Class Choices, Choices, Oh so many Choices.

Looking at the list available to him, Hei Yun thought seriously. The Greatshield tank was an amazing defender, apparently, and could even block such a large area from raging waters. This in itself would be interesting. Although he had never played a Tank class before, looking at the class and its flavor text gave him wonders towards a fantasy of conquering the world using naught but a Greatshield. This was definitely a great choice, in Hei Yuns mind.

The Halberdier class, on the other hand, seemed to focus on both speed and power. It could be guessed that this class would have a few hurdles to get over, such as the presumedly slow abilities of a non-mounted halberdier, as well as the difficulties of 1: Getting used to Horse Back Riding, and 2: Getting used to using the Halberd in uniform motions while riding on a rushing steed. These two points could be seen as demerits alone. Not to mention that with a simple name as "Halberdier" it brings to mind the simple base RPG classes such as "Spearsman" or "Swordsman", both bearing little flavor to their names, and usually leading to Mediocre Evolved Classes, unless one found a special opportunity.

The Assassin class… To be quite honest, Hei Yun isn't cut out for things like patiently waiting in the dark for a chance to end it. Although its burst power, according to the information after he expanded it, was considered the strongest among stealth classes… That means one thing. You wouldn't last that long if a fight gets extended, or if there are multiple enemies. Not to mention that Hei Yun has this small problem of when doing nothing, either one of his legs may start bouncing in an attempt to expel some excess energy, which would easily give him away as an assassin. These factors go to show that to be a high-tiered assassin, one would probably need to be able to move silently, control all their actions with ease, and hide their presence. The people who can do that flawlessly would definitely be Ultra high tier threats.

The Heavy Weapons Tank Buster class… It's quite strange. In a game of swords and magic… Somehow guns exist, even if in its supposed infancy. But if its in its infancy that begs the question. How do weapons that can match up to the RPG-27 and Macroguns possibly exist? It took years of research to make a rocket head like the RPG-27s devastating force, and Macroguns are actually relatively new technology, appearing in the last ten years. Yet somehow a Fantasy world has all of this in its Infancy years? Really, just what was Cai Technologies thinking whenever they added this class? Although Hei Yun didn't disdain such blatant knowledge fallacies, it still bugged him enough, to where he decided that he definitely wouldn't choose this class. Being an unfortunate Gold Star Family member meant that he was familiar with the way that the military works, as well as the technologies they often use. Call it a pet peeve, but it does annoy him when things are slightly out of place, such as a weapon called a "Siege Spear" in the game series Dy**sty Wa***ors and other games.

The Astrologer class seems to be strange. According to its very limited class information it is "A Class that can utilize the powers of the constellations to heal their allies, provide guidance for upcoming battles, or divine the weather. Zhuge Liang, courtesy name Kongming, is said to have been a master of this and a separate class, completely crushing his enemies in war." This was… Strange, to say the least. In every other class shown, the flavor text referred to certain residents or people from the world of Forj and yet… Astrologer actually put Zhuge Liang, who is not recorded in Forjian history, but in Forma Terra history. Why was this the case?... Hei Yun shook his head in confusedness. Hard questions will just make one stumped unless one has the knowledge to conquer them, after all. Hei Yun threw it to the back of his mind, as he put Astrologer as a no-go class for himself.

The Swashbuckler. A profession that uses scimitars and flintlocks, commonly dual wielding both. They have the same problem as the Halberdier does. They work best not on foot, but at sea on a vessel. Their abilities to sense buried treasure are supposedly a given, as it was a blessing given to those who choose to be a Swashbuckler by the Golden Pirate God Marx E. Spotte. Because of this, every Swashbuckler also has a curse put upon them. If they couldn't find hidden treasure at least thrice every three months, they would change from their current race into a race of sea-creature people, forced to toil away for a month under the helm of the devilish Dattan Magarcy, the Errant of Deeds. Only then would such people be returned to their natural race, so long as Dattan is happy with your work.

Of course, there was the class list, with a few hundred basic classes, some locked from being able to be chosen unless you're a specific race or have a specific number of stats, among other criteria. However, Hei Yun didn't plan on choosing from this list, as he still remembers that you don't get a stat boost from classes chosen from the class list. Hei Yun paced back and forth, after standing up fully, taking in the three classes he narrowed down to, Greatshield tank, Halberdier, and Swashbuckler.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the table, Michael simply waited, hands folded in front of them as they leaned forwards to stare intently at Hei Yun. He was an interesting Player. Currently, she had 1900 other self-avatars that she had made to talk to specific players and help them through their process. At this time, every other Player of these 1900, except for 5 Players other than Hei Yun, had long since joined the game quickly to start. Michael sent them off amicably, but they were rather disappointed that such decisions weren't thought through carefully, so they were quite happy to find that 6 Players were in the middle of choosing their classes, thinking everything through. These players pleased Michael greatly, not to mention that none of them had treated Michael as 'just an AI', as one Player from the 1900 players had stated, but rather as another intelligent being. This made Michael even happier with these 6 players.

After 10 minutes had passed, Hei Yun finally came to a decision on what class he would choose. His shoulders were tight as he thought it through, his countenance slightly wavering before he spoke. "Alright, Michael I'm ready to choose. The class I want to choose is…"