
3rd Person

Dixie and Noah were both wide awake and alert after their previous escapades. Dixie's only plan for today was to study for her exams, whereas Noah's only plans for the day were to talk to his brother and tutor Sarah at 12 p.m. Dixie was still displeased, but it was just for one more day.

She admired Noah's willingness to put his life on the line for her and his genuine care for her happiness.

He joked, "Wear something hot today."

"Yeah, I completely want my other male teachers to look at me and say, 'Yes, I want to fuck that student,'" she says.

"I'd rather have your mouth do what it did this morning. Playing games with me is not a good idea." His voice became harder as he spoke.

"Fine I'm sorry. I've been feeling as if I've been naked all day. Let me get dressed. Will you drop me off at school?"

He smiled as he said, "Yeah, if you want me too and let me pick your outfit."

"Sir, I hope you know that I would do the same things for you that you do for me," she said, as if he didn't already know.

He merely grinned as he stared at her. Noah was a fashion icon, she believed. He had the greatest outfits for her to wear all the time.

"Today's weather is windy, and you easily get cold. Wear this underneath since I love seeing you in lace and I'm sure I'll be the one to remove it. Aside from that, this white underwear and bra set looks great with the black bodysuit. In case you get cold, there's also a cardigan."

Dixie was impressed and dressed as a result. He was proud of her because she didn't take a decade to get ready for the first time.

"Let's go, Noah," she exclaimed cheerfully.

They left the apartment after that and he drove her to school. Even though it wasn't a long journey, they had stopped for breakfast and coffee.

"How come you didn't buy anything?" She asked.

"I'm fine baby." "I'll eat later, don't worry, I'm not a coffee drinker."

"I melt every time you call me baby. Is it okay if I drop by your office for a conversation today?"

"I'm going to drop you off and then go home to change because I'm still in my pajamas. I'll be back at school around ten o'clock, and you'll be studying for an exam. Then I'll leave school around 11:30 a.m. to teach Sarah. So, after all of that, I'll see you."

With a fake gag, she said, "I lost my appetite hearing her name."

"I love hearing you gag, particularly when it's on my-"

"Do not finish that sentence. Do me a favor and answer my calls today, regardless of whether you're teaching or not."

She got out of the car after he gave her a nod. Today, Dixie was just about ready for school. She was having a wonderful morning and was certain that her exams would go well.


Her exam went quite well. She was done in the first 90 minutes and spent the rest of the time sleeping. Not many students did foreign languages so this set was rather small. Kate and Larray were not there, so she hoped to see them the next day or later.

Ms. Salmon, the invigilator, told the applicants to stop working as soon as the timer ran out. She proceeded down the rows, gathering the papers.

"Please be informed that you have another exam coming up in roughly 45 minutes. You are free to exit the room."

Dixie didn't need to be told twice. Dixie walked away from the phone, gathering her bag and pens from the desk. She didn't know if Halley was at school or if Noah had returned, so there wasn't much she could do, but there was one way to find out.

Halley W (bestie)

Dixie D'Amelio: Wya?

Halley Williams: I'm at home, my exams are done today, where are you?

Dixie D'Amelio: I'm at school, just finished one paper and I have another left.

Halley Williams: Sending you so much love and luck! Is Noah there?

Dixie D'Amelio:I'm not even sure, he's probably busy, ugh I'll just walk on campus for a bit.

Halley Williams: Alright sugar, stay safe! I love you bff.

Dixie D'Amelio: I love you too<3


Dix decided to take a walk around campus and was surprised to see Sarah with a group of girls, whom she overheard conversing. Her instincts compelled her to pay attention.

Sarah told the group of girls she was sitting with, "I was at his place, it's so clean, and he's actually so hot."

"Girl, yes I know. But how long do you think it'll be before you guys fuck?" One of her friends responded with a response.

"Take a look at me, I'm a hottie. I'll give him till our third period. I don't care if he's in a relationship or not," she said, giggling.

Dixie was enraged and disgusted in general. There was no way this girl was talking Noah in that regard. She was not only being rude, but she was also acting like a whore and desperate. Dixie ran into Noah's office and informed him of the situation.

When Noah returned to school at 10:15 a.m., he headed straight to his brother's office to straighten out this tutoring schedule, which he may have to cancel. It's not worth the agony it gives Dixie, and he won't be another of her victims who has to go to court or serve time in prison.

"Good morning Matt, we need to talk," Noah said formally and respectfully as he approached Matt.

"How's it going, big brother?" Matt joked.

"Anyway, that student you assigned me to teach will no longer be tutored by me after tomorrow; you will have to find her a new teacher. Mrs. Leslie, perhaps?" Noah stated it bluntly.

"Why? Is there a problem?" Matt demanded emphatically.

"I won't be available, and she seemed to be looking for something other than a lesson. I don't have time to waste."

He coughed up, "Noah, I think that's a really inappropriate assumption."

"You slept with her when she was underage, you dirty idiot. That's all I have to say on the subject. You may speak with another instructor, and I will advise her at a later time in our class. You have a great day now."

Noah was dead serious about it, and he was disgusted. If you're going to sleep with a student, be sure they're at least 18 years old or have the same objectives as you.

"I'll make the necessary changes," Matt said. "Have a good day, Noah."

"As I had expected. Have a wonderful day as well."

Noah departed to begin his day. Matt was always second best to Noah in every manner since he was a terrible and arrogant person. He attempted to be Noah in every way possible and failed miserably.

Noah was now back in his office and was surprised by an unexpected knock on the door.

"Come in," he replied, clearing his desk of papers.

"Hello, what's wrong?" Dixie asked, noting how strained the environment was, "you seem tense."

As he realized it was Dixie, a wave of relief flooded over him.

He motioned for her to come over to him and said, "Hey baby, come here please."

"Hey," she asked softly, "what's the matter?"

"Nothing is wrong; I just hate my brother. When I went to speak with him about Sarah, he agreed to change it. He just disgusts me in general," Noah expressed his displeasure.

"Wait till I lock the door before we sit," she said as she led them to his office couch.

"Don't worry, Noah, you'll always be better than him. Today I saw Sarah. She was joking about with her friends about how you and her are going to fuck on Wednesday."

"Excuse me, but what?" He was enraged.

"No, I know you did nothing, but she has plans. Regrettably, these will never come true for her."

"Desperation is a turnoff in any situation. Anyway, she's the least of my concerns at the moment. When is your next exam scheduled?"

"The next 15 minutes will begin at 11 a.m. Then I'll go home and study while doing laundry, and then I'll see you?"

"Yeah. I'm so whipped, it's extremely concerning,"He burst out laughing.

"Have you ever been pussy whipped? Until now, that is."

"Nope. You've whipped me mentally, emotionally, and physically. But I'm not going to complain," while kissing her neck and massaging her thighs, he said.

"As much as I'd like this right now, baby. I've got to get back to my exa- fuck " she grumbled.

Her covered clit was brushed by his finger, causing her to moan.

"Well finish this later, I have to go," she stated.

"Wait just a second," he said as he placed his palms on her cheeks, "go do your best, I love you," and kissed her.

They went about their days after Dixie had left the office. Dixie couldn't get this man out of her head. He was the only person she loved and trusted more than anybody else. Noah's life was practically in her hands. She grinned as she considered everything. They weren't perfect, but the fact that they both put forth effort in this relationship was crucial in making it work. By


Dixie came out of her fourth exam with the utmost confidence. She put in the most effort to study and let's say everything was going the way she wanted it to. The invigilator released them at about 2pm; the exam was annoyingly long. Her first instincts were to call Noah and Halley but she then remembered both were busy so she headed home via Uber. Arriving at her apartment, she decided to be a little wild or a little tempting.


Sarah was dropped off at my place by her mother for the tutoring session. I wasn't happy with anything, especially after what Dixie had told me, but it was just for a day. Students like her are the ones who will file false sexual assault allegations, and I don't need any more drama in my life. I handed her the quiz and told her to start; hopefully, she completed the Unit 2 reading.

"Ask me questions if you're having any difficulties."

"Yes sir, I will," she replied innocently. If only this was true for this pupil.

We started our actual class when she finished the quiz in an hour. I didn't want to be here right now, but it was my job, and I needed to do it well.

"The new topic is words associated with psychology, and after tomorrow's session, another teacher will take over. You will no longer take classes with me."

Her demeanor abruptly changed, and she asked, "Wait sir, why?"

"I'm now working on other projects that will overlap. Don't worry, the other psychology professors are just as good," I comforted her.

I could sense her dissatisfaction, but it wasn't my concern. I'm sure she couldn't care less about the topic in the first place. Thirsty students aren't the reason I'll be going to court and hearings with lawyers in the future.

"Psychology is the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, particularly those that influence behavior in a certain situation, and it has four objectives. What are the goals?"

She was correct when she said, "to describe, explain, predict, and modify behavior."

My statement was interrupted by a ring on my phone. "Yes, exactly so the study can vary to-"

"Excuse me one second, my girlfriend is calling me."

Her expression became even more irritated. I answered the phone directly in front of her, making sure not to move or leave her alone in my house. It was unprofessional, to be sure, but I didn't mind.

"Hello, my love," I said when I picked up the phone.

"Hey babe," she murmured quietly, "I texted you, why didn't you respond?"

"I'm with a student right now baby, I'll call you back as soon as I can."

"We'll see about that. Bye, I love you," she laughed.

"I love you even more."

What a crazy girl I have to call mine. Life doesn't get any better than this.

"So sorry about that, let's continue. Take your laptop out of the bag and make a mental note of the slide I just uploaded. Read it over, take notes, and we'll talk about it in 30 minutes."

It perplexed me how a kid could attend class and not take notes on what was being taught. She was simply uninterested and had come for other reasons.

Dixie D'Amelio

Hi are you busy?

I'm guessing this was the

text you sent from before?

Oh yes it was, but hii

Hey baby wyd?

I'm undressing so i

can shower and do

laundry. how is the

teaching going?

it's going good? idk

she's writing things

from a slide now.

How are you seated?

I'm on the couch

and she's around

the living room

desk why?

Nothing just curiosity



I'm sure she was conjuring up some sort of counter-argument in her thoughts for us to debate.

"Okay, sir, I think I've finished my work. Also, could I please use the restroom?"

"Sure, there's one right across the us. On the left, there is a light switch."

She nodded and went to the restroom.

Dixie D'Amelio

*1 attachment 📎*

*1 attachment 📎*

*3 attachments 📎*

*2 attachments 📎*

*4 attachment 📎*

not sure why they sent

in different parts but oh


what is this?

Just watch them

Okay give me 5 minutes

she came back from the


fucking bitch, I'll send more

in the mean time

*7 videos 📎*

I needed to see what Dixie had sent me, but I couldn't open it in front of everyone because she's such a risky girl. Sarah and I talked about the PowerPoint for 15 minutes before I excused myself to go upstairs and handed her some work to do.

When I opened the messages, I wasn't sure what to anticipate, but I wasn't let down. How did she manage to be so flawless?

Dixie D'Amelio

Dixie Jane oh my god

What the fuck

You look so hot in that

Oh my god

You're so beautiful

Dixie you can't be doing this

I'm in a class

How hot are you?

I didn't do anything.....

More than cause an erection

The video was so pretty

it's so pretty. Can't wait to

see you.

Yeah I know right,

I'm so pretty.

Your nudes shouldn't be free.

so perfect.

I think the white looks better

My favourite ones were

the ones ones without it wym?

Of course they were

You're giving me blue balls

You can always come over

I'm there for that

I'll see you soon

have a class to finish up

*one attachment📎*


This girl tempts me badly. I wasn't expecting a collection with so many explicits. I didn't want to finish this class since I needed to see her and conceal my erection.

Sarah's class went by at a terribly sluggish pace. I felt like I was keeping track of the minutes and seconds. She remained silent throughout the lecture, not even raising her hand to ask a question.

"My mother is outside, sir. I will see you around campus," she said speedily and left the living room.

"Bye, have a safe journey." That's all there is to it.

Dixie D'Amelio

Dix, you up?

yes I'm up.

it's been like 5 hours

Well you know I had

a class to teach so.

are you almost here?

No? I haven't left my

house yet. do you want


yes yes please.

McDonalds please

Be there in 20


3rd Person

Noah drove to Dixie's apartment with Dixie's dinner. It seemed almost strange that he was almost there but lacked a key. People were probably curious as to why he was there because they noticed him, but most of them forgot about his wealth and didn't probe it more. It was risky driving to her quarters because he didn't know who would be there or if he'd be caught, but life is full of risks.

When Noah arrived at the parking lot, he went upstairs. Fortunately, there weren't many people on the block, so he went unnoticed, wearing sunglasses and sweatpants. Dixie came to open the door after he knocked on it. Noah almost dropped his food bags because the sights in front of him were so appealing.

He remarked as he walked towards the kitchen island, "What if it wasn't me at the door?"

"Well, whoever it was, they'd have gotten a great show," she joked. This was only harmless amusement, but Noah didn't see it that way.

He gave her the death stare in response.

"I had a feeling it was you chill," she said. "However, thank you for the food; I'm hungry, so let's eat."

He murmured, rolling his eyes and hissing his teeth, "Whatever."

She growled, "I'm not eating with you tonight if you're going to have an attitude."

"You're wearing a lace bra and French cut underwear and you walk to the door. Your nipples and full ass are on display. It's as if you walked up to the door naked."

"I knew it was you, Noah," she muttered under her breath, "you're getting so dramatic."

He pleaded, "Next time, wear clothes or even your robe."

While walking to her bedroom, she replied, "Mhm alright, I'm not hungry anymore."

He trailed her just behind her. Dixie was without a doubt the most challenging lady he'd ever met. She instilled in him the virtue of patience.

"Do not touch me; I'm not in the mood," she yelled angrily.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me. Come here now Dixie."

Her subservient side was still intact. She leapt to her feet and stood in front of him in a matter of seconds.

"I'm not only your boyfriend, but I'm also your dominant. How would you react if I opened the door like you did?"

"I'd be happy since you're my guy... but I understand your point, so could we just move on, sir?"

Sir...someone is finally regaining her demeanor.

"So, what's the backstory of this outfit and these photos?"

"Actually, I've been quite anxious during the last several days, and we were off for a week or two due to studying and other things. So I just thought it would be fun to add some variety to things.... the pictures were an added bonus," she said, sounding excited almost.

"Wow, those photos were incredible. How did you get those angles and the wow factor?" He was completely captivated.

"Baby, I've got a few tricks up my sleeve." This was the epitome of seduction.

He quickly drew her to his lap and they began kissing. Noah's hands wandered Dixie's body, smacking and grabbing her behind at every opportunity. They had a good time last night. Too much fun, but Noah made sure to save some for the next day. After several heated rounds, the couple was exhausted and drifted off to sleep.