
3rd Person

Noah and Bryce, as well as Dixie, exited the auditorium together. This choice had upset her. What made Noah choose her over his dream? Was he losing his mind? Dixie had a feeling Bryce was involved in this. She was both enraged and perplexed. Her feelings were all over the place at the time.

Bryce was the most taken aback of the group. Dixie and Noah had the purest love he'd ever seen, especially considering Noah was still her dominant and she was still his obedient. He congratulated him, as such, because his heart was in the right place.

Bryce was standing in the door jam when Dixie arrived at the office.

"When you came over the other night, Bryce, what did you say to him?" She demanded fiercely.

"He chuckled, "Calm down, feisty. I didn't say anything. He was the one who did all the talking."

"About what?"

"You. If you're going to be mad at someone; Be mad at him. I need to get back to my pregnant fiancée."

Dixie was too angry and agitated to notice what Bryce had just said. But she'd finally hear and understand.

"What are you doing?"

"This office is being packed up. Do you happen to be interested in this book?"

"What the hell was that? Don't play dumb with me. You are not bound to do it for me. I had the option of waiting. You shouldn't have done that."

"That is where you are mistaken. I didn't do it because of you, and I didn't do it because of myself. It was something I did for us. I've achieved all of my life's desires as well as sufficient funds to see me through until my death. But there was one thing I didn't have: you. And I have it now, and nothing will be able to take it away from me. It's an excessively generous present. Our lives may now begin in earnest. No work position is worth all of this."

She had only just kissed him. Right now, no words could adequately explain her feelings. She merely kissed to show her affection. It was the longest kiss I'd ever experienced.

"Noah, thank you so much," she conveyed her gratitude.

"No, thank you, Dixie. You changed my life and my whole world. I'm in love with you. I can't wait to marry you or see you with a child." He chuckled and spoke passionately.

"Does this mean we can begin trying for a child right away?"

He laughed and said, "Nope, nice attempt."

The ideal way to cap off a memorable evening. There's no sex, no bdsm, just the chemistry and intimacy of two shattered reject souls in love.


The period following the celebration went by quickly, and they didn't realize it until it was too late. It had only been a few days before graduation. Halley dropped out of college to join Bryce in Italy. They're expecting a child. When Dixie found out, she squealed. She was overjoyed, and it began to instill in her thoughts about having a baby, but Noah constantly shut them down. Kate and Larray were cognizant of her relationship with the professor and ridiculed her about it in every future class. Larray says he knew they were dating the day he saw them at a Japanese restaurant together.

Dixie, Kate, and Larray were given the task of planning the students' after-graduation party, and they went all out. The school's finances were in shambles, but that was the point of all the tuition. They went gown fitting, and it was the most rewarding event of their lives. Dixie couldn't believe she was a college graduate with honors. Everything was in order. They even had a graduation song, with Dixie singing lead.

Dixie made Heidi, Marc, and Charli extremely proud. They kept showering her with roses and presents because she earned it. Charli was also delighted with her sister's efforts to mend her relationship. It was one of Dixie's happiest times in her life. She had reached her apex.

Dixie gave three to her family and three to Noah's parents out of the six invitations given to each student by the school. As a result, Amy, Tim, and one of the sisters would be attending. They became even more enamored with Dixie. Tim was still unhappy with the situation, but he appreciated how happy she made his son and how much more settled he is now. Everyone thought they were such a boring couple, but if only there were cameras hidden behind the bedroom doors.

Dixie yearned for another BDSM experience as well. She desperately desired one and hoped that if she had lucky angels looking over her shoulder, she would receive one soon.

Everything was falling into place, and they couldn't be happier with graduation approaching in just a few days.

Noah offered, "I think you should invite your friends for dinner."

"Where and what?" she inquired, perplexed.

"Since tomorrow is the last class before graduation," he explained, "I thought it would be a great idea if you hung out with them."

"I'd much rather do other things," she said as she dressed. "They can come tomorrow after school, but I'm not cooking."

"Deal. You deserve to have some fun, and I'm afraid I won't be able to take you on another trip just soon."He gave a kind smile.

"I understand. Our lives have officially begun, and I am overjoyed. I'm thinking of getting a house. What are your thoughts?" She asked.

"I considered it, but you told me to hold off till we have a baby on the way."

"True, but we still have the option. Let's take a look at the houses, shall we? This was a first for everything," she said, dominating the conversation.

"What do you have in mind?"

"Not much but I want a big house. Let's build a big house in the country where we can wake up to the sight of trees and such, or the Hollywood sign. You enjoy working out, so a gym and outdoor area would be beneficial. Also we're never breaking up, I hope you know that. Personally, I think we should get a lot of bedrooms since we need a dungeon, our bedroom, guest rooms, and finally baby rooms because I'll be pregnant before I am 25. I'll make certain of it. We also need a large kitchen, living room, and bathrooms. I'm bursting to the seams with ideas,"she clarified.

"Pregnant before 25 huh?"

"That's reasonable I don't want to be an old mom. He or she will already have an old father," she joked.

"I'm not that old, but you make a valid point. I'll call my realtor, and you should tell her of everything."

"Is it possible for us to move to Europe?"

"It's late, and I'm sure you're exhausted. Let's go to our bed," while caressing her side of the sheets, he said

She simply giggled and slid into bed. It was going to be a terrific day for them tomorrow. Life had not been easy and would not be easy in the future, but their love for each other would overcome all obstacles.