The Man with Orange "Wings"

Hei Yun finally came to a decision as to what class he wished to choose. After some inner debating, he opened his mouth. "Alright, Michael. I'm ready to choose. The class I want to choose is…. Greatsh-" as he got to this point, a moment of epiphany seemed to appear in his brain as he stopped talking mid sentence. A piece of his dream from last night, of a man with a halberd, popped into his Mindspace. "I… No, not Greatshield… I will… I will choose the Halberdier. Yes, the Halberdier." He said, the last part seemingly being a self reassurance rather than confirming with Michael.

To this, Michael nodded, giving a light smile, before standing up, spreading all six of their long wings out behind them. "Childe of The Fallen Hei Yun. By your decree you have chose the class known as Halberdier. Your journey upon the Land of Forj begins here, in the town of Ohdlam, in the kingdom of Amael. Due to multiple familial members being detected accessing Worlds End at once in the same dwelling, a special gift is given, a Shared House on the outskirts of Ohdlam, with the Ohdlam Orphanage being the closest building, as well as a general store being nearby. Through Family, one prospers. May you meet all your challenges forthright and courageously. By the Lords Light, I, Michael the Archangel, shall send you off with my own best wishes. Before you go, is there any questions you would like to ask of me, Childe?" They said, staring at Hei Yuns eyes.

After a few seconds of flubbing from the sudden 'revelation of everything beneath the cloth, Hei Yun embarrassedly asked two things. "W-what pronoun should I refer to you b-by? And… And Will We see each other again?"

Michael, with a slight understanding look, as they understand the mind of mortal man, opened their mouth before speaking. "Dear Childe, there is no need to be embarrassed. Yes of course, we shall meet again. To answer your first question… Although I do not have the 'important parts' that mortals need to procreate, I typically take on the form of a Maiden. Thusly, you may refer to myself femininely, if you so wish. Although there have been times where I've used a male visual form." She laughed quietly to herself, before clapping her finger tips together twice. "Go now, Childe of The Fallen! Let your inner light shine!"

A green vortex formed around Hei Yun, as a basic set of clothes appeared on him, reminiscent of the type of clothing worn by Those Forma Terran people known as 'Cowboys" from the Wild West era. Hei Yun sighed in relief that he didn't have to enter the world of Forj the same way he entered the real world, that is, naked. He was about to utter his thanks to this kind Archangel who guided him, before the Green vortex swiftly turned orange, and instantly teleporting him away.

A slight fear could be seen in Michaels eyes as she saw that it turned orange, indicating that a certain someone had actually came to check up on this specific player. She quickly turned towards the door, her wings forming back around her body, before bowing towards the door.

Five seconds later, the door opened with a hissing KSSHK sound, as a strange man in a lab coat appeared. He was tall, had white hair sticking upwards, and wore a set of special goggles as he walked into the room, tugging on his black gloves.

"Michael, why is the smell of those vermin in this room? If one of them turned up here, you know you must report it to me." The man said, in a slightly gravelly voice, staring harshly at Michael.

"S-Sir! It's nothing like that! I believe that since the bloodline the Player had awoken to had mixed meetings with The Fallen, the scent signature of Them has lingered. There is nothing for you to worry about, Sir Is. " Michael got out, sweat dripping down her sides. She knew that this man hates The Fallen, so she had to tread lightly.

"Tsch. Hopefully that's simply the case, Michael." The man, "Sir Is", muttered, his fists clenching as he stared down at her. "I see you're taking on the form of THAT maiden again… Although I won't stop you from taking her form, just know not to go too far. All will be good so long as you do just that. Amen, as the Lord wills it." Sir Is spoke, as an illusory branch of 19 twig like shapes connected to a long line on both sides appeared behind him, glowing a dark orange.

"Amen, as the Lord wills it, sir. I will keep it tightly in mind." Michael stated, bowing deeper towards this strange scientist of a man. "I thank you for appearing and guiding me, Sir Is. May the suns be plentiful and your harvest bountiful. This one must go now, ad return to my true body to prepare my training." She spoke, bowing harsher.

"Hm, yes… dismissed. I need to get back to my research anyways." The man stated, before fading away as an orange mist.

Michael stayed bowed for a few more seconds, before taking a breath. "This is the best I can do for you…" she muttered to seemingly no one, before disappearing in a red flash. As she returned to her real self, she was racked with a strong nervousness, causing shivers to be sent down her spine, as she silently called for blessings upon a certain angel names Samael. After repeating these blessings twice, she headed into a secluded cove, closing the way behind her. She had to get stronger and cultivate harder. She didn't want to see a scene like with what happened to Samael happen to Hei Yun. But the only way she could prevent that, is to get stronger. Otherwise, it would be as if she was an ant trying to topple a tree just by using its breath. A truly worthless endeavor, that would be. As her wings gathered around her, forming an egg-like shape with Michael as the embryo, she could only hope that Hei Yun would also grow stronger so he could protect himself and those he loves, unlike her and Brother Samael.