Ryan's thoughts

While I'm standing next to Logan, I can't help but think that my lifelong friend is somewhat bipolar. I'm still thinking about how upset he was over her going missing and it was all his fault. And now, now he can't even look at her, afraid of what she might do to him, or say something that might just freak him out. I'm trying my damn well hardest to understand why he is like this, but...I simply can't.

I kind of feel bad for Mariana, that she has to be with this stuck up for the rest of her life. Hmm, that has me snorting in disbelief, how the heck is my friend the soulmate of a mermaid? Logan turns to me, "What are you thinking about?" He asks. Guess he's paying attention to me after all. "I'm just contemplating your situation." I tell him. He turns around to look at her again. I wonder if she can feel his eyes on her, because every time he looks at her the boat tilts to the sides. The ocean reacts to her every emotion, which in my opinion is totaly AWESOME!

I'm still studying to be a historian, my main focus being ancient history, legends and mythology, more specific Greek Mythology and the Roman adaptions thereof. I have so many questions for her that my mind is on the verge of exploding. I'm just waiting for the tense mixed feelings between the two of them to settle before I bombard her with my curious mind.

The boat tilts again and I'm brought back to reality and I notice that my friend is no longer next to me. I turn around, finding him next to Mariana. They're just standing next to each other, not talking or anything. She looks a little tense, almost nervous, while he's so close to her. She really is head over heels for him. Her cheeks are rosy and her face is slightly hidden behind her hair. She's fiddling with her fingers, weaving them through the strands of hair laying on her hands.

She is a stark contrast to the girls on the island. She's beautiful, smart, honest, caring and so much more. I have only spoken to her a couple of times at the party and then I could already tell that she's a keeper. A pang of jealousy hits me in my chest. How much I crave to be wanted like she wants Logan and he's bloody afraid of it. Commitment means a lot and has tons of responsibilities, I know why he is afraid, I can't blame him, I would probably be the same way if the roles were reversed.

Looking at him now, I know he's trying. Not just for her but for himself. He must know what I see, he must see it too, the way she looks at him, gives him space. She's giving him time to get to terms with this whole ordeal and she isn't expecting anything from him. I hope to whatever god that watches over us, that he'd give this a chance and if he won't, I will have to step in. I'll make sure that he takes this chance, knowing that there is a possibility of both of them getting hurt. He needs this, and when everything is on good feet, I'll ask her to hook me up with one of her scaly friends.

Which brings me to the fact that she said he could most likely turn into a merman too. I definitly did not miss that part when I hid in the cabinet. I was really scared of what might happen after he just said 'Hi', like it explains everything. I felt like hitting my forehead at my friend's stupid vocabulary at this dire situation, knowing that this girl can toss him into the ocean without even lifting a finger. I did, in fact, try to lift my hand but was reminded that I had limited space. Not that it bothers me, I'm the opposite of claustrophobic, I like tight spaces. Oh damn, that sentence doesn't sound like it should.

Suddenly, I'm thrown onto my back and the wind is knocked right out of my chest. I roll onto my stomach to see what might have caused the sudden wave and I see Mariana speedwalking into the cabin and disappearing below the deck. I look towards Logan and he's shaking his head. "What happened?" I ask him slowly. He sighs loudly and walks over to me offering me his hand. I take it and he helps me up from my fallen position and then I raise an eyebrow at him. He gives me look that says 'do you really want to know?' I don't let up on it and he sighs again before answering.

"I think I just made the last of her nerves drop in the ocean." Okay, I was expecting a little more drama. "Could you please elaborate on the topic, dearest?" I ask. He opens his mouth then closes it. He repeats the action a few times and then he talks. "I asked her how...how we would be able to mate if we were both mermaids or if we were human." Now, there is nothing stopping my hand from flying to my forehead and smacking the shit out of it. That's just great, for the smartest guy I know, he sure is stupid. He just got her back and the first thing he asks her is how the hell they are going to make babies when they're being fishy. Brilliant.

She's probably in there trying to calm down her thoughts. I must say she is doing a terrible job, the ocean is still majorly upset and the boat crashes through wave after wave. Oh, I really hope she still has a bit of nerves left to talk about the whole thing. The thing being Logan changing and joining the ocean life. It would be great though...he does love the ocean and even has a PhD in marine biology, so why he's an accountant is just confusing. Maybe his fascination with the ocean is more a hobby than a job. Yeah, who would want to turn something they love into a job...that would just ruin your love for it.

Well, that's his pie to bake. I have problems of my own, maybe not as bad as his but concerning enough. I just think he needs time to himself after this. I decide that he could use some time to himself right now and turn away from him. I find myself a place on the boat where I can let my own thoughts wonder. I make sure to make it known that I don't want his company right now, so when he gets the message I take my leave and hope he doesn't over think things too much. Lord knows, my friend is troubled and has a bit of issues and has the tendency to make things look worse than they actually are.

I'm standing at the front of the sailboat, getting the cool, salty wind in my face. It's relaxing and calms me down instantly. Ah, I sigh in contentment. This feels nice, no looking for mermaids, no worrying if your friend is going to jump overboard, no nothing. Just the ocean and the silent peace. These moments are very rare for me, with my busy life I hardly have time to myself. Between working and studying, the time I have left to myself are very little. I gave myself a lot of work when I chose my field in which I'm studying. But I love it and my job at the museum is pretty nice. Day after day I get to tell people all I know about the history this island has. The mythical world that lives beneath the ocean, whether they believe it or not. Now I know for sure that it exists, because there is literally a mermaid on this very boat!

I can't help but feel a nagging feeling in the back of my head, like I'm being stared at. I turn around and Logan turns his head away. Huh, seems he is in need of a distraction, it's only been like a few minutes but when Iook at my watch, it has almost been an hour. I huff out a breath and walk to my friend and stand next to him, resting my arms on the rail. The poor fool...he has no idea how much I envy him and even when this situation is highly unlikely to ever happen to anyone else, I would do anything to have a bit of what has been given to him on a silver platter. But that's life for you, not everyone is blessed like that, even if fate seems a bit suspicious and mixes you with a scaly looking partner. I'll let my friend rant to me about his problems though, what are friends for, if not for that? Always sticking together no matter what.