The Date

Mariana Pov

As the prince and I make our way to wherever it is we're going, I look around and memorize my surroundings, just in case something happens, that way I'll know my way back or maybe if I like the place I can come back myself. As my thoughts run wild, they are interrupted when William clears his throat to get my attention.

I look up at him with questioning eyes. He must see it because he starts to speak. "I've noticed that you are quite the observer. You look at your surroundings as if you expect something." I'm starting to feel a little frightened. How did this man even know that? Am I that obvious? It scares me that he can read and correctly assume everything that goes on inside my mind and played out on my face.

"I am admiring the scenery, your Grace. It is breathtaking and I would like to return here some time when I can." He listens intently to my words, like he is considering what I'm saying. "Hmm, I did not think you would want to return here." I look at him in obvious confusion. He notices this and then he continues, "This is the place where your ancestor died. A mysterious place. No one truly knows what happened." Ahh, now I understand what he meant by 'not come back'.

When I return my focus to the front of me again, I can see a clearing that has been set up for the two of us. This must be where we will be enjoying our breakfast. When we arrive at the clearing, I gasp at the sight on front of me. We are situated directly above a very large coral reef. It's the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in this part of the ocean.

William appears next to me and asks, "Do you approve?" It's a simple question but I somehow feel that he is implying the approval of more than the view, almost like asking permission for something, something I will never give to a man like him. Although, I don't really want to be here, because now that I'm aware of where I am, I get these strange feelings whenever I am close to a place where my ancestor had been, I still nod my head in answer to his question and go to sit down.

There is a tense and awkward vibe around us. Probably because I'm a child and he's a grown man. Weird. Even if we are creatures that live up to hundreds of years and still be classified as young, I don't want to marry a man who is much older than me. It feels wrong to me and it feels like I'm betraying my mate, who ever that may be.

"Mariana,?" I look up to see him looking at me as if I have returned from the dead. "Yes, your Grace?" I answer him. "I've been calling your name but you did not respond. Are you alright?" His question catches me off guard a little bit, making me wonder how much and how often he stares at me. I clear my throat and nod my head. "I am perfectly fine, your Grace. Forgive me, I seem to lose myself in my thoughts." He smiles lightly and it looks like a genuine smile, but the gleam in his eyes tells me otherwise. I still don't know what kind of emotion he has in those deep red irises of his, but I don't really want to find out, I guess I'm too afraid of the truth behind the mask he puts up.

Before I can say something, servants appear out of nowhere and places many delicious foods in front of us. Is this truly what the royals eat? Now I know why we have such a large portion of poor mer-folk living in our kingdom. I take a fruity bubble and eat it slowly, trying to figure out what fruit I might get. I look at William, and yet again, he's staring at me. Goodness, this man is creepy.

"Your Grace?" I ask and he swallows. "Yes?" I want to ask him what we are going to do for today, but instead I ask, "Why did you bring me here?" There is nothing in his gaze that tells me why, only his red eyes staring back at my deep ocean blue ones. "To simply show you the beauty of the kingdom, and please my lady, call me William and if you feel comfortable enough, you can call me Will."

Like I'll ever be comfortable around you. So I simply decided to just call him William. "William? What are we going to do for the rest of the day?" Finally the question is out, now my murderous curiosity can calm the heck down. He smiles at me and says, "It's a surprise." Great! I just love surprises! NOT!

I give him my best innocent smile and continue to eat. After breakfast we went to the Noble Faction. A place where only nobles are allowed to do shopping, which is highly unfair, in my opinion. William buys me all kinds of gifts like necklaces, rings, bracelets, earrings and loads of dresses. So this must have been the surprise? Not impressed. The servants who had prepared our breakfast are carrying all the gifts.

After we ate lunch in a very luxurious restaurant close to the surface, which is in the middle of the ocean and safe from the prying eyes of humans, William told me what the real surprise is. We went to see a play. A drama. A place where I learned the meaning of boredom. But don't mind me, enjoy the show, your Grace. Ugh. It's finally the end of the day and I can go home. The weekend is here! The weekends are my only days off. Away from the prince, away from lessons, and away from the city. I can stay in my chamber all weekend, engulfed in a new book that I'll read hundreds of times and never get tired of it.

Just as I thought freedom has come, the prince grabs my wrist, spins me around and kisses me. Right on the lips! Aaah! I kissed a middle aged man! I look at him, shocked about what he just did and he just smiles at me and tells me 'good night' and leaves. I'm paralysed. I have no idea what to do.

My mother's voice rings in my ears and I feel my cheeks are starting to burn, then I realise that my mother is hitting my face. "What just happened?" I ask my mother, it comes out barely above a whisper. She is beaming with joy. "The prince just gave you a good night kiss!" she yells. As I take in what she just said, I suddenly feel very ashamed and I don't know why. Maybe it's my ancestor trying to tell me something, like me allowing William to kiss me, is indirectly me stabbing my mate in the back. I hadn't slept a wink that night. I had a very bad feeling that just won't go away.