
Mariana Pov

I wake up on the beach. The beach! Land! I'm on land. This is not good. I look myself over and see that I have shifted into my human body. I don't remember shifting. All I remember is me hitting my head against something really hard. I look around me and see that I am on the mainland. I also see a log in the distance, it must be what I had hit my head against. I look down at my body and notice that I'm still wearing my mermaid clothes. The dress I chose for today, or rather yesterday. The sun is rising, so I've been unconscious for the whole day and night. I must have hit my head really hard.

I stand up and look around again. Maybe there's a human's home nearby, so that I can get some clothes. I don't think the people up here would let my attire go unnoticed. I don't fancy stealing, but it's not like I've got a choice. I look back at the ocean and think about why I'm in this position. I think about my father. What would William do to him? But the question I desperately need to know the answer to is, why? Why would he attack us like that? Is there something that he doesn't want me to find out? Please, Neptune, protect my family. I turn around and start walking up the sand dune, that is incredible steep, and I don't have enough energy to climb just with my legs. So, I just wing it with all fours.

When I reach the top, I see a house. Yes! It's not exactly save building things this close to the water, but who am I to judge what these people do. This house, this close to the shore, it has worked well in my favour in this particular moment. I sneak over to the house, while I try to keep to the shadows. There is a window on the left side of the house, so I move closer so that the window is directly above my head. I have to stand on the top of my toes to peer inside. There's a human girl inside and she's about my size. At least luck is on my side. Or maybe it's my ancestor helping me out, for a change. Or it could be a bit of both. I make my way around the house and come across a line full of clothing. These human beings have many things in common with us mer-folk, like for instance, we also hang our clothes on lines while cleaning them. Luckily, once again, there are clothes that are similar to the ones the girl is wearing, so I take a set of the girl's clothes and what looks like underwear aswell. I focus on my power and let the wind blow viciously and make it look like the clothes may have been blown away, and I also manage to blow off a few other pieces of clothing.

I hear a loud noise near the house, almost similar to that of a roaring boat. I peek around the side of the house where I change out of my dress and into the girl's clothes, and see that it's a vehicle. I think Mary said that they're called cars. Where is that sneaky mermaid when you need her? I look back inside the house and it doesn't look like they noticed me, so I sprint across the yard and hide behind a palm tree by the side of the tar track. Mary mentioned that cars drive on roads so that must be it. I feel that my feet are starting to burn, I'm thinking about running back to the house to find clothes for my feet. About halfway to the house, a human male comes out. I skid to a stop and dive behind a pile of bags that smells really bad. Hopefully the human didn't see me. I then look at his feet and notice what it looks like. Why does it look like that? His feet are made of the same material as the clothes we are wearing. He lifts his right foot and removes it. What?! Then I see he still has a foot. Ohh, right. Mary said they wear these things called shoes. That's exactly what I need!

I look around the house to see if the girl might have left her shoes outside and I find a pair. I definitely have good luck, or maybe the many prayers I've sent to my ancestor has finally been answered. I look to the sky to figure out what time it might be, and right now the sun is at it's highest and my skin is burning. It must be nearing midday and my skin already hurts so much. How do these humans handle this heat? I've hardly been in the sun that long and I feel like dying. I finally have the shoes on my feet and leave the house. I follow the road the vehicle moved on and let it take me further into the island. A car stops next to me about twenty minutes into my walk and an old, coloured man with darker skin than the people back at the house, pale blue eyes, a grey beard framing his face with a small smile peeking through. He's wearing pants that buttons up all the way to his shoulders and a dirty white shirt underneath. Mermaids don't wear pants but we are familiar with shirts. It's probably the most clothes we wear anyway. The man looks at me with kind eyes when he talks to me. "Lassie? What ye doin in the scorching sun?" He has a funny accent and it makes it a little difficult to understand him, but I at least hear what he says. "I don't have anywhere to go. My family told me to leave because they were in trouble." I have no idea why I just told this strange man the truth but I feel like I can trust him.

He gives me a pitiful look. Pity is the last thing I need right now. "Well lassie, ye think the trouble will follow ye?" he asks. I shake my head. "I don't think it would, but I'm not certain." He smiles at me, "Then, might I ask ye to come home with me? Me wifey, she would love to have a girl in the house again. She misses our daughter. Uh, that is, if ye would like to come." He looks hopeful that I might agree to go with him. My father said to trust no one, but I have this knowing feeling that I can trust this man. I don't know how I know, I just do.

I look deep into his eyes and see his memories. His daughter had died years ago. She was my age. Now the only thing his wife wants, is to take care of someone. I look at this man, who offers his help without a second thought, and feel hopeful. I didn't know how I was going to make it here, but now I do.

"I'd love to come with you. I'm Anna." I say to him. He gives me another one of his soft smiles. "That's wonderful, lassie. Me wifey and I will take good care of ye, until ye can go home." I smile in joy and I feel tears running down my cheeks. They feel warm against my skin, even when I'm standing in the sun. It's the first time I have ever felt them, the ocean always washes our tears away.

He opens the door for me and I climb into the car. I look at him, "Sir, I must tell you that I am not all familiar with the way people do things on the mainland." He gives me a strange look, raising his eyebrow. "Ye live in the ocean? The only people I know who talk like that, come from the ocean." I don't answer him and it seems like there is a look of acknowledgement in his eyes. "Ye're a mermaid." He says it matter of factly and I feel fear creeping in, gripping my heart.

"Don't worey, lassie. Ye're secret is safe with me and me wifey." I relax a little bit, I know he's telling me the truth. Before we continue to move, he turns to me again. "The name is Papa Jo. Me wifey is Maria. Welcome to our little family, lassie." I give him a grateful smile. He turns what looks like a key inside of a part of the car and it comes to life. I have a lot of learning to do, if I am going to survive in this place.

I hope things would work out. I'll have to find my mate if I ever want to see my family again. First, I have to find out what William has to do with all of this. I can't go back and risk more than I already have. I think to myself, does this have anything to do with my power? The last person who tried to take the power of Neptune was William's greatest grandfather that died five hundred years ago, along with my grandfather. This is all too coincidental. No one knows that I know what happened to Neptune. I don't know everything, but I know enough. Even some things I don't think my father even knows. All I know is, there is a tyrant sitting on the throne my ancestor made for me to sit on some day, and I'll make it my life's mission to take back what is mine and be the greatest queen this ocean has ever seen and it looks like the time has come. William will face me head on, but will he be able to handle the power of the ocean?