
Logan Pov

Sunday morning I woke up sweating. Something happened. The feeling went away, but then later it came back like a sledgehammer, slamming into me with full force. Why can't I just live a normal life? I spent the entire day trying to shake that feeling. Just as I thought I might go crazy, it disappeared.

Instead of brooding the rest of the time over these bad feelings, I started to feel really happy. Not fully there yet, but much happier than before. So, it's Monday morning and I am at work. I'm sitting in my office going over a client's accounts. Who the hell needs eight accounts?

Anyway, as I work, with a smile on my face, something that doesn't happen at all, my boss and colleagues walk past my office to get a glimpse of what was going on. They are all probably in shock. I never smile at work.

After I helped my fifth client, the alarm goes off and it's my lunch break for an hour. Mr. Johnson comes into my office with a sceptical look. "You trying to make me look like a bad guy?" I look at him with obvious amusement, "No, not at all. I guess I just woke up happy. No need to feel bad or anything. You certainly aren't the worst employer in the world." I wanted to say to him that he's not the only one who is confused about my change in mood, but decided not to.

I grab my motorcycle keys and my helmet. I check my pockets for my wallet and my phone. After confirming that I had both items, I leave the office and go to meet Ryan at our favourite diner, Lulu's. We have lunch at the same time, which works well for us, so we can see each other even when we're working.

The moment I'm outside I feel that familiar pull. This time it's closer. It's not coming from the ocean anymore. It is like it moved onto the land. It makes me wonder what's going on. Usually that instinct that pulls me to the ocean makes me feel alive. Is it why I'm feeling happier? I shake off the thought and make my way over to my motorcycle.

The road isn't too busy today, surprisingly for a Monday at midday. It takes me about ten minutes to get to the diner where I have had over a million plates of food over the course of my life. As I arrive, I see Ryan is already here. Looks like traffic on his side was just as good as mine today. Usually he loses fifteen minutes of his break coming and going from work because of the crazy traffic on his side. We work on opposite sides of the island. I head inside and greet Lulu on my way to Ryan. "Morning Logan. I see you're in a good mood today." Lulu says. "Yeah, I am. It's weird, right?" I give her a light laugh.

She also laughs at my answer and then disappears into the kitchen. When I turn back to Ryan, he has a question on his face. This guy is way too obvious. I sit down in front of him and hold up my hand. "Before you say anything, no I didn't win the lottery or meet a girl." His questioning look leaves his face instantly and then he's smiling again. Gosh, my friend is obvious.

"So, you didn't win money or a girl, but you're still smiling like a psycho. Cool. Absolutely nothing to worry about." He says and all I can do is laugh at him. Just like the Flash he reaches over the table with incredible speed for a guy his size and he grabs me by my collar. "Alright, asshole! What have you done to Logan? I will kick your bipolar ass if I have to." I smile at him and for extra effect, I stretch my eyes open wide for that crazy look I always give him when we play around like this. "Nothing. Yet." I say and he releases me. He always asks me that stupid question with his over dramatic acting, so I just give him my usual answer. He always does this when I'm acting weird or doing something out of the ordinary.

Lulu comes and stands next to us. "What would you boys be having today?" Lulu has been feeding me and Ryan since we were six. She practically helped raised us. She's like a second mother to me and Ryan. Ryan is the first to answer her, as always. "I'll have whatever is cooking." Ryan has always been a simple guy and just eats everything and anything. I, on the other hand, I am a little more difficult. I eat certain foods on specific days. It's like a natural built in diet. "I'll have the chicken salad with no olives and a large orange juice."

"Coming right up, my boys." Lulu leaves and as I watch her go to the kitchen, the diner's door opens and in walks the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Her hair is brown reddish and reaches her waist. She has beautiful tan skin, with these light markings on her arms, legs and neck. Her eyes are a deep ocean blue that is mesmerising to look at. She's wearing a bright blue sundress with light blue pumps. Everything about her just screams perfection and I desperately want to know who she is.

She immediately draws everyone's attention in the diner. She shyly hides her face behind her hair. Ryan and I are staring so hard at her, our mouths are hanging open. Who is she? And then I feel it. The pull. I'm drawn towards her, like my soul is reaching out and my heartstrings are being played like a violin. As if she can sense it, she turns around and our eyes meet. I'm definitely frozen in place. She's so beautiful. It's like everything disappears around us and we are the only ones left behind. It's just the two of us.

Then, like a candle was blown out, the moment is gone when an old lady comes and stands next to her, ushering her inside. We break eye contact and I watch her every move as she walks to the counter. The lady she's with takes food from Lulu. They must have made a pre-order. The girl takes the woman's hand and they leave the diner.

Before she's fully out the door, she glances my way again and our eyes meet once more. A feeling of longing comes over me and I am utterly confused. Why do I feel like this over a stranger? Over a girl I shared a look with, and now I'm like a dog that has been refused by his owner? The girl leaves and I am brought back to reality. Ryan looks at me, he also looks a little bit confused. "Man, that girl sure is pretty. If I'm not mistaken, I'd say it kinda looked like you and her had a moment there too." I just nod my head in response. I'm stunned into silence for no damned reason. It's like I have lost all sense of communication.

Ryan and I finally get our food after ten minutes of awkward silence and we start eating. The awkward silence then turns into a comfortable atmosphere. Still, I can't stop thinking about her and why I am so attracted to her and how much so. Who are you? I think to myself. If there are any gods in this world, I'm praying to all of them that we might meet again.