
Logan Pov

It is late afternoon on a Friday and I'm sitting in this overly warm office throwing darts at the closed door. The door abruptly opens and reveals my employer, Mr. Johnson. I nearly hit him in the face with one of my darts but he quickly moves out of the way and the dart lands with a thud in the floor.

He looks at me with fury in his eyes and says, "You fail to deliver good work and now you are filling my building with little holes. What is the matter with you?" I sigh and stand up to get the dart, and as I pass him I give him my favourite answer. "There are multiple things wrong with me. Which one are you referring to?"

He grumbles incoherent words under his breath. Like I care enough to try and figure out what he said. I go back to my chair and look him right in the eyes and ask, "So what? You want a cookie?" His face reddened to the shade of red you get when you have an infected cut. It's an angry red. Ha!

"I am here to remind you that your job is to satisfy our clients, not turn them away. No matter the problem." Just as he was to continue, the alarm goes off that indicates the end of my day and it is time for me to go home.

I glance at him from my position on the floor while I pack up my things and say, "As much as I enjoy our little conversation, I really have to go before the boredom kills me. Have a wonderful weekend."

I walk past him and out of the tiny accounting firm I work at and head in the direction of my favourite bar, O'Malleys. It's Friday so it should be packed, but I don't care. Right now, I need to think of something to keep me busy, other than working for that old fart.

As I arrive at the bar, I see my best friend, Ryan, standing at the door. When he finally sees me, he waves at me like a lunatic that has discovered who his new victim was going to be. I smile to myself, knowing that the moment he reaches me he's going to tell me he's thought of something that we should do.

The second I am at arms length, he grabs my shoulders and crushes me in one of his bear hugs. He's a pretty big guy, with muscles that look like they'll explode any moment. I'm only 6'4 while his hulking frame is at least 6'9. He checks me over and says, "My man, you look as worn out as an old rag doll. I know exactly what what we should do to save you from boredom and depression." He smiles so widely, I think his cheeks would tear apart.

"Thanks Ryan. So tell me, what do you have in mind?" I don't even know how it is possible, but his smile only spreads wider until his eyes are almost nonexistent and then he loudly shouts, "We are going SURFING! WHOOP WHOOP!"

At the mention of surfing, I myself light up and plaster a cheeky smirk on my face and tell him, "Last one on the water buys dinner." He stops smiling and starts running. I give him a five minute head start because we both know he's never going to win. Courtesy of me being an international thousand meter sprint champion and marathon champion.

Other than being the smartest person on the island, I'm also the fastest. I start running and I catch up to him in record time. Just before he could make the turn at the corner of the street, I pass him and run straight into the Surfboard Rental Shop. When he finally shows up, he is panting hard and he's beet red in his face.

I laugh at him and give him a pat on the back. About fifteen minutes later we're at the beach, ready to catch the best waves of the day. As I was heading in, I am suddenly pulled back by my foot. I turn to see that it is Ryan. "Hey man, slow down. I know you're fast but I have more weight to drag along." I give him a playful shove and respond with, "Well, my apologies, Sir. I could slow down for you, just so I can catch up again and then I'll leave you behind again. Now, quit being a grandpa and let's start surfing!"

We surfed for the remainder of the day and afterwards we ate a hearty meal at O'Malleys, which Ryan payed for. After that, I went home, happy and full. Now I'm in bed, thinking about tomorrow and what the day has planned for me but even now, I have this weight on my chest, a terrible feeling creeping in like the shadows, keeping me from sleeping peacefully.