
3rd Person

It was Dixie's last day of examinations, which she was grateful about. Despite the difficulties in her relationship, she had a good week. She was confident in most, if not all, of her exams, and now it was up to her to attain the grades she sought. She'd finally get to spend the rest of the weekend with Noah, which was a welcome relief. The world was returning to routine as he finished his last session with Sarah and she finished her final examinations.

Dixie finished her final exam and headed home to prepare for Noah's weekend. The paper wasn't horrible, but she had the impression that she had rushed it. Her responses were reasonable, but she was confident that Mrs. Smith would penalise her, particularly in the Darwin adaption section. There's no point in weeping over spilled milk, so she walked out of the exam room and called it a day.

He planned to invite Bryce and Halley over for dinner and drinks after his session with Sarah. Dixie was happy when Noah informed her about this. She was missing her best friend Halley and couldn't wait to spend more time with her.

Dixie put on her best lingerie set and carefully selected it. She understood exactly what she wanted. Their sex life was the spiciest, yet neither party let it overshadow their trust, loyalty, or overall values.

She paired her tiger printed stilettos with a simple black dress and a tiger print body length coat. Her sense of style was impeccable. Dixie went on to do her hair and noticed that her marks were beginning to fade. Even though they've had a lot of sex recently, it hasn't been as harsh as they'd want. This was the clearest indication that he needed to put in more effort. Was she insane to imagine such a thing? Or is she simply too horny?

Dixie gathered her things, got in her car, and drove to his home around 7 p.m. She might have stopped to get something if it hadn't been for the prospect of seeing her "boyfriend." She noticed Bryce's car as she approached his driveway. She was kind of sad, she wanted time alone with Noah first.

Dixie took her things from the car and carried them to the front door. She packed as if she was going to spend the rest of the month with him, but a girl needs options. Because the door was unlocked, she just pulled it open and walked in. Noah was either in his study or in his backyard, she assumed. Her apartment was likewise completely packed, and it was time to move.

"Noah...Sir, are you here- oh hey baby, and where's Halley, Bryce?"

"Hey Dix," Bryce said, "she's sick, so it's just me."

She rolled her eyes and replied, "Great, I'm going upstairs."

"Dix, I thought you'd be happy to see me. Aren't we best friends?" Bryce joked.

"Fuck you, Bryce," she laughed as she walked up the stairwell.

This made Bryce and Noah chuckle. Noah would have caught up to her eventually, but he needed to talk to Bryce about something more important. Noah, on the other hand, felt awful and texted her.

Noah Beck : You look gorgeous, I'll come up soon

Dixie D'Amelio: okay I'll be waiting for you ;)

Noah Beck: feisty aren't we?

Dixie D'Amelio: Always.


There was definitely a treat in store for him later.


"I have a lot of questions. For starters, your speech and choice are due next week; what will you do? Who is this Sarah girl, by the way?" Bryce seemed to have missed a lot. Sure, he and Noah talked a lot, but some things can't be discussed over the phone.

"I don't know, man," Noah sighed, "but I heard my brother is up for it as well. That scumbag of a son. Sarah is a first-year student that my brother requested that I tutor," he went on to explain. Noah was enraged because he was drinking a lot of scotch.

"You can't let him win," Bryce conveyed his thoughts. "You know what you need to do and therefore can make an educated choice. I understand you love her, but is she truly worth everything you've hoped for? How did Dixie not go insane when it came to the tutor? Halley would crucified me," Bryce dramatized.

"No, Dixie almost killed me," he said, "and yes, she's quite valuable; I'm sure she is," he smiled and giggled.

"That was always going to be your response. Consider it further before making your decision, bro. My girl is unwell, and yours is upstairs, so let's wrap this up tomorrow." Bryce shot back.

The men sipped their scotch and finished the bottle in no time. By the conclusion of it all, he was clearly inebriated. Bryce went after saying his farewell. The fragrance of the scotch almost killed Dixie as she proceeded down the stairs and straddled Noah. Everything seemed to happen so quickly to Hi, but it's most likely after effects.

"Noah, have you been drinking?" she asked, her voice concerned.

He murmured lazily, "Just a little bit," and began massaging her sides and ass.

"Just a tiny bit? You reek of scotch, babe," she grumbled, "and that feels nice, too." She smiled warmly.

"If you want, I can take you right here," he asserted. The passion was evident in the space.

"Noah," she said, "you're certainly drunk," she laughed as she grabbed his face.

He groaned, "Probably, a full bottle of scotch."

"It's good to know my kids will have an alcoholic father."

Dixie's want to have a child with Noah grew as she spent more time with him. Obviously, he would deny the idea because "she's young," but he wasn't as young, so it may work. They were both happy in their lives, but they had no plans to start a family anytime soon.

"Wait, what? Are you pregnant?"

"I wish," she sighed, "but no, I'm not."

"We're not trying to have a baby right now, baby. Sooner or later, but not right now, "he stated

"We have sex all day, every day; I'm sure I'll be pregnant soon." Realistically, she is right, but only God has power over it.

"Where did all this come from, you've never told me you wanted babies as badly as you did at 22?" He had been even more perplexed. Scotch was doing havoc on his mind.

"Because I knew you'd say no and that we weren't ready," she said, leaping from his lap and discarding her coat.

"Don't get mad, Dixie; I'll give you a baby or 10 soon enough, but not now. Come back here please," he pouted.

"All right, but only be-"

Someone knocked on the door and cut them off in the middle of their chat. A knock on the door often tends to derail good conversations and moments.

Dixie exclaimed with surprise, "There's no way you're here right now!"

"Look, I'm just here to speak with Noah," the older woman explained.

Noah seemed confused at Dixie as he asked, "Who is it?"

She sneered and made eye contact with him, saying, "Come see for yourself."

"Alissa, just leave," he urged as he walked towards the front door. "You don't have a chance any more. Isn't this humiliating for you?"

She groaned and said, "Hear me out. Look I'm sorry. I fucked up really bad and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done what I did. I just came to say I'm leaving." Her reasoning sounded sincere, but Noah didn't believe a word she said since he knew better.

"You ruined my life and attempted to destroy everything, including my entire world. Fuck off and fuck you."

Alissa broke down into tears, knowing fully well that she deserved this treatment, but the prospect of losing him shattered her heart. It's difficult to lose someone you care about, yet she brought it upon herself. A lady like her, a betrayed lover, is never easy to deal with.

Dixie shouted, "Noah, you didn't have to do that!"

"Maybe not, but she deserved it," he murmured as he walked to the kitchen, his hands raking over his hair.

"True, but you could've le-," she began, but was cut off.

"Kiss me," she says. He didn't want to talk about Alissa at all.

"But, you're -"

He drew her in a little closer and added, "Kiss me, I said. I don't want to talk about her, especially right now."

"All I'm saying is that you could've let m-"

With a kiss, Noah cut her statement short. She was talking excessively. Dixie jumped on the kitchen counter and wrapped her legs around him for support as the couple began making out. This was scorching. She was evaporating under his weight. She wasn't sure if it was because he was inebriated or what, but this side of him appealed to her.

He said, "Let's go mhm?"

She stammered, "G-go where?"

He chuckled, "Mhm, let me do you everywhere in this house." He laughed as he said, "living room...kitchen...balcony?"

He stated this between kisses, and she was completely turned on.

"You're so perfect, Noah," she exclaimed, her heart bursting at the seams.

He lovingly whispered to her, "And you're my entire world."

The rest of the night was spent listening to lovely moans, some of which were louder than others. They pushed each other to their limits, and he did her all over the house, just as he said he would. After that, only sleep could help them, and that's exactly what happened.


The day before the pre-graduation award ceremony had arrived. The committee decided to hold the event as a ball, in which students may dress up and have a good time. Noah implanted in her the fact that she had done a fitting for this. Dixie was a traditional woman, but she was dating a wealthy man, so she figured she might as well make the most of it. He had a few outfit, jewelry, and shoe options brought over by his stylists.

Noah dragged Dixie to the other room, saying, "The stylists are here, let's go Dixie."

"You didn't have to do this," she pressed on. It was flattering, but she would have looked just as good in a regular dress.

"I know," he said, "but I also know you like to dress up, so let's go."

It was lovely to see how well their connection blossomed. It wasn't perfect, but they learned something new about each other every day, whether it was good or bad. There were no skeletons in any of their closets anymore, which made things a lot easier. Noah even had the opportunity to meet her father and sister. Marc was harsh with him at first, but he slowly warmed up. Char was an angel, and some even said she and Noah had a brother-sister relationship. Dixie was ecstatic with it.

Dixie was impressed as they headed down the stairs to the fitting room. There were shelves upon racks of clothes, shoes, and jewelry to choose from. This was similar to the fittings she'd seen on YouTube or in movies.

"Hello, ahh, wow, you're stunning. I'm Martha, and that's Alaina, my assistant, and we'll be assisting you in selecting your outfit. Your husband has already told us all we need to know, so all you have to do now is choose a coordinated outfit that you feel comfortable in."

"Wow! They had it all figured out," Dixie pondered her thoughts.

When someone referred to Noah as her spouse, she was overcome with butterflies.

"Sure, let's go," she said, "but Noah, please leave," she said, "I want the dress to be a surprise."

He was disappointed, but he respected her decision, so he proceeded to the other room to get his suit adjusted.

Couples who do fittings in separate rooms in the same house, as the saying goes, stay together.

"So, what color do you have in mind? Is it a black, silver, or even pink moment?"

"Red. Something red is what I'm looking for. I'm feeling dangerous, but in a good way." To her, this was a lot of fun. She didn't like excessive things in general, but she was relaxed and having a good time.

Alaina remarked, "You get it gal."

They tried on all of the red dresses, but she fell in love with one that was particularly lovely and appropriate for the occasion. Everything else was either too casual or had too much of a ballroom/Disney princess vibe, which wasn't the vibe they were going for. It wasn't prom; it was a dinner prior the graduation award ceremony.

"This is the one. I want it," she spoke confidently.

"Ms. D'Amelio, your wish is most definitely our command," Martha remarked with a smile.

They laid the gown aside and began with the shoes. Dixie opted for a pair of nude, closed-toe heels. They went so far as to arrange her hairstyle. It was well-constructed. Her overall look was perfect, and she couldn't be happier. It was far superior to anything she could ever do for herself.

"Okay gorgeous. We'll be here by 3 p.m. to get you ready and prepared for the ceremony, which starts at 5 p.m."

Dixie was confused. Were they going to return? "Excuse me, but are you coming back?"

"We don't just pick the outfits; we also have to make sure that everything runs smoothly."

She thanked them with a smile. Noah better be paying girls a lot because they didn't play when it came on to their job. Dixie went on FaceTime with Halley while Martha and Alaina packed their belongings and left.

Noah's fitting went much more smoothly. All of these clothes were created to his specifications, so all he had to do was choose one. He wore a black tuxedo with a bow tie that was simple yet expensive. He was a sucker for bow ties, and he was only going to give a speech and present his students with awards.

Dixie joined Noah in the living room after getting off FaceTime.

"How did it go?" Noah asked.

"It was awesome. The ladies are the sweetest, and my dress, oh my god, my dress, it's absolutely stunning. Thank you so much for everything."

She ran up to him and gave him a hug, which resulted in them both collapsing on the couch. They couldn't stop laughing. What actually mattered and strengthened their friendship were the humorous and stupid times.

They just sat there in silence. Noah stroking Dixie's hair and Dixie on his chest. They enjoyed the peace and quiet between them. Except for the moaning, it was better than any talk or sound. All they wanted was a peaceful existence, and their wish was finally coming true.

They went to bed after eating Chinese takeout. They were in for a full day of excitement, joy, anguish, and surprises.

It was only a matter of time before excitement set in.