65.) Escape from Joelli!!!

Hideaki and the others were in what one could call a highly dangerous situation for everyone. Even after exhausting an extensive amount of essence while both fighting, and dominating Nekros and Uriyah. They were faced with the danger of Joelli, half of Jollister's Self Split technique. A warrior class essence-being that was made purely for war. It embodied the Gahwardian ways almost perfectly, a true war machine amongst gods.

Vashjai and the others stared at the war machine in "ah". They couldn't believe one of the most lethal Self Spilt personas to ever be created, was standing right before them. His intentions were felt as lethal and kept the entire crew from moving even an inch. For they all knew that if they moved a muscle, he'd come attacking without holding much anything back.

Joelli: "I can see the sweat dripping from your faces, even from here. You all need to get it together. I'm here and. Nothing will change that. But do not fret, my only job is to stop you guys."

Vashjai: "Stop us from doing what?"

Joelli: "Don't bother denying this but I can tell… all of you have every intention of going after Nekros and Uriyah. You don't want two of your clan's held studies to be turned over to Jollister and his organization."

Curti: "That's exactly right!" *He stomped his foot and clenched his entire muscle frame. He was truly infuriated*

Joelli: "I know, I know. But they are necessary pieces for our plan which is why I can't just let you troublesome, young gods step in the way."

Ebon: "We have our reasons for needing those studies back! We're not going to just sit by and let you guys have your way if it gets in the way of our goals."

Joelli: "All, very understandable points. But I do not support your goal whatsoever, neither does Jollister. So… we'll get you out of the way for now." *Fwip*

Ebon: "Then we'll have to- *SMASH* GUAH!!!"

A heavy strike from Joelli's left knee hits the mark on Ebon. Knocking the wind out of him, leaving him completely dumbfounded and kneeling for air. Vashjai and Curti were taken aback as Joelli turned towards them. Vashjai freezes up from intimidation and fear. Curti takes notice and tries to protect Vashjai and Hideaki from Joelli'a next attack. But alas, Curti is sent flying into a nearby red star by a devastating, straight kick from Joelli.

"D-Damn… Vashjai and… HidEEAAkiiii!" Curti could barely get his words out as his consciousness fades. Joelli wastes not even a second of time and prepares to incapacitate Hideaki and Vashjai. *BLINK* In that moment, Hideaki's auto-heal is activated by his death essence. It heals him completely and he regains consciousness. All in one moment, Hideaki causes slow Death to Ebon and Curti's wounds. Then as he does this, he delivers a heavy kick to Joelli's neck.

Joelli: "This kick is as heavy as a feather. Needs more substance, Hideaki!" *PRCH* *Psh*

Hideaki: "DUAAAH!!!"

Hideaki takes two quick blows to the face as he's sent floating back. Vashjai is left wide open while barely regaining his composure. Joelli shows no mercy and blitzes him all the same. But to Joelli's surprise, Curti made it back in time to counter Joelli's punch. He catches the blow with both hands and quickly turns around to face Vashjai.

Curti: "You guys have to run!!!'

Vashjai: "What you've got to be joking-"

Hideaki: *COUGH* *Cough* "V-Vashjai! He's right… we have t-to… run!"

Vashjai: "Tch! *SMASH* Huh!?"

Vashjai turns around to see Curti being gut checked with the fist of Joelli nearly going through him. Vashjai is frozen once more, only for his eyes to flash yellow and a loud howl shoots from his mouth. He was going berserk after having a panic attack in the face of this dire situation. Hideaki and Curti grab hold of both Joelli's arms, only to turn and see a berserking Vashjai on the verge of attacking Joelli.

"Dammit all, that idiot!" , spouted Hideaki as he watched his younger cousin lose it. Just then, Ebon came out of nowhere and smashed Vashjai on the back of the head with a Zenchi fist. Vashjai instantly lost consciousness and was carried off. Ebon gave a rousing thumbs up, ensuring they'd make it to the wounded Nekros and Uriyah in time. Hideaki heals everyone once more and the group splits.

Joelli: "They won't make it far… you guys DO know that right?"

Hideaki: "Keh! Yeah, we'll see."

Curti: "On bro!"

Both fighters transform into their Clan forms and flex their absolute full power. They were determined to stall for as much time as possible. Joelli smiles in admiration for their determination and gets in a Death-Yu stance taught to him by Shii and Jollister. Hideaki gets into his stance as well and Curti enters the Embodiment Fist style that Ju'Mosi and Amera once used.

"Well then? Come on!!" , yelled out Joelli as he taunted the two gods to come at him. They both didn't show even a lick of hesitation, and blitzed him as fast as they could. Joelli simply smiled and blocked both their Zenchi infused blows. With just one simple finger from both hands. Each had a world of frustration come over them and they continued their onslaught. Joelli continued to block each and every hit with just a simple finger.

Joelli: "Your strikes are lovely and they truly embody the intent to kill with an elegant, aroma of purity. You both are doing well, but… even with these glorious forms of yours. You still cannot hope to close the distance between us!" *TRRFFF* *PRRF*

He struck both with extremely heavy blows to their chests. They were both out of breath and gasping for even the tiniest airwave. Both were smart enough to back away during this struggle. Hideaki dashes back in for a combination attack. "Bone Breaker + Death: Deadly Breaker Touch!!!" Hideaki yelled and a veil of crackling black clouds formed around Hideaki's right hand. Curti reached out his hand at that time and Appraised the effects of the technique. Making a for a nice fusion technique.

"Hmph, nice try." Joelli says as he lifts his left hand up, full of powerful Zenchi. He catches Hideaki's hand with relative ease. Hideaki is not too surprised and summons a load of Zenchi of his own. One hit is all he needed or so he would assume. Curti follows suit and does a similar technique using Zenchi, Appraisal-essence and dark matter. Both gods had their fists flying at Joelli from his left and his right.

Over where Ebon and Vashjai were fleeing towards. A massive building that resembled that of a meeting hall, showed itself in the distance. Ebon was slightly running low on juices and Vashjai was still unconscious. They flew into the building upon reaching it. They were surprised to see Li'Ricio, the king of Embodi-Mozan and his personal guard. He looked furious when interrupted, until he seen the tatters the boys were in.

Ebon: "H-Help us out… K-King Li'Ricio. We've been healed but our essence is spent, we're on our last leg."

Vashjai: …

Li'Ricio: (He's right, they're both in bad shape. Which brings the question of, Where the hell is my son!? I guess I'll have to ask!) "Get them some care, Merilizette!"

Merilizette: "Right, on it sir! *FWIP* *She appeared in front the two* Blessing!!"

Merilizette was a petite knight, standing at five feet and two inches. She had a slight hourglass shape but was fit and tone all around. Her eyes were big and hazel with a hint of sky blue. Her lips were small yet full but the sum of her face was covered by a golden, mystic helm. Hwr armor resembled that of a gold knight from the old times of england. One that was a class of knight and mage. Her flowing blue hair showed this as it flowed in the wind and glowed as she used her power.

She had the birthright of Blessings and can gift others and herself with a wide range of reinforcements and boosters. This time, she's gifting them with essence stored in the blessed dimension. They were both rising back to full strength quickly.

Ebon: (This is absolutely amazing! My power is completely returning!)

Vashjai: "E-Erm… NRGH!!! Shit… my head!"

Vashjai finally awakens, rubbing his head in the same spot Ebon slugged him in. He looked up and saw a beautiful short girl smiling as she placed her hand on his head. A clear feeling of invigoration came and coursed through his entire being. His essence had returned and his body felt normal once again.

Ebon reached out to his cousin and helped him back to his feet. They got to take a quick look around before Vashjai began to question the situation at hand.

Vashjai: "Wait a second… where the fuck are we!?"

Ebon: "We're in the-"

Li'Ricio: "You two are in the grand meeting hall for Mozanian officials."

Vashjai: "Ah, Lord Li'Ricio! *Bow* Apologies for the disregard of your presence."

Li'Ricio: "No need for an apology. But I will ask, where are you two coming from and why were you in that condition."

Vashjai: "Uh…"

Ebon: "Nrgh!" *He looks down in frustration*

Li'Ricio: "More importantly, where's my boy!?"

Vashjai: "Fighting…"

Li'Ricio: "Hm?"

Vashjai: "Joelli."

Merilizette: "J-Joelli!?"

Everyone in the room was taken back by this news. Joelli, just being part of a highly dense and complex technique. Was still well known as a threat to most and his skill level leaves him as a pinnacle combatant for those in his range of power. The room grew nervous as no one present has the strength to simply overpower him. Even so, Li'Ricio began to frantically search for his son's essence signature.

Vashjai: "If you're looking for him, he should be South of here. But it would seem Joelli is doing nothing more than stalling us-"

Li'Ricio: "No. You are mistaken, young god. He would stall the likes of his kin, his family. My son! … is NOT that man's family, so the complex of his that he and the other pieces of Jollister share. Won't be pushed towards Curti, an outsider to their personal moral compass and family code. He's going to…"

Vashjai: *GULP*

Li'Ricio: "Aim to kill a potential threat like my son. Your cousin is very goal orientated, and someone like Curti cant be allowed to interfere. Seeing as he's a member of the new generation's STRIFE."

Vashjai: "T-Tch… you're right!"

Ebon: (Still acting as slow as ever I see. C'mon Vashjai!) *he thought to himself while glaring at Vashjai*

Vashjai: "But since that's the case here. We should head back to them now, Before it's too late!"

Li'Ricio: "Mhm!" *Nod*

Li'Ricio and the others prepare to head for the location where Curti and Hideaki were fighting Joelli. *PEEUWWW* In that very same battle, Curti had just been blasted through the chest by a stream of condensed force. A normal punch for the likes of Joelli. He fell back as his power began to leave his body. *GRIP*

"DEATH to Injury!!" Hideaki called out immediately after gripping Curti's back. Curti was healed almost instantly without losing much power at all. Joelli smiles and throws a lazy right kick their way. Both were able to dodge the sluggish kick and rush back in. A nasty gust of wind slowed their pace, a delayed effect from the kick just now.

Hideaki: "Go for a consecutive flank rush!"

Curti: "Got it!" *Fwip*

They flank to the sides of Joelli and go for quick strikes. They repeatedly flash out and flank the opposite side before Joelli could grab hold of them. Joelli sat in place, unfazed by the strategy while he blocked every hit coming his way with just his index fingers. He gives off a glare and both of them retreat due to instinct. Joelli had flashed a hint of bloodlust for a literal millisecond. More than enough for their deaths to flash before their own eyes. Especially that of Hideaki, who could see both his and Curti's deaths.

"Anything else you two want to try before I end it all?" , asked Joelli as he stood in place. Hideaki recollected himself and locked eyes with Curti. One could tell they communicated via Mental Zenchi. And before Joelli could even blink, both were to his three and his nine. Hideaki had a condensed ball of Death and Zenchi-essence wrapped around his right fist. Curti wrapped his fist with Dark Matter and Zenchi-essence, then the both of them swung in perfect sync. Joelli bent his legs and brought in his arms to block both the blows. *kaBLOoOommMM*

Hideaki: "Try and hold him to the position as long as you can! FULL Focus!!!"

Curti: "That's a no brainer man. We got THIIISSS!!!"

Both showed a great amount of determination, but… Joelli simply closed his eyes and let out a large sigh. Soon after, he ignited a huge accumulation of Zenchi Essence.

Hideaki: "Oh shi- Curti! Use your Presence or you'll regret it. Use Mental and follow my lead!"

Curti: "Already ahead of you. Let's do it!"

Joelli sets off a huge wave of Presence Zenchi that engulfs the entirety of a universe. Hideaki and Curti manage to spread their presence as far as a single galaxy each. They forcefully burst their Zenchi waves to disperse and disrupt Joelli's own waves. The resulting force waves that shoot out afterwards push both Curti, and Hideaki away from Joelli.

Hideaki: (Curti, I have a plan for escape and we'll be executing it the same way. Be ready to appraise!)

Curti: (Right! Lead the way bro!)

Joelli: "I think it's about time I end this- *PEW* Oh… Hideaki?" *He looked down at Hideaki, who suddenly appeared before him*

Hideaki: (Most people don't realize that concepts that embody multiple words… can also be split into said words. Taking on their meanings and furthermore, their concepts. For me, I have a bonebreaker birthright, yet I can freely control bones and… break things. So now… I'll break!) "Molecular BURST!"

Curti: "Maximum Appraisal!!!"

Joelli: "Well now… *Grin* How clever."

The two of them split more than a million atoms within the vicinity while also using Joelli's leaking essence as a conductor. This causes an explosion with the force to destroy three earths to occur. The perfect smoke screen for their getaway.

"You two won't be getting away that easily. Five seconds won't do much." Joelli says just before getting into his racer stance. Readying for a sudden burst of speed. Exactly 6 universes ahead, Hideaki and Curti give it their all to get away. They use every ounce of essence to fuel their speed and momentum, sacrificing their forms in the process. But unfortunately for them, Joelli was done preparing and dropped his playful manner. A white line appeared between them. Distracting them for a literal millisecond, more than enough time for Joelli to clear the distance.

Hideaki: "D-Damn! We were so close!"

Curti: "Bleh! You bastard!"

Joelli: "Don't hate me for this guys. *Vwimp* *vwimp* *vwimp* but Jollister and goal cannot have threats like you meddling in our affairs. Hideaki will go to sleep and Curti… will have to die."

Curti: "N-Nrgh! D-Dammit alll!!!"

Hideaki: (It's been moments and I'm already out of essence. We did what needed to be done at the very least.)

Joelli: "Let it all end here-"

Li'Ricio: "Joelli!"

Joelli: "Hrm?"

There! Right behind Joelli was a small group of four. Merilizette, Vashjai, Ebon and of course… Li'Ricio. Vashjai and Ebon were now fully healed and prepared to finish the mission. But first, they had to male sure the coast was clear and that Joelli wouldn't be an issue.

Joelli: "So… the King himself wants to fight huh? Intriguing, I watched your friendly spar with Jollister way back when. Show me…"

Li'Ricio: "Tch!"

Hideaki: "Curti…"

Curti: "Yeah… this is going to get ugly fast. Lets go over to Merilizette in the meantime."

Hideaki: "... Yeah."

Joelli: "Yesss, show me why they call you Blood-Ruler. *Grin* Heh!"

In the midst of nearly getting obliterated by Joelli. The four find a route for escape in the form of… King Li'Ricio. A battle of great proportion was to ensue as the mission for the Key… continues!

Next Chapter: Blood VS Malevolency!!! !!!