
Logan Pov

I didn't sleep a wink last night. Just as I was about to fall asleep, a very bad feeling came over me. It feels like something bad has happened, or is going to happen. I rolled around in bed until I couldn't take it anymore and decided to just get up and go for a way too early jog.

The more I ran, the more uneasy I felt. Without even realizing, I ended up at the beach. The closer I got to the water the better I felt but the feeling still wouldn't go away. Since I can't figure out what I'm feeling, I decide to go home.

Usually when I feel this way, I wear black. I don't know why but it's the best way to describe what I feel like today. So yeah, I wear colours to express myself. I hardly had time to make my morning coffee when there was a knock on the door. So, I put down my very empty mug and go to answer the door. The door wasn't even fully open yet when a very large Ryan stormed in and started complaining.

"Logan, my man. You're just the guy I need. Last night after you went home, I went to this beach party and met the most gorgeous girl there. As I was about to introduce myself, this asshole of a guy named Mick, tripped me and dumped a bucket full of pink paint all over me. He then went straight up to this girl and kissed her. Later I found out that they were dating."

He looks up at me from the sofa and gives me a look. The look that says 'can you believe this'. "Dude, did you hear a word I just said?" I sit down next to him and say, "I'm still waiting for the worst part." He turns his body towards me and grabs my arms. "Oh yeah, right. PINK FREAKING PAINT! They couldn't just use another colour. No. They had to use pink." He looks like he's just experienced a heart attack. "Wow, Ryan. And here I was expecting World War Three." I sigh and get up to go finish my coffee.

I hear him follow me into the kitchen and he sits down on one of the chairs around the counter. "Logan, are you okay? I see that you're wearing black. Did something bad happen?"

I finish the coffee and hand him a mug. "Nothing happend but that doesn't mean I don't feel like something bad didn't happen." Ryan looks at me with his ghuu face, like he doesn't get what I'm saying. "Man, you aren't making any sense to me." I give another sigh and head back to the living room. He joins me once again and starts poking my face like the man child he is. "Fine, I'll tell you more so you can understand." I rub my hands over my face and through my hair before I start. "When I went to bed last night, I still felt the same as when I left O'Malleys, happy. Then, suddenly, a really bad feeling came over me. It felt like someone did something to me but not directly. You know what I mean?" Ryan gives me another one of his ghuu faces and responds with, "Uuh, no."

"The point is, I have a bad feeling and it won't go away." I run my hands through my hair again and grunt in frustration. If my hair wasn't already white, I sure as hell would look like a hundred year old guy. I'm abruptly thrown off the sofa and it feels like I'm being crushed by the Hulk. "What the hell, Ryan? Get your ass off of me." I try to push him off but he won't budge and sticks to me like glue.

"If you want to at least try to feel better, why don't we go surfing? You know, turn negative energy into positive energy. Hmm? Or would you rather try to beat me in a sparring session?" I may be fast and smart, but not nearly as strong as Ryan. He's a bull on the battlefield when it comes to sparring. I've never beaten him but I always come close to it. Right now, I feel that I need to distract myself and this might just be the way, so I look up at him and punch him right in the face.

He's stunned for a moment and stumbles off of me and I take this as my chance to sprint to the door and run straight for the gym. The gym has a boxing crate, so we can spar there. I stop at the corner of the street and see Ryan locking my front door and hiding the key under the rose bush. He starts running my way and before he can catch up, I start sprinting again.

"Something tells me I might lose today!" He yells after me, and I think he might be right. I definitely feel like I would hurt someone if I don't let some steam off. A few minutes later, we arrive at the gym and Ryan tackles me into the boxing crate. I hit my back against the floor, hard. Now I'm definitely going to kick his ass. He knows I get really angry when someone hurts me.

He should have known better than to do that. His loss though. I will win this fight. After ten minutes, we're no longer sparring, but all out fighting each other. It looks like we might kill one another. People have started to gather around to watch the show. Ryan is already getting tired. I've learned a few things about fighting. So, right now, I'm just tiring him out while I land a few punches and kicks. After twenty more minutes, he's knocked out of the crate and bleeding all over the gym's floor.

"Dude, I think you broke my nose. Maybe I shouldn't have tackled you that hard before the fight started." He says while holding his nose and tilting his head back. I look down at him and smile triumphantly. "Well, you weren't wrong when you said I might win this time." He starts laughing like an idiot, and I'm just glad that there'll never be bad blood between us. I jump down from the crate to help him up. Toby, the owner of the gym, walks up to us. "You sure put up a fine show today, boys. Now, go get his nose fixed." Toby points at Ryan as he says the last part, with a smile on his face. I help Ryan to stop the worst of the bleeding and start walking to the door when Toby yells at us, "After that, you better come and clean my floor!"

We leave the gym and get a cab and head for the clinic. There's no need to go to the hospital for this, I mean, it's only a broken nose. The clinic on the island is more than capable of fixing it. Even though I had just won my best friend and the island's best fighter in a sparring session, well kind of full on fight, I still have that feeling. It's not as strong as before, I managed to push it away to the farthest part of my mind and focus on fighting. It's not the first time I have had feelings like this. It all started sixteen years ago. I was only two at the time but smarter than most infants at that age, I mean, I graduated college at eighteen. My mother always told me that I would be peaceful for most of the time and then like a switch had been flipped, I was uneasy, happy, angry or just sad all the time. I've learned to deal with it, so I guess I'll just have to go on like usual until it goes away.