
3rd Person

Exams and graduation are getting closer now that it was the middle of January. They were scheduled to begin on January 25th and end on February 12th, with graduation on March 31st. Dixie couldn't believe she'd gotten this far, but she still had a long way to go. She sat down, thinking about her college years and all of the hard work she had done. It had taken a long time, but she had made it, and now she was on her final lap.

Dixie invited her friends over to her apartment to study for their upcoming psychology exam. Because she was the best student in the class, everyone sought her help with that topic. The good news was that she could confidently claim that her grades had nothing to do with her relationship with the teacher and everything to do with her intelligence.

Dixie got out of bed to prepare her living room and kitchen for their visit. She couldn't do much because she was still in the middle of moving and packing, but she did pack the boxes to make them look more ordered.

As she snatched up the phone, Dixie exclaimed, "Good morning, sunshine."

"Good morning baby," he yawned, "you sound so busy, I just got up from bed."

"Nice life you're living there Mr.Beck," she chuckled.

"You deserve a good night's sleep, but why are you up so early?"

"You don't listen to me," she grumbled. "I texted you and told you that I'm studying with my friends for your exam today."

"He chuckled, "I don't check texts, but that's fun. Why are you studying for the exam in the first place?"

"If you keep that attitude, you're not going to have a girlfriend," she snarled as she moved over to the refrigerator.

"I'm joking; I was just extremely busy yesterday. I went to Beck Enterprises and completed a ton of report work and started the new business finance year," he stated "He sighed and moaned.

"Can you come over tonight?"

"I want to, but I can't since the housing part is undergoing inspections," Noah explained, "but are you okay?"

"That fucking sucks," she admitted meekly, "but I wanted to hang out and get intimate with you tonight."

"Someone's needy," he added, laughing loudly.

"Are you saying you don't miss fucking me? You're telling me you don't miss me riding you, or you cumming inside of me, or you fucking me irrationally, and let's not even get started on the mind-blowing head I give," she asserted.

He asked, "Who said anything about that? Of course I miss it," he said .

"We've both been quite busy, and I just had my period, so we haven't had any sex," she explained flatly.

"That's true, but don't worry, we'll have enough of intimate time after your exams," he reassured her. Dixie and him lacked a great deal.

"I can't even masturbate because all of my orgasms belong to you, and I'm frustrated," she grumbled and took a seat. Her friends were on their way at any minute.

"What time are your friends coming?" he asked, shifting the conversation's focus. Some restrictions would always apply, no matter how much he loved her.

She checked the clock on her phone and added, "They should be here in about five to seven minutes."

He cautioned, "Don't overstudy for the exam."

"Whose responsibility was it to set the papers? Or, wait, which subjects did you choose for my level?"

"I co-set others and had to and still have to review a lot," he explained. "Psychology, History, Sociology, Law, and Entrepreneurship."

"How do you rank our sex life on a scale of 1-10?" Noah was confused by how quickly the topic had shifted, but his brain had not yet processed this.

"12, why?"

"With that stated," she replied cheerfully, "would you like to tell me, your girlfriend, who you love the most in the world and who not only is the best, but also gives you excellent head and sex, what's coming up on the exams?"

"Dixie Jane," he said strongly. "I can't tell you what's coming up, but I can give you some guidance and pointers."

"At this point, I'll take whatever I can get."

"Modules 3 and 4 have the fewest questions on the exam paper, but-"

"You bitch, you spent two weeks of lessons on those modules just for us to get it the least?" she shouted.

"Shut up and listen. If I want to, I can devote an entire month to it," he remarked, his voice a little agitated.

"Sorry," she said, "keep going."

"Sorry who?" he exclaimed angrily.

"Sorry, sir."

"As I previously stated, module 1,2,5,8 appear to be the most frequently on the paper. I believe there are five sections, each with approximately 40 questions. The free-choice essays are worth 15 points each. That's all I have to say about it."

"Sir, why are you putting me in this position to fail?" she complained.

"I'm not, sweetheart, it's part of the course," he assured her, "but just study and you'll do well baby."

"Were you always the psychology teacher?"

"No, I came in at the conclusion of the previous term to do a favor for a buddy."

"Who? All of your friends are familiar to me."

"Bryce, he's on the school board for this region, and he wanted an instructor to fill in for this school," he continued, yawning.

"What don't you two men do? What's your net worth, babe?" She inquired, humorously. She's still taken back by Noah's versatility. He's accomplished all he's set his mind to.

A knock at Dixie's door interrupted his words, "I don't know exactly but I'm worth around-." Her friends had finally come, and they were on time.

"Are you going to call me later?" she asked as she rose from her seat and walked to her door.

"Definitely. Have fun with your studies."

"Yes," she giggled . "Don't do much work?"

"I'll will try and I love you," he responded with a smile. Since it wasn't a video call, she couldn't see his smile, yet it was still present and forever.

She replied, "I love you too," and hung up. Her face was flushed all the time, and she couldn't seem to get rid of it. These discussions, whether they occurred early in the morning or late at night, brightened her days.

Dixie opened the door, and was greeted by the pleasant faces of Kate and Larray. They weren't the best of friends, but the were easily acquainted and had some familiarities. Dixie appreciated them being willing to study but certain or even most things, she'd never share.

"Look at you guys getting here on time," she said sarcastically and greeted them.

"Oh shut up dix," they said laughing "girl it's literally raining outside."

"We live in the same building guys. It's like a 15 minute walk."

Dixie was getting more comfortable around them but still had invited Halley to come over just incase of anything.


"Did you guy hear that Dr. Beck will probably go to a new department or something like that?" Kate brought up in the middle of their session. Dixie was starting to wonder if Kate had feelings for Noah because she's always talking about him.

"Yeah and about time he's way too hard to be a teacher," Larray pressed on "but bitch, where'd you even hear that?"

"Not important but what do we think?," Kate said, throwing the question out to everyone.

"Noah's a great teacher, his class is just really hard and yeah, I heard about him changing jobs or something. I wish him the best," she cheerfully responded.

Halley's eyes opened wide. Dixie referred to him as Noah infront of everyone and she didn't even realize. Kate and Halley were the only ones who realized and it let Kate grow more suspicious than she already was.

"Yeah, enough about him. Let's go back to the topics. Anyone taking the chapter on human deviancy?" Halley retorted.

She tried her best to change the subject as she realized Dixie was yet to know what she did. The problem wasn't that she was calling him Noah. It was who she said it around. But Kate wouldn't let this go, she knew the professor and Dixie had some form of chemistry and wouldn't stop until she proved it.

The studying session went on for another hour and everyone left except Halley and Dixie. The two went to sit in Dixie's bedroom and have their normal and random girl talks but Halley had to bring it up just to make Dixie more aware.

"Dixie Jane D'Amelio, have you lost your fucking mind?" Halley dramatically spat at her.

"What?," she said jumping up from the bed "don't fucking scare me you whore."

"You called him Noah," she said cluelessly. "Dixie," Halley said, staring at her deeply. She hoped the states would give Dixie some hints to what she's talking about.

"That's his name," Dixie said and paused her speech "Oh fuck, I said it infront of them,"she said, gently placing her palm over her face.

"Yes. Yes you did."

"Did anyone look suspicious or behave that way?"

"Kate was looking at you a lot but I bet you were daydreaming about your 30 days of Christmas. You have to be more careful especially until you graduate," Halley lectured.

It might have been annoying to hear this but Halley only wanted the best for her. It's very unbearable to be with a person, and having to constantly hide the relationship. As much as it was fun, Dixie just wanted a sense of freedom and to just be able to be free with him.

"Yeah yeah I know. It's just a bit hard to keep on hiding it but I will," she pouted, flipping her head back on the bed.

"Okay girl I love you, I've gotta go now. Stay safe."


Dixie wasn't wrong in saying that it was hard. It was hard keeping this a secret especially after their love declarations. She just wanted to be able to tell the world and so did he but they had to wait, time will do it all.

The night came to an end, and she was laying in bed on the verge of tears. Between the nerves of her exams, her missing Noah and some very unexplainable emotions, she was torn. Nothing was making sense, but at the same time, everything made sense and that set confusion to her brain.

As she was about to dial Noah, he ringed her phone and her face lit up but this also brought her some amount of sadness. Not because he made her unhappy, but because the current situation was not ideal.

"I'm not in a good mood Noah," she said, twirling her hair.

"I didn't ask you that," he said "I just came to wish you good luck for your exam tomorrow." He wasn't trying to be rude, but she didn't even start the conversation properly.

"Mhm thank you I guess," she murmured.

"What's up with you?"

"Nothing," she growled "does something seem like it's wrong with me?"

"What did I do? Did I do something? Talk to me baby?," he said in a worrisome tone. Bryce often told Noah about women's many moods and their behaviors in relationships, so he figured this was what Bryce meant.

"You didn't do anything," she sighed. Noah could tell something was wrong by her tone, but he couldn't figure out what it was. She's not the most expressive person there is.

"Then what happened," he said, growing angrier with each word he said.

"I'm just tired of us being a secret and I miss you and my body is starved, I'm just having a decline right now," she admitted.

"Baby," he sighed "I miss you even more but I promise everything will be good. Exams will be done soon okay?"

"Yes, I hope. I have the exam of a certain strict person tomorrow. He's totally mean," she said fake gagging.

"Ouch," he chuckled "who's the teacher?"

"I don't know his name, but he teaches me psychology. Great boyfriend but a very rough teacher I must say," she smiled.

"He sounds great but is he actually a rough teacher?," Noah said. They both knew they were speaking in the 3rd person, but the conversation flow was fun to do.

"Yes, but I love him."

"I bet he loves you too and gives you great sex," Noah added.

"He's obsessed with me and yes, we have mind blowing sex. Not the point though," she chuckled.

"I know, it will be okay baby, just focus on your exams; that's the main priority," he encouraged "you're very smart and capable. Go make me proud as I know you always do."

"Thank you, I love you so much Noah."

"I love you even more baby."

Sweet phones calls would always be the highlight of her days. She absolutely felt much better after he called, it was exactly the boost that she needed. She went to sleep with high hopes her exam would go well.