Chapter 25. Fall

I don't live in darkness; darkness lives in me.

|~| Nirav Jain.


Kory caught her brother's fist mid air, twisted it painfully behind his back then slammed him face first into her table before Carter could so much as move to help her.

"Try to touch me again and I will arrest you for assaulting an officer of the law"

"You hit me first!" He squealed even as he struggled under her tight grip.

"Agent Cross, did I hit this man first?" Kory asked.

"Well as the only witness what I saw was that he tried to strike you, you stopped him with a counter attack of yours, then restrained him. All due procedure"

"You son of a bitch!"

Kory grinned.

"Look Caleb, go away and never come back. I have a life here that I love with family and friends I'd kill for. I don't need you guys and I don't want you guys in my life so I wouldn't accidentally let it slip that I know you to anyone. Just leave"

She let him up and stepped away, back to being professional.