longer little miss innocent and flawless, you're just another one of those bitches," he spat at me, and I fucking lost my cool.

Now I was furious; I might be called a lot of things, but a whore? That would not be acceptable to me. He doesn't have a fucking right. Doesn't he have a girlfriend?

"You have no right to be here, yelling at me. You aren't my father, and you aren't even close to being my boyfriend; Noah is. I am not a whore, and who I fuck or don't fuck is none of your goddamn concern," I yelled fiercely. "Don't you have a girlfriend as well?Why not be concerned about her?"

I had no idea I was so angry until he called me a whore. He had hit me before I even realized it. He smacked his fingers over my face while calling me a bitch. Richard in this form was not my friend, and he would never be my friend again. I'd had enough of men abusing me over and over again.

"We are no longer friends, Richard. Please don't call or text me. You son of a bitch, forget about me. You're just like your father." I ran upstairs the building broke down in tears in the arms of my worried mother before he could even say anything.

This wasn't how this damn night was to be ended. And when Noah hears about it, he's just as good as dead.