Wake Up, Get Out There!

A boy with black hair covering his dark green eyes woke up with a shock, his breathing labored, as he remembered that dream, and how vivid it felt. "Haa… Haa.. It was… It was just a dream, Wick. Just a dream. It wasn't real but… by God it felt real…." He muttered, as he stretched, getting up from the bed, and slipping on a pair of shorts, before heading downstairs for breakfast

His name is Wick, short for Wickley, Caso Fateway. 21. The son of a Military Hero who lost his life to make sure his comrades could get home safe. He lives on the Continent of Sunsa, in the sole nation named Sol. He lives in the Sol Colvo of Armentide, in the largest city of Sunsa known as Usrestah. The year is 3120, on August the 13th.

Wick excitedly slid down the rails of the stairs as he made his way to the kitchen in the small two story house. "Mom, Yvettay, are you all excited?!" He said, sliding into the kitchen, before heading over to grab a bowl of cereal, as he looked towards the only two women in his life, his mom and his older sister.

His mother, Mona, shook her head, letting out a light laughter at his antics, while Yvettay just face palmed looking at him before she spoke. "I know you've done this all your life till now, but if the government didn't make us stay together until either we turn 40 or get married, I would ask mom to kick you out! You always don't have your shirt on when you're home!" She sighed to herself, before finally acknowledging his question. "It starts at 9 p.m., right? That game you've been talking about, that you even got us top of the line Full Dive Capsules made by that Sandshard company? What was the game for it called? Words Bend? Lords Rend? In any case, yes, I'll be playing too you numbskull." She said, before taking her empty bowl and putting it in the sink and giving Wick a forehead flick. "And make sure you put away the milk this time, dude. I came home last evening to the milk still on the counter." Wickley held his head and looked at her in protest, before his mother spoke up.

"Oh dear, you needn't worry. I'm fine with you not wearing a shirt while you're in the house. Buuuuut, do put away the milk when you're done with it. I'll play too, after I finish watching the DVRs Hours of Our Life. They're finally going to find out who killed That Brady family Kid." she said, as she grabbed her purse and headed for the door, fixing her dress suit and pants, and putting on her ID badge. "One of the bad things about working for the government. Unless it's Busy Season, you've always got to wear Business Professional Attire." She mumbled out, giving her two kids a wave, before heading out.

"It's called Worlds End, Tay, not whatever trash you're saying. In any case, I'm going to head down to the café again today, read some novels on the internet there. Plus Rudy and Caleb are coming, and Calebs really into what little info there is about the game. What are you going to do today?" He asked, attempting to peer at Yvettays phone, which she had pulled out while Mona spoke.

"I'm doing whatever the heck I want. I'm 26, I think I'm allowed to, you snotty brat. Don't make me punch a hole in your door again because you're annoying me." She scoffed, pulling her phone away, before sliding it down into her pocket. "See ya twerp."

Wick just scratched his head a bit in embarrassment, remembering that time he got her so mad that she actually punched a hole in his door, which to be fair is just thin plywood on four sides, so not too surprising. "Fair- Fair enough, Tay…. I'll just uh… I'll just be going now. See ya! Don't burn down the house with your lousy cooking!" he said, running to his room quickly before a sandal got thrown at him. He quickly changed into Some Khaki Shorts, a Gray Shirt with a Warm Brown Jacket, and he put on his smart glasses that had his prescription, frowning at how annoyed glasses make him, but not wanting to get Surgery or Contacts for fear of things being near his eyes.

He was thinking about how happy it was that he could afford 4 full dive tanks for his birthday to give to his family, and the café Owner, and his friend, Rudy. Unlike in some places on earth, where on your birthday you receive a party and get gifts, in Sol on your birthday, you give out presents during your party to those special to you.

His mom and sister, well theres no need to explain is there? They're the closest people to him that bring him happiness.

Then theres the café Owner, Mr. Denrick, whom essentially took Wick under his guide, as his fathers best friend, to provide him a male figure in his life.

Finally, theres Rudy and Caleb. Rudy has been his best friend during mandatory schooling, and was his support alongside Mr. Denrick when he was 12, always attempting to cheer him up in his almost delinquent-like way.

He was going to get one for Caleb, but Caleb let him know that he had already long bought a Full-dive Capsule of his own from Sandshard, and he didn't want anything except for Wickley to join his guild once he had it up and running. Caleb was a friend he made from College last year, and they've been hanging out since. He's a really calm, and generally smart guy. Supposedly he's a part of a rich family, but he denies it.

Wick smiled, thinking about how cool of a birthday its going to be, and hurriedly ran out the door before getting caught by hist sister. He hopped onto his Bike and took the path to the Santa Marianca Café. Today would be a great day to get up and get out there.