Stats & Class

Finally, after what felt like hours, the darkness receded, revealing the body of a male. Long, snow-white legs and arms, toned to a slight degree. Standing at 6'2" tall (Roughly 1.89 Meters), a muscled back could be seen, with tattoos of Black wings on his shoulder blades. His face was cold, and distant feeling for a second, a look of disgruntled distance on his face. His hair was long and shiny black, reaching down to his shoulders in a wild sort of way. Two emerald green eyes shining with luster peek out from beneath long lashes. Above these eyes, two curling upwards horns can be seen, resembling those of a spiral horned Antelope.

As he slowly came to his senses, Hei Yun slowly looked around, stretching his body. Upon inspecting his body, he became astonished by the changes. He looked towards Michael, surprise evident on his face.

This caused Michael to give a knowing smile, before Michael suggested "Call upon the Status Screen using Status, wont you? Oh, and a normal adult male humans stats are around 10 in each stat, plus or minus, depending on how the life was lived. I'm interested in the way your bloodline affects your stats." They said, tapping their nails against the table, as they stared towards Hei Yun.

Hei Yun nodded, letting out a light "Status!". A few seconds after that, a large blue screen appeared in front of him, stating that it was his stat screen. It had a 3D image of his current avatar on the right, with an option to hide or show his horns or wings above it. The stats were laid out on the left.

~~~~~~~~~~~~STATUS SCREEN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Name: Hei Yun

Race: Fallen Angel

Bloodline: {The Fallen} SS-Rank

Class: N/A

Gold, 0. Silver, 0. Copper, 0.

Vitality: 16

Strength: 17

Wisdom: 14

Intelligence: 13

Agility: 17

???: ??? – {Locked Special Stat. Special Stat can be unlocked through Special Means.}

Status- Healthy as an Ox

System Comment: Congratulations on unlocking your bloodline! Please proceed to grab your Class! You'd be a Wastrel to do otherwise.

~~~~~~~~~~~~STATUS SCREEN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Nodding in appreciation at his stats, he took a deep breath, and after noticing the mirth in Michaels eyes, he instead asked them He was especially happy seeing such a high ranking, or so he assumed, for his Bloodline! After all, most games used the F-SSS Ranking scale, so an SS-Rank is just one step away from being the best rank. "Please, I wish to choose my class, Michael." He said in excitement, before moving to sit back down on his chair, fidgeting a small bit as his leg bounced constantly.

Michael smiled for a bit, as they had judged his rise in stats as average. They had seen an {Orc General} Player gain strength up to 25, and a {Troll} Player have the special stat {Regeneration Speed} Unlocked from the start. But they digress. They acceded to Hei Yun's request, lifting their hand and touching the orb on the table again, which glew in a green light, as a holograph appeared on the air above of it. "Childe of the Fallen, These options lay out before you as the most suited to you. One of these, you will feel the tug of your bloodline pointing you in the right direction. Of course…. You may always choose a basic class from the class list, if you so wish." They said, as both Hei Yun and Michael looked at the six "Most Suited" classes for Hei Yun.

~~~~~~~~~~~~CLASS CHOICES~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Aptitude for Magic- Peak Low- Cancelled out pure Magic Classes

1. Tank- Great Shield Melee- {Expanded} A special form of the tank class that uses purely a giant shield to take the brunt of attacks, and uses the weight of the greatshield to attack. Adept at taking aggro. Flavor- In the Northeastern lands of Forj, there exists a small sect. This sect believes that the greatest weapon and the greatest defense, is a giant shield. The years rang true that Greatshields were their calling. They were vanquishers of evildoers, and heroes of the common people. Their greatest hero was said to have managed to block an area that spanned a li's length from a flood by conjuring a giant shield that he used to block the raging waters, allowing a temporary Dam to be formed. Unfortunately, tragedy struck out of nowhere, wiping this sect and its teachings off the face of Forj.

2. Halberdier- {Expanded} A user of the Halberd family of polearms. While they are okay as mid-range melee attackers, they shine the best when riding upon a valiant steed. Flavor- in the kingdom of Amael, it is said that while their military was strong and able to withstand any force that hit them, the truth is that they actually excel in counter-attacks or field battles. Their special, elite force were the calvary-bound Halberdiers. Using their speed and length of weapons, they easily tore through their enemies ranks. Legends tell of a nameless commoner that became a General in the Halberdier army who could spread terror throughout the enemy just by showing his face.

3. Assassin {Expand}

4. Tank Buster- Heavy Weapons {Expanded} A class specially suited for quickly taking tanks down with special passive skills and heavy artillery weapons. High Level Weapons include Panzerfausts and RPG-27s, as well as Twin-barreled Heavy Macroguns. Flavor-Although in its intermediacy years, where gunpowder and weapons of that caliber are equalled by spells and skills, these Special Gunners are known to quickly crack Tanks shields, magic or non-magic. The Pyrion nation in particular cares about its Gunners quite well, leading to advances in research such as explosives and penetrating ammunition, which is the staple food of Tank Busters- Heavy Weapons. They say there was a woman who, using her whole arsenal of ammo, held off an invading force of 15 thousand all on her own, before finally perishing along with the enemies, marking her as the Martyr of Pyrion.

5. Astrologer {Expand}

6. Swashbuckler {Expand}

7. Class List {Expand}

~~~~~~~~~~~~CLASS CHOICES~~~~~~~~~~~~~~