

I had a nervous breakdown and told my mum everything. This was the lowest I'd ever been in front of my mother, and I'm grateful for how she handled it. I could see how angry she was, but her response was loving. When she petted my hair and gave me advise, it was the nicest part of the moment. Not long after that, I found myself dozing off. I wasn't falling asleep with a heavy or full heart; instead, I was falling asleep peacefully close to one of the people who made me feel safe and cherished.

Those words repeated over and over in my mind all night. I couldn't think of anything else at the time. It's always frightening how your brain focuses on the bad and ignores the positive. I was having an amazing night with Noah before everything came crashing down. I've never been affected by somebody as much as I was tonight, but he won't live to see another day to inflict more agony. I can only imagine how he tortures Kate when they're together. Even if he thinks he's not, he's worse than his father.

Was I really a whore?

Was I just another one of Noah's fucktoys?

Those were the only things that crossed my mind. My thoughts were overwhelming me, and I felt like I was about to burst into tears. Even though I knew what he said wasn't real, it didn't stop me from feeling as much anguish as I could. I watched the scene replay every time I closed my eyes. Everything he did to me was felt by me. Was I insufficient for anyone? Noah was the only male who seemed to think I was wonderful, although he probably just wanted to screw me.

I'm ready to give up. My head began to whirl, my mind became jumbled, and my heart was once again broken. My shouts were apparently too loud since a knock came at my door. It may appear to be insignificant, but going through this is painful. It wasn't heartbreak but it felt like betrayal. Richard was someone I grew up with in Connecticut and someone I'd always hang with as a child, so him being this destructive and hurtful in my life.

She sighed and said, "Dixie. Are you okay?" my mother questioned from the other side of the door. Her voice had a sweet, sorrowful tone to it.

"Yes, mum, I'm fine," I answered through minor sobs and sniffles. I knew that was a lie, but I didn't want her to have to deal with it right now. She's given me enough consolation for one night.

"It's a lot to bear with this plus your relationship, so please just—," she said, "but it's okay to not be okay right now."

She was unable to complete her sentence. The tears began to pour again, and the cries and screams became more audible. Things and hardships from the past were flooding in, and I had no idea how to deal with them. There were memories that came flooding back, some of which made little sense but still affected me. My mother pounded on the door until it opened, then came over to hold me. In her embrace, I felt safe, and I just let it all out. It was clear that this wasn't just painful for me, but also for her, and we both despised every second of it.


By far the finest date I've ever had with her was tonight. Dixie is a goddess on the move. I can't get over how sultry and seductive she was last night. It was overflowing with joy and positivity. We were blown away by the entire Christmas set-up and lighting.

We had a great time, and it was all about love. Fear swept over me as I wanted to tell her I loved her. It was terrifying because I'd never said those things to a lady before, not even my family members. I knew I loved her and it was obvious, but I couldn't seem to find the words to express it.

That entire conversation about children has sparked my interest in having one. I wasn't getting any younger, but I wanted to make sure everything was in order for both of us first. I'd start the world with Dixie, but I'd never want to detract from her education or passion, so we'd have to wait a little longer.

I got in my car and drove back to my office after taking her home to finish up some grading and assignments. I'm rarely late in submitting student grades or assigning assignments, but I have to admit that having a girlfriend takes up a lot more time than most people realize. I'd be grading papers when Dixie expresses an interest in having a conversation or even sex, and I'd oblige her. So I've fallen behind on things, but I should be able to finish them tonight.

As he answered the phone, Bryce remarked, "I thought you forgot about me." My darling and dramatic bestfriend.

I chuckled and leaned back in my chair as I said, "Bryce, we spoke yesterday."

"I know," he said, "but how are things doing today, man?"

"It's going well," I yawned, "I've been marking papers and shit."

He said awkwardly, "Lovely nice." Why was Bryce acting so strangely? He's never been this strange before.

"How come you're acting so strange?"

He quickly stated, "She's pregnant." My fucking jaw sunk. That's insane, Bryce the father is actually happening.

I yelled, "You're fucking joking!"

"No,no. I'm not joking."

"What are your thoughts? Congratulations," I responded. He and Halley would be the most wonderful parents. I'm curious as to how she feels about it.

He sighed contentedly, "Thank you bro. I can't believe it's actually happening. I'm a little sad about it," he pointed out.

"Why? Children are a blessing, don't you think? "I told him something.

"She hasn't finished her classes yet, and I wanted her to be done first," he explained. This is exactly how I feel about Dixie, so I completely understand.

"I understand, but life doesn't always go as planned." I told him, "You two have an advantage over a lot of people."

"What is the advantage?"

"You're financially secure, and you and your partner have been dating for some time. It will be difficult to adjust to being parents, but you will have a huge amount of support," I reassured him, "You'll make a great father."

"You're the sweetest person ever when you're not being a brutal domineering man." Bryce said this to me, and it was the sweetest thing he'd ever said to me.

"Someone's becoming soft," I joked, "but thanks ma- I'll call you back because I'm getting a beep."

"At 3 a.m.?," Bryce questioned. "Must be your girl," he said, "but alright bro, love you."

"I love you too," I murmured as I hung up to answer the other person.

I noticed an unusual number and caller on the screen. Answering private numbers was a rare occurrence for me. I debated whether or not to answer, but in the end, I did. When I found out who was calling me, I was totally shocked.

"Hello, this is Heidi, and I'm-"

Heidi? Wait, that's Dixie's mother; unless something went really wrong, she wouldn't be calling me at all. Heidi's statement was cut off before she could finish it. I wasn't trying to be disrespectful, but I'm sure it came out that way.

"Is everything okay with Dixie?" I said, my voice concerned.

I felt my heart break when she stated Dixie wasn't doing well. About three hours ago, I left her all joyful and smiling. Whoever was to blame for this girl's suffering would spend eternity in hell.


Noah sped as quickly as he could to Dixie's apartment. He had even broken a couple stoplights, but he was desperate to figure out what was wrong with her. As soon as she arrived at her apartment, she went upstairs to the apartment floor and knocked on the door.

Heidi spotted Noah when she peered through the peephole. He appeared to be about the same age as Dixie, but she knew him to be much older.

"Noah?" she asked, her voice trembling.

He answered quietly, "Yes, that's me."

"Thank you so much for coming," she said as she greeted him with a hug.

"Anything for her? Is she in her room?" he said, his voice tense. Noah was just interested in seeing Dixie and seeing what was wrong with her.

Heidi nodded and motioned Noah to follow her. She was shocked when he told her he already knew the way. Dixie never allowed visitors into her space. He took her from the floor and laid her in bed, then sat next to her with his arms wrapped around her shoulder.

In a tired voice, she said, "Mom, I told you I'm fi-."

"As lovely as your mother is, I'm not her," Noah remarked softly as he stroked her cheek.

Her tear-streaked face brightened up, and she wondered if she was dreaming. There's no way he was here to be there for her at 3 a.m.

"Wh-what are you doing here?" she exclaimed as she sprung from her bed.

"I just had to be here when your mother called. Look, Dixie, There's no place I'd rather be than holding you." He kissed her on the lips with a gentle kiss.

"I love you, Noah," she murmured, tears streaming down her cheeks. This would be the ideal chance for him to respond, but he wasn't quite ready yet. He simply comforted her.

Dixie, on the other hand, was giddy with joy. She's never consciously admitted it to him, and there's never been a better time than now. It all made sense to her now, and she was overcome with emotion.

Clarity and assurance were two of the most important things she needed right now. They sat there, staring at each other. Dixie finally broke the stillness by telling him of the things that were happening, and he was infuriated. Noah wasn't a murderer, which is something Richard should be grateful for. He was furious and overly emotional as a result of Dixie's pain. She was not deserving of such treatment.

Noah said, "I'm so sorry baby, if I see him at school, I'm going to run him over."

"Noah, you're adorable but no," she continued, "but he'll get his karma."

"Worth a shot," he chuckled as he drew her in closer.

"I don't want to stay here," she said, "could I stay with you for a while?"

He kissed the side of her head and added, "Of course, just talk to your mom."

Dixie got out of bed and went to tell her mother about her decision, and she agreed. She was an adult who could have gone either way, but it was comforting to know that her mother was on board. Heidi didn't agree with the relationship, but she was growing fond of Noah because of how happy and in control he kept her. The happiness of her child is always the objective of a mother.

"I told her," Dixie replied as she entered the room and closed the door behind her.

"Come here," Noah gestured to her with his arms outstretched.

"Yeah?" she asked, her hand on her hips as she straddled him.

"I don't like seeing you sad," he said, brushing her hair out of her face and smiling. "No matter what happens, I'll always be here for you."

"Thank you," she said with a smile. "I appreciate you," she said, kissing his lips with a wet kiss.

"I know where you're going with this," he said, "but your mother's here, so we can't."

"My mother doesn't give a damn," she muttered as she reached for Noah's belt buckle.

"I'm not going to fuck you when your mother is less than a second away," he replied angrily.

She sighed and questioned, "I thought you enjoyed taking risks?"

"I do, but what will my girlfriend's mother think when she hears her daughter moaning my name and me praising her on being a good girl? Think about it," he said.

She insists, "I just want head." Noah discovered the ultimate issue he'd have with Dixie: she's stubborn.

"Dixie, you can get whatever you want after we leave, but not here," Noah remarked sharply.

"Fine," she answered as she stood up and undressed.

Noah got out of bed and straightened his clothes, saying, "Let me know when you're done, babe."

"So now you can't stay in here while I shower because my mother is here?" she questioned, scowling.

"Dixie, don't be so whiny. Noah stated, "It's not a big deal."

"Ugh," she grumbled as she walked to the shower.

Noah would like to stay, but he felt it was best not to be in the room while Dixie undressed out of respect for her mother. It's one of those life lessons that just makes things simpler. While waiting for her to complete, Noah stepped out into the living room to stand.

"Thank you for everything, and please take care of her," Heidi remarked, startling Noah from his thoughts. "Given everything, I'm not exactly jumping at the situation," she explained, "but you make her happy and you treat her incredibly well. However, could you do me a favor and make it official?" she continued.

He chuckled and looked about, saying, "I'll always keep her safe, and maybe, maybe I will."

"What do you do when you're not teaching?"

"Teaching is merely a side passion for me," he explained, "but I'm an entrepreneur who owns many enterprises, including the well-known Beck Enterprises."

"Wait," Heidi hesitated, "you're that Noah Beck," she exclaimed, surprised.

"I think that's a good thing?" he asked, nervously chuckling.

"No, that's really good," she answered, relieved. "Your company is outstanding. My husband conducted business there once, and the service and everything about it was excellent," Heidi remarked.

"Thank you for letting me know. We've been in business since I was 19 years old, but on a considerably lesser scale," he continued.

They continued their small talk, with Dixie standing off to the side, listening to the majority of it. It wasn't often that her mother approved of her lover, so she was overjoyed when it did.

Dixie looked at Noah and said, "Well, if you two are done being sweet over there," she hesitated, "I'm ready to go."

Noah smiled as he snatched Dixie's hand and added, "It was great meeting you Mrs. D'Amelio."

"Pleasure is all mine," she said with a smile and a nod.

"Mom, I love you. I'll try to call you more often,"Dixie exclaimed with pride. She isn't the best with her phone, but she gives it her all.

"I certainly hope so, Heidi jumped in for a hug and a kiss on the forehead, saying, "I love you Dixie Jane."

After saying their goodbyes, the couple left the building and went to Noah's apartment. He wanted to buy her dinner, but she didn't want to eat. She only wanted to get there and spend the night with him.

Noah parked into the driveway after a half-hour journey, and he and Dixie walked inside. It was around 4:30 a.m., and they weren't as tired as they'd been.

"I'm going upstairs, come up soon," Dixie remarked as she walked up to the bedroom, leaving Noah downstairs.

He gave her a gentle smile. Noah had no intention of working tonight. The papers and grading would have to wait because he needed her to feel safe, secure, and cherished. He grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator, and walked back to his room.

When Dixie saw Noah enter the room, she said, "I thought you were going to work or something."

As he started to undress, he replied, "No, I have more important things to do."

"All right, big guy, and heads up, I didn't do your homework," she admitted, her voice trembling. Noah was extremely clear about his feelings about her schoolwork.

He climbed into bed and said, "OK, get it done before the weekend."

"I thought you didn't give students any leeway?"

He smirked and said, "You're a special student, Ms. D'Amelio."

"Thank you, sir," she said with a smile. "Tomor—." A ring on Noah's phone stopped her statement short.

Dixie, annoyed, asked, "It's 4 a.m., who's calling you?"

He mouthed, "I don't know," before picking up the phone.

"Hello?" he asked, his tone concerned. Noah had not expected to receive a call at this hour.

"Hello Dr. Beck," the caller said, "calling from the Psychological Sciences Foundation," she said hurriedly.

"Oh yes," he said as he sat up in bed. "What happened?" he wondered.

"The decision you've made will be presented at the school's final year students' assembly dinner," she said.

He hung up after saying, "Alright, thanks for the call."

The clock was ticking away, and Noah had yet to make any decisions. Dixie, on the other hand, was aware of the entire conversation as he allowed her to hear it. There were no secrets or animosity.

"And, before you ask, Dixie, I haven't made up my mind yet. Let's just go to sleep," he grumbled.

"Fuck you," she snarled, turning away from him. Noah recognized he was speaking in a harsh tone, but it wasn't meant at her. He just wanted to get this decision out of the way.

"I'm sorry, but making this decision is quite stressful," he said. This had to be one of Noah's most sensitive moments.

"You need to work on your communication skills," Dixie advised, "call Bryce, he's the best person to help you, but not right now; let's just get some rest."

He wrapped his arms around her and asked, "Are you mad at me?"

She kissed his cheek and added, "I'm not mad because I get it. Goodnight."


They went straight to bed, cuddling in each other's arms. What a tumultuous evening.