A Prologue of Futures Present

TANG TANG TING CLINSSHHKK…. The Sound of battle can be heard throughout the Wasteland of the city. Countless buildings destroyed, countless living beings dead. Destroyed vehicles hang from destroyed buildings as if a hurricane blew through. In the sky, one of the two moons lays in space, shattered into pieces, while a giant dark black-red pulsating sphere takes its place.

BATANG! BOOM! KRASH! Explosive sounds that would make a nukes explosion sound seem like a child's song ring out from the battle. In the middle of this sprawling city, where once there used to be the warm embrace of the sun, now remains only a cold darkness. Within, one can see a sprawling battle of giant proportions, spanning the tens of miles of the west side of this gigantic city. Humans can be seen working alongside Elves, Dwarves, Demons, and other Mythical creatures as they fight against an army that looked like a well-kept legion. Black and Red Sci-fi-esque Suits, with a completely black helmet, and swords blazing a black energy in the right, stark red pistols with a dangerous glint in the left.

A man with black hair and black wings behind him stood tall as he led his force to claim victory. "MAGES! CAST YOUR AOE SPELLS! THOSE WITHOUT ONE, HELP THE ARCHERS BY USING STRONG SINGLE HIT ATTACKS IN TANDEM! TANKS! LET ME HEAR YOUR WAR CRIES AND PROTECT THOSE BEHIND YOU! THIEVES, COMMENCE YOUR MISSION! SUPPORT CLASSES, CAST AOE BUFFS, USE POTIONS, HEAL, DO WHAT YOU CAN! MELEE ATTACKERS AND SPECIAL CLASSES!" The man yelled out, taking a breath as his Emerald Green eyes shined with hatred, as a heavy purple aura leaked heavily out of him. "LETS FUCKING KILL THOSE BASTARDS OURSELVES! FOR ULTA TERRA! FOR FORJ! FOR FORMA TERRA! FOR ALL THOSE WORLDS THAT BASTARD HAS TAKEN, ALL THOSE LIVES ENDED BY HIS HAND! LET US BE THE RIGHTEOUS HAND OF JUDGEMENT UPON HIM, AND SENTENCE HIM TO THE HIGHEST PUNISHEMENT!" He yelled out, as he used his INSPIRE FOR HOPE, INSPIRE FOR JUSTICE Unique Skill, letting everyone on their side of the battlefield remember just what it is they are fighting for in this bloody war, bolstering their wills, strength, and minds. "YES SIR! JUSTICE FOR THOSE WHO HAVE FALLEN!" They yelled out, readying their weapons, as the mages started preparing their specific ways to cast devastating AOE attacks.

Seemingly satisfied, the Black Winged man nodded, taking a halberd of black steel, with veins of holy energy inside, out of thin air, before pointing towards the incoming horde. "THEN LET'S FIGHT! TO OUR LAST BREATH, TO OUR LAST MAN!" He thundered out, before taking off, heading towards the black and red tide coming their way. An Alliance of Mythical Creatures and humans. The Organization is known as For the Dawn.

Meanwhile, inside of the Pulsating sphere in space…

"Master…. Are you truly sure you don't wish to intervene now and wipe them from the universe?" a Thin, black robed creature with a face veiled in shadow asked, kowtowing towards a grand throne, which looks towards a screen with multiple views of the battle waging on.

A long, powerful sigh can be heard from the being on the throne. "Oh, my servant, you just don't get it do you? The allure. The allure of lulling your opponents into a false sense of hope, letting them feel like the chance is nigh… Then crushing it in an instant. The fear in mortals faces when I do that… Ohh… It is so very sweet…. In my billions of years of life… Nothing tastes sweeter and fills me with more of a sense of satisfaction…. Then that…Since you have joined me… I will let you taste it for yourself… So we both may taste the wonderful flavor of hope that has been crushed until not even the atoms that made it exist anymore…" Muttered a low, rumbling voice from the throne.

"Y-yes of course, Master. I am unworthy of receiving such guidance, but I thank you for this lesson." The Thin man spoke, still in a kowtow.

"Ah…. That's Right…" The voice ruminated, a thick and powerful arm moving in the air above the right arm rest of the throne, as if it were the conductor of an Orchestra of Death. "You, yourself came from this soon-to-be ruined world, didn't you?... Since you have joined me, I know you have thrown away any attachments to this world… So I expect no qualms from you or your spirit when I eat your world. Is that understood, my Shade? If you can't… End yourself now upon your own Metal Claws." The voice rumbled softly, causing a sense of unease and chill through the listener's body.

The thin person quivered for a few seconds in fear on the floor, gulping, before nodding its head. "Y-Yes. Of course. Ever since I was so humiliated and given this scar, and being treated like sewer trash, I gave up on this world and those within it. Thanks to you, I have a way of finally getting rid of this…. Trauma, yes… I follow you forever, Grand Lord of All Destruction, Gihail Na'amak." The man cried out, somehow quietly, kowtowing even deeper towards the figure in the throne. "Please, erase this unworthy Ulta Terra and it's disgusting continents, especially that hell hole known as Sunsa… Please devour them, as my holy tribute to Your Eminence!"

A loud, rough chuckle is heard from the throne, as a large, thick muscled creature stood up from the throne, a sweeping cape of pure darkness element behind him. "Ha ha ha! Truly… You know how to flatter someone! Once this battle is either lost or won, I will attack, and devour that Sunsa continent of yours whole, down to the outer core!" He thundered out happily, before walking away, further into the pulsating sphere.

The thin man nodded, looking towards the screen, focusing on the black winged figure. "Damn you bastard… You did this to me…. Heheheheeheee! It's a good thing I took your family out~ Oh it was so easy…. Those two women… They.. CUT quite the figure in my collection~ Heeheeehee… And soon, My Master will crush you all… And I will be free! Free from you scum of the earth!" He mumbled, thinking happily about those twos last days before he cut their black wings from their bodies as his prize.

Below, the final was finishing up. The last of the evil army had been defeated, and despite losses of their own, they had lost nowhere near as much, being high levelled. The Black Winged Man sighed, looking towards a fellow general, a Holy Maiden. "Haah…. Gods above, we finally defeated that army. Now all that's left is to defeat Him, huh?" he said, showing off an exhausted smirk towards her, as she held onto his arms.

"Yes Dear… Truly, I'm glad we lost very little troops for the final attack…" She said, swiping her silver blonde hair to the side lightly as she rearranged her halo on her head. "But now… You should give us one more Final Speech before we defeat that Gihail, Na'amak. It would've been nice if we could've gotten some of the Gihails to join us, but seems we didn't need to…~"

The Black Winged man looked at her in surprise for a second, before laughing derisively. "Hey now, no need to set up death flags! But, you're right… I should." He nodded to her, before gently breaking their arm chain, stepping towards the highest point nearby. "LISTEN TO ME, DEAR MEMBERS OF FOR THE DAWN! WE FIGHT FOR THE DAWN OF THE NEXT DAWN! AND TODAY, WE SHALL ENSURE THAT ALL THOSE AFTER US WILL SEE THE GLORIOUS SUN RISE FROM THE EAST YET ONCE MORE! WE HAVE EASILY TRAMPLED THAT ARMY, AND NOW ALL THAT STANDS IN OUR WAY," He yelled out, grabbing every members attention, as his black halberd pointed towards the Pulsating sphere in the sky, as a Holy Orb sparked and started growing on its tip, aimed at the Sphere. "IS THE BASTARD UP THERE! SO TOGETHER, WE SHALL RUSH TO HIS HOME, AND DESTROY HIS WORLD, AND CRUSH HIM! BY THE FALLEN GODS AS MY WITNESS, I DECLARE THIS DAY TO BE THE UNIVERSES INDEPENDENCE DAY", He said, smiling at the last bit, thinking about how his dad liked that corny movie that was over a thousand years old, so much. "AND WE SHALL BE THE COURIERS OF THE NEW AREA AFTER!"

The masses were silent for a second, before the sound of weapons of all types being drawn could be heard, as countless weapons pointed towards the Sphere in the sky. "WR FOLLOW YOU, UNTO OUR INDEPENDENCE DAY!" They all yelled, cheering in happiness that this long war was almost over…

"Oh my!! Such… A beautiful speech!" A voice rumbled out so ear splittingly loud, every person had to hold their hearing orifices to counteract its boom. "Unfortunately… You are all but a snack for me! MWAHAHAHAHAA!" Everyone looked up, slack jawed, as a gigantic figure of that Gihail appeared over their planet, swatting the remaining moon away like it was a bouncy ball. Then the ground shook harshly, as everyone was crushed to the ground by the g-force. The Black Winged man had barely gotten the Holy Maiden into his arms, as he looked up in despair, seeing they were speeding towards that giant figures mouth, he held her tight to him tears spilling out of his eyes as he kissed her for the last time, as those teeth came crashing down onto them, ending their resistance, with not a loud boom, but silence.