
Dixie awoke the next morning in a great mood. Despite the fact that the exam period was lengthy, she only had exams for three days and all of her exams were scheduled in the same week. Today she had Psychology and History, tomorrow she had English Literature and Portuguese, and on Wednesday she had History and Math. She had an extremely busy schedule, yet she managed to fit everything in.

The exams were to be held in the auditorium because the entire school would be present, rather than by class as was the case with the Mid-Term exams. Her nervousness was heightened simply by the prospect of being in a large room with people she didn't know. The last thing she wants is for her anxiety to negatively impact her grades. She was on the point of a panic attack and had no idea what she should do.

She sank deeper into the blankets, saying, "I'm going to fucking scream."

"Dixie, what's wrong? Are you okay?" Noah said over the phone.

She groaned and acknowledged, "No, I'm nervous and I didn't know who to call." She'd never called anyone in a crisis before, but her brain had become accustomed to relying on him for emotional support.

"It's going to be fine," he assured her, "because you're a very bright girl and my top student baby. You can do it."

"I'm just nervous since these are finally year exams," she whined, "and you grade so fucking hard."

"You'll be fine, Dixie; just go in there and do your best. The exam will begin in about two hours, so get out of bed, prepare yourself, and go do your best, love."

"Thank you," she said with a smile, "and I love you."

"I love you even more."

She got out of bed, dressed herself, and left her place. Noah gave her some sound advise, but she was apprehensive, as exams always cause anxiety, and all she wanted was to pass and get these exams and this day over with.

She got her breakfast order at the coffee shop and was now driving up the street to the school. She jammed out in her car to some happy music to keep herself from being in a poor mood while preparing. These examinations meant everything to her, and she had done everything she could to prepare, so all she had to do now was apply what she had learned and achieve those grades.

Dixie arrived at school and went straight to the exam room. It was enormous and overflowing with students. In just one room, there were roughly 1000 students. She walked in after seeing the large "PSYCHOLOGY AP" sign on the door. Exam days were usually a source of anxiety and nerves for her. Perhaps it was her anxiousness, or perhaps it was her fear of failure, but she believed in herself, her family, and, most importantly, Noah.

It was, after all, his exam.

The invigilator arrived and instructed them to begin, which she did. She skimmed through the exam paper and noticed that it was divided into five sections, each of which required a written response and/or free writing. She trembled at the lack of multiple choice questions, as multiple choice questions give her a better chance of passing. The exam lasted two hours and ten minutes, which was far too short for such a large amount of material, but she had no choice. Every topic he had discussed in class was covered on the exam, and she had to make him proud because she knew he was a good professor, if not the best.

Her favorite section was Section D. She was asked about BDSM and its broad scope, and we can just believe she had some knowledge in that field. She knew she had lost a few, if not a lot of points in Section A. Module 2 was the most difficult for her to study because there were so many definitions that she couldn't remember.

The time had ended, and the exam had gone fairly well. She was certain of herself and her responses. She was well aware that she had probably lost a few marks due to poor language or incorrect terminology usage, but it wasn't enough to cause her to fail, which she was quite proud of.

"This is something that all students who have two exams every day should be aware of. Please take a 30-minute break after the first exam and then return to the exam room." They were given instructions by the invigilator.

The students that were to stay were furious but they couldn't argue with Tarton University or its examination committee about a half-hour break between two hard subjects. Dixie didn't bother rioting since she just wanted to get through the week.

Half an hour with nothing to do would kill her. She couldn't go see Noah since he had classes for first-year students all day, and she wasn't in the mood to see Kate and Larray ; she loved them but they can be extremely clingy, and she was trying to avoid that vibe.

She then decided to spend some of her time texting Noah and the rest of her time reading her history textbook.

Dixie D'Amelio: hey, my exam just finished.

Noah Beck: i am observing a class today, tutoring later. how was your exam?

Dixie D'Amelio: oh and it was fairly good. where was the mcq babe?

Noah Beck: now we both know that isn't my style but I figured you'd have minor troubles.

Dixie D'Amelio: you doubted me lol?

Noah Beck: never that, module two just isn't your strongest module baby.

Dixie D'Amelio: true and what the fuck is a humanistic psychodynamic?

Noah Beck: the question didn't ask you what it was, it asked you to give an annotative perception of the steps but your next exam starts soon, see you after it all.

Dixie D'Amelio: are you not going to tell me that you love me before you go?

Noah Beck: Ms. D'Amelio, I love you

Dixie D'Amelio: I love you too sir:)

Throughout the chat, Dixie sat there blushing. It made her and him happy even when they were talking about nothing in particular. Noah was texting and smiling in the front of his classroom. For a brief moment, he forgot he was teaching; love truly transforms and illuminates a whole new world.

She pulled up her History textbook and began reviewing some essential topics. Dixie avoided going into core studying mode because she knew it would make it difficult for her to recall material. As she and the other students stood at the door, waiting for me to give them permission to enter, the new invigilator walked in, and she was taken aback by who it was.

"Good day, students. This afternoon, I'll be supervising your AP History exam. Please come in and take a seat; we will begin in 3 minutes," the invigilator stated. "Please see me, Ms. D'Amelio, before you take your seat."

She walked to the front of the room, whispering, "Fuck."

"What the hell are you doing, Noah? I'm try my best to pass my examinations,"she aggressively whispered.

"I'm here because I missed you, baby. Just try your best, okay?"

She walked away with a smile on her face. Her smile grew so big that she forgot she was still at school. He was obnoxious, but she adored him and appreciated his concern for her. Dixie could only wish for the fantasizing to stop.

"You may begin. You have two hours to do this exam. All the best," he said and took a seat and so the sound of pen clicks started filling the room.


After some time had gone, Dixie finished her tests with little to no difficulty. She was as confident as she had been in the previous exam, and this set the tone for the rest of her exams. She could feel Noah staring at her from across the room, and she smiled every now and then. Others saw this as "academic misconduct," but Noah couldn't bring himself to write her up.

"Put your pens and pencils away. The examination is now over."

Noah went about collecting documents and instructing everyone to vacate the room in a timely manner. He gave her the signal by brushing his fingertips across his lips. Surprisingly, she remembered and smiled as she exited the classroom. She didn't even greet her friends as this was clearly more essential. Dixie was in for a surprise since Noah had other intentions.

She went to his office and stood outside his door, waiting for him. She assumed he'd have to hand over the papers to the examination council before continuing on his way, and she hoped there would be little to no interaction while she waited. These seemed to be the longest minutes of her entire existence.

Noah finally opened the office door after what seemed like a decade, and they went inside.

"It's not fair to satisfy you after I just finished an exam, but I guess it-" she murmured as she tucked her hair into a bun.

He killed her spirits by saying, "Dixie, baby, that's not why I called you in here."

Noah began stroking his temples and sighed deeply. She sensed something wasn't quite right.

"What happened?" she asked, her voice mournful.

"Dixie, you have to be more discreet," he said, "and we have to be more covert until your graduation."

"What do you mean I'm so low key?" Her dramatic abilities could have gotten her a Broadway position.

"When you were studying with your friends and more, I heard about the name sliding. I don't want anything to happen to you, so please just listen to me," he said, persuading her. They couldn't afford to lose one other, and Noah would go to any length to keep her in his life.

She was furious with Halley since she knew Noah had learned about it through Bryce, who had learned about it from Halley. However, he was right at the same time. She had to be discreet, not only for herself but for both of them, in order to keep their relationship safe.

She cursed, "I can't believe Halley told you."

"You can't hold Halley responsible for this; she didn't tell me to hurt you; she did it because she loves you."

He signaled her to come over to him by walking up to the door and locking it. She moved in closer and straddled him. Though it was a thoughtful gesture, it was incredibly hypocritical of him, especially in light of what he had said to her.

"This is exactly what I'm fucking saying, it's n -"

"Watch your fucking tone, Dixie Jane," he said, his voice becoming increasingly agitated with each word.

"No I will not watch my tone," she said "As I am saying, it's not fair. You are like be more discreet but then here I am in your office straddling you," she explained angrily.

Noah grew furious at the tone she kept with him, but he let it subside as he knew she had a point in her statement.

"Don't think you won't be punished for this."

"That's all you have to say?," She scoffed "God I'm fucking punished for breathing," she spoke, rolling her eyes.

"Dixie, what else do you want me to say? Do you want me to be angry? Do you want us to have a fuckfight? What the fuck are you talking about, and what's your problem? Because of what I mentioned earlier, I know you aren't acting like this."

Her cheeks began to flush. She could see it was a serious topic, yet she couldn't help but get turned on.

"I'm miserable and irritated. I can't, and I won't, live in secrecy. Not to mention how you go out of your way to turn me on, I'm annoyed." She moaned her dissatisfaction.

"No one is trying to turn you on or keeping you a secret," he explained.

"But it feels that way," she whined.

"I'm not trying to keep you a secret or turn you on right now, Dixie," He said, "but I'm sure you are." His tone softened, and his manhood began to emerge.

"Noah, please," she whined, "I'm trying to be angry at everything, and you getting hard when I'm on top of you isn't helping any of us."

She was a strange mix of crazed and horny. Dixie wanted him to bend her over his desk and dominate her, but Noah didn't seem to agree with her.

"You know what else isn't helping us?" While his hands unzipped her top and moved up her skirt, he questioned.

"Fuck," she said under her breath "what?"

"Dixie I know you too well. To begin with, I know that you aren't entirely upset by the whole discreet conversation. I'm sure you're frustrated since we haven't had sex in a long time. I'm aware that my words are turning you hot by the minute. It's not by chance that you're not wearing any underwear. When you want sex, you wear black lace. Am I wrong?"

She'd never been hornier in her life. He made her almost drool with everything he said, and he hadn't even touched her yet. Dixie fell silent and began to rise from Noah's lap, but Noah wouldn't have it— he forced her back into her seat and continued talking.

"I didn't say get up," he said adamantly. "If you want to touch yourself, Dixie, touch yourself."

"Noah, stop torturing and teasing me," she said frantically.

"I want to see you reach out and touch yourself. Touch you pussy as much as you want."

This was the most enticing thing she'd ever heard or been instructed to perform. Dixie started to touch herself without further instructions. This was a whole new experience for her, but she thoroughly enjoyed it. The notion of him seeing her amplified the thrill a hundredfold. Her hands brushed past her clitoris as they moved across her aperture. Noah intervened when she began to enter her fingers.

"No, you don't finger yourself. I'm the only one who can enter you—either orally or vaginally. It doesn't matter if you want it or how strongly you want it, whore," he snarled, "you can continue now."

"W-whore for you, Noah, and you're fucking killing me." Her heart was beating and her breathing was becoming erratic. Dixie wasn't sure if it was the danger or the fact that everything was happening at the same time that made her appreciate it more than she should.

Noah seemed to enjoy himself, despite the fact that it had not been planned. Dixie rubbed herself again and again, getting wetter and wetter. As if Noah wasn't freaky enough before, he needs to get even freakier.

"Who else would you want to be a whore for? Spread your legs on the table. I want to see all that is mine."

She did what she was told. Noah was taken aback by the sight. According to him, Dixie has the most beautiful bits, and he couldn't stop complimenting her. Noah had to step in and give her the touch she craved because she was the most horny she'd ever been. After removing her blouse and bra, he began sucking her nipples. This appeared to replicate the sights of a mother who was breastfeeding her infant. His tongue rolled around her nipples, making her wetter each time.

Noah moved down to her vaginal area from her breast. He carefully inserted his fingers inside her body, forcing her to gasp and almost lose her breath.

"Noah, yes oh my gosh. Right there please please please Fuck ahh," she cried. Dixie yearned for him to give her this kind of pleasure.

Her begging was the sweetest sound he'd ever heard. Hearing her pleading for him warmed his heart.

"Sshh baby, don't worry, I'm not going to fuck you today," he smirked, caressing her more vigorously.

"Please, Noah," she pleaded pathetically, "I can't do this today."

He increased the speed of his finger movement, causing loud shouts to reverberate around the room. They could only pray that no one was nearby to hear what they were saying. It immediately dawned on her that they were fucking in full daylight. They were completely enraged by this.

"You can cum," he commended, "you're such a good girl." She's been waiting to hear that three-letter word.

It was all about praising kink.

She twitched and let go. They enjoyed the messiness of the entire region. She sank back onto his lap, her head resting on his chest.

He patted her head and asked, "How do you feel now, precious?"

She guffawed, "I feel like I want more, but I feel good."

He smiled at her and nodded his head. "Right now, no. I need to get ready for a student tutoring session."

"Tutor? Who? And you are deserving of some mind-blowing head, as I will remind you later." She laughed.

"Yes, I do deserve some head, and I think you should be using your mouth more," he said, his voice as bold as ever.

"Do not change the subject. What kind of student are you tutoring?"

"There's this new student in year 1B, her name is-" Noah couldn't even finish his statement without her blowing up on him. Nothing set a woman's anger more than hearing her significant other talking about other women.

"Her?" Dixie asked, her brows furrowed. "Her name


Noah mentally cursed when he noticed her tone had switched. This was not going to end well. He laughed and said, "Calm down, baby. Her name is Sarah."

Dixie sighed, "I bet she wants to fuck you."

"Probably," he shrugged his shoulders, "but all I want to do is fuck you."

"That's not helping my mental state, and I know you're just want to fuck me. How did this even happen in the first place?"

"My brother thought it would be a great idea if I did it at home. She seemed to be in need of assistance of some sort," Noah muttered, sounding confused and annoyed. He has no idea what these tutoring sessions entail because it was thrust upon him without warning.

"No, she's not coming to your place," Dixie answered, her gaze fixed on him. It was one thing to have the tutoring session, but it was another and more intimate gesture to bring it to the house.

"Please, Dixie, don't be so difficult," he pleaded. "It's only five classes per week. Monday through Friday, there will be one class."

Noah was having a hard time with this conversation. How did they get from arguing to intimacy and then back to arguing, in less than a few minutes? Knowing that he is everything to her gave him great joy, but it also brought him a world of grief and worry whenever they fought, especially about matters like this.

"It doesn't matter if there are two, three, four, or even ten classes. You work with students at school as a tutor. Call me crazy, but I am the only woman who has a reason to walk through those doors, and when we have a baby girl in the future." Dixie was adamant. She was losing her mind.

"I can't change it because he's skeptical of us Dixie," he reasoned, "so I'm doing everything I can to relieve the suspicion."

"I hope she knows you fucked me on every single piece of furniture in that house, as well as the tables, balcony, bathroom, and-"

"You're going insane, Dixie. We're not going to fuck. She's only a student of mine," He comforted her.

"I was also a student of yours, and now you're cumming on my throat. I trust you, I don't trust her, but whatever the case may be, I'm not fond of this idea."

"You're becoming more daring with your words. In normal conditions, I'd have you face down and ass up, but today, for some reason, I'm calm." He tried all he could to change the subject or even make her laugh, but it didn't work.

"Can you tell me how long the tutoring will last?" She asked as she rose from his lap and straightened her clothing.

"You're so hot," he added, "and it'll last until your graduation time since that's when first-year students have their final exams, which starts at 12 p.m. and concludes at 6 p.m."

Her expression became irritated, and she rolled her eyes. This isn't possible to be true.

"What's the matter now? You're the most difficult woman I've ever encountered," he pointed out.

"That's because you usually have your previous bitches do whatever you say, and I'm not like that, which is why you love me. 12 to 6 p.m.? When will you get to see me if you go to her 12 to 6. Is there any clean underwear here, by any chance?"

"Why am I not fucking your throat right now so you'll shut up?"

"I'm asking myself the same ques-" She got an A for effort, but Noah was no longer tolerating her being a brat today. It didn't make sense to him. Her statements were cut off. Within seconds, he gripped her throat, which excited her far more than it should have.

"God, you're so testing; tomorrow is 12 to 6 p.m., and yes, you have panties in my car. You want them?"

"When she's finished with her tutoring, when do I get my time with you?"

"What else is going on, Dixie? Talk to me; I know you're not jealous of a 20-year-old, and I'm certain this is related to something else. What exactly is it?"

He was all too familiar with her. There was something else going on, but she didn't want to say anything about it. Dixie was afraid of becoming too involved and appearing needy, which was the last thing she wanted for herself.

"It's just that I'm easily scared. It's a lot of pressure now that you're tutoring someone. You're the one person who gives me their undivided attention all of the time, and now I'm going to lose it. I'll be studying for exams at school, while you'll be teaching someone at home. Then, if I see you at school, we won't be able to interact due to the need for discretion. My exams are supposed to end on Wednesday. What am I supposed to do every day when you're teaching psychology and tutoring her? I don't even want her to come to your house. Everything has been getting on fucking my nerves recently," she said quickly and jitterily.

Noah became upset and worried as he realized how well he knew her feelings. He understood where she was coming from, but it was all done in the best interest of their relationship.

"That's where you should've started. You know I'm not going to fuck her; I don't have the same feelings for any other woman as I do for you, and look at me," he said, using his fingers to tilt up her chin.Please don't cry. You'll still have my undivided attention. I'll make sure to bring lessons to school if she starts acting close or anything."

"Whatever. Please get the panties for me; I have to go."

"What? Where are you going?"

"My home, because my man has other plans. I need to shower because I'm sticky and dirty, and I also need to get more birth control."

Noah just grumbled and dashed to his car for his underwear, while Dixie sat in his office, waiting. Some could label her as insane, but she had every right to be upset. She's been hurt and pushed away a lot, and the one time she did find someone, she had to place a time limit on it.

"This is a thong, by the way," he said as he tossed the underwear to her. "It was in the back seat with the rest of your stuff. I'll just bring them to my place."

"Whatever," she murmured.

She didn't say much more to him. Dixie dressed herself, made herself presentable, and was on her way home.

"You're so cute when you're jealous. I love you."

"I'm not fucking jealous, and I know for a fact that if it were me, you'd be as angry as you were when Richard came in to school, or did you forget about that?"

He chuckled, "Baby, calm down before you have a stroke," he said, which came out more as a warning.

"Noah, you're acting childish. What do you mean, you don't get it or you're trying to justify it?"

"Dixie it's-"

"I know how some women are and I know how hungry students are. You think I don't hear everyone talking about the fact that they want to fuck you or how big they think your dick is? Or how much they would let you slut them out? I hear every fucking thing. So yes, I'm fucking insecure and jealous," she stated in a commanding tone. It was a lot harder than she had anticipated, but she needed to get her ideas across.

He couldn't answer her, nothing he could say would have made a difference. Nothing could alter the reality of the situation.

"Are you going to drive me home?" she scoffed, "Silence as I thought."

Today was not going to be a good day for Noah. His expressions told everything. Noah couldn't bring Dixie home because he needed to take Sarah to their tutoring session today.

"That's exactly what I expected. I'm leaving. Have fun with your tutoring," she remarked as she began to walk away.

"Dixie, please wait," he said.

With a puzzled expression on her face, she turned around and faced him. "What now?"

"You forgot your kiss," he said.

Noah hugged her and kissed her on the forehead before leaving the office. On her way out, she noticed a lovely young lady approaching Noah's office. Her skirt was a little short, and she had a lot of breasts. She was a really attractive student. Then it occurred to Dixie that she might be the person he was supposed to tutor.

"Excuse me, are you all right? You look lost," Dixie said sweetly.

"Oh hey, I kinda am. Dr. Beck is the person I'm looking for. He's supposed to teach me this week, but I can't find his office," said the young girl, panicked.

"You're really attractive," Dixie observed, "but let me to show you to his office."

"Thank you so much," she smiled "what's your name?"

"Dixie, and you?"

"My name is Sarah," she respond.

Dixie hammered on the office door, louder and louder with each knock. Noah was taken aback as he opened the door. This was a situation he'd never be able to forget.

"Hello, sir, this student was looking for you; her name is Sarah, and she says you are her tutor. I just showed her where the office was since she couldn't find it."

"Dixie, thank you very much. Sarah, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'll just grab my belongings and we'll be on our way."

Dixie stormed out of the area, leaving Noah speechless. He was well aware that he'd never hear the end of this, and he sympathized with her feelings and complaints. Not for one, but for both, this was going to be a difficult awakening.