66.) Blood VS. Malevolency!!!

In the midst of a near death situation with Joelli, one of Jollister's two self split personas. Li'Ricio, Vashjai, Ebon and Merilizette all come to interrupt the one sided affairs. Li'Ricio being someone who can go toe to toe with Jollister on even footing. Was more than a solid match for Joelli, but it would not be a fight he could afford to slip up during. With a slight, silent rage brewing from within. Li'Ricio powered up and drew a blood whip from the center of his left hand. Joelli smiled at Li'Ricio and drew his Hell Saber, a sword with skull hilt that held a two foot blade within its mouth. The skull had horns that stuck out to the sides with blood diamond eyes. The blade itself was black with a tree centerpiece that spread like wild roots. Two curves were half a foot up the blade nearing the base, where the blade is thickest.

Joelli: "It' s truly an honour to be fighting you o' mighty King. Show me what you can do." *Grin*

Li'Ricio: 'Shut your mouth, swine! I'll make you disperse, and retreat back to Jollister after I'm done with ya."

Joelli: "Heh! Try me ." *FfffSHING*

Joelli got into a traditional shaolin sword stance. Placing his feet more than shoulder width apart and parallel to one another. His knees are bent to a near ninety degree while his left leg lay more straightened and outward. His body slightly rotating to the left with that right arm of his elegantly floating atop his left. Which was stretched across his body while holding his sword in a slanted, vertical position. Acting as a shield for his face.

"Such a basic yet elegant and beautiful stance there, Joelli. It'll be broken by the fist hit." , said Li'Ricio as he smirked at Joelli.

"Ah, t'is the season for jokes I see… ONGUARD!" , yelled Joelli while flexing his entire muscle frame. Li'Ricio showed a roar of ferociousness and cracked his whip toward Joelli. The tip was of a different color suddenly, something Joelli's perception could easily detect. With the slight twist of his neck to the left, and a smooth rotation of his sword to the right. He cuts the tip off and flips the sword so it rotates horizontally. He ducks under it and the whip and spins to his right. Joelli quickly grabs hold of the sword's blackened handle with his left hand, and brings it inwards.

"GRGH!" Li'Ricio groaned as he brought in his whip and proceeded to pivot to his left. He cracked the whip once more, but it's parried by Joelli. He begins to advance immediately after, slashing at yet another attempt to gash open his throat. Joelli hopped during the slash and came back down on his left. He proceeded to go into a skating motion, gliding across the spatial floor they stood on. Swiftly vanishing to his right with a harsh side pivot. The whip came back down once more after Li'Ricio rotates his right arm vigorously. Joelli slashed above his head while ducking and cut the whip yet again.

Joelli: "Hehehe!! I'm coming for ya!!!"

Li'Ricio: "Bring it!" *THWACK*

The whip fixes itself and Li'Ricio brings his arm inwards, then outwards and back in again. The whip shoots at Joelli's face, but he dodges the attack and spins to his left. Releasing his sword as he came back around to face front. Li'Ricio stiffened out his whip and used it to parry the flying sword. He then brings his new staff high into the cosmos and slams it down atop Joelli. But he was gone suddenly and appeared behind Li'Ricio with his sword at the ready.

Li'Ricio: "Doh! You bastard-" *SHINNNGG*

Curti: "Mh…"

Hideaki: "Hmm…"

Vashjai: "Uh…"

Ebon: "Uh… what!?"

Vashjai: "Is no one appalled by his head being lobbed off!?"

Merilizette: "No… just keep looking."

Vashjai: …

Li'Ricio turns around and swings his staff in which Joelli blocks with his sword. Leaning to his left and putting his weight into it. This stopped any chances of him being pushed back. He placed the tips of his fingers on the blade to get similar results. Li'Ricio's head reforms and he ducks under his own staff and closes the distance after tucking it under his right arm. He throws a few heavy palm strikes at Joelli with his free arm. Joelli is keen on the approach and uses his right arm to block each one. Li'Ricio tries to spice it up and adds Physical Zenchi to the mix.

"Heh! Clever, but I won't be falling victim to such an attack." , said Joelli as he hopped up and put his left foot on Li'Ricio's staff. He spun around and kicked Li'Ricio in the face with his right foot. He jumped off the staff and and went into a twirl as Li'Ricio slightly fell back. Joelli made contact with the spatial floor and released an entry kick, lotus style. Which launched his left foot right at Li'Ricio's face from a crouching position. Li'Ricio dodged the attack by weaving his head slightly to the left. He then brought down his right fist in an attempt to incapacitate Joelli. But Joelli was able to dodge it at the last second.

Joelli: "Hehe! Missded me!"

Li'Ricio: "...Ohhh, you think so!?"

Joelli: "Huh… what-" *FWISH*

Li'Ricio's whip followed the same traveling lane as he did. Resulting in him receiving a gash on his left cheek. A very bad development for Joelli, the blood ability of the Satanic, golden armored king. Allowed him to control those, whose blood he had taken a sample of. With his whip-staff being made of his own blood, only one slash would be needed to get his sample. The only issue here was…

Vashjai: "Umm… why doesn't he use it to fully restrict Joelli?"

Curti: "I always wish it were that simple, but it's not."

Ebon: "What do you mean by that?"

Merilizette: "He means the King can't simply restrict someone of his level and range. It's best for him to play his cards right and slightly control separate limbs using the blood flow. So he can avoid any serious damage and hold the advantage."

Vashjai: "Ah… I see. That does make a lot of sense."

Merilizette: "I'm more so concerned about Joelli."

Ebon: "And the fact that no one who knows Jollister, knows a damn thing about his damn Self-Split technique. No one knows the true nature of his personas besides Shii and Gaia."

Hideaki: "Which just means Li'Ricio can't let his guard down."

Joelli steps back and takes a moment to assess the situation. He put his hand over his new found blemish and licked the blood as he dabbed some off his cheek. Smiling at Li'Ricio and asking him, "Is that all?" Li'Ricio's face spoke a thousand words, one could easily tell he was highly irritated with Joelli. The fight was only making it worse.

Joelli: "A passionate father I see. How lovely and quaint, but also pathetic since he's no longer in danger. You need to be more focused here!"

Li'Ricio: "Mrhmm!!"

Joelli: "I mean… unless you wish to fall prey to my birthright." *he looks Li'Ricio in the eye while smiling sinister fashion*

Hideaki: "His birthright…"

Curti: "Has been active this entire time!?"

Li'Ricio: "Eh… you jest. Now come!"

Joelli: "I'm already here."

Joelli blitzed Li'Ricio and immediately put him on the defensive. But for some odd reason… his limbs were heavier than before. His right hook missed its mark and he was struck in the spleen with a heavy right. He attempted to counter with a straight left, but Lu'Ricio dodged the blow. They go into a quick fraul of exchanges. Li'Ricio starts with a right that's quickly blocked by Joelli. The follow up goes into a quick three punch combo that is perceived and blocked. Joelli goes for a low sweep as a counter, Li'Ricio jumps over it and summons his whip once more. He cracks it at Joelli and barely misses by a hair. Joelli jumps back into a volley of backflips. Li'Ricio follow after him and extends his whip out into a stiffened state. He nearly pierces Joelli, who throws his body out of the way.

"My body has been quite the nuisance for these last few exchanges. Guess I'll have to implore it after all-" *SMASH* "Heavy Blood!" , yelled out Li'Ricio who slowed Joelli down with little ease. By increasing the density and weight of Joelli's blood cells.

Li'Ricio: "That's not all!" *FWIP* *SWISH*

Li'Ricio rushed him with a hard right to the jaw then a rising left knee to push him back. Two jabs to his chest and a hard, backspin kick that sends him flying back more than 20 miles. Li'Ricio desperately attempts to keep the onslaught going and blitzes Joelli once more.

Joelli: (I can feel that his essence has dropped. Meaning all these small techniques and shifting my bloodstream to control my blows, are all draining. And this feeling in his signature, it's… Malice!) *Grin*

Curti: "What the!?"

Hideaki: (This… may be bad.)

Li'Ricio: "What're you smiling about!?"

Joelli: "This… signature of yours… its full of malice and that's no good for you."

Li'Ricio: "What-"

Merilizette: "What… technique is that?"

Joelli: "Malevolency: Malice Assimilation! Your blood techniques are now mine!"

Vashjai: "That essence!!"

Ebon: "His element is Malevolency!?"

Joelli has an element that attacks more spiritually than physically. Though that's only after he assimilates his enemy's malice and the essence attached to it. You see, emotions and moments of being are intertwined within one's energy or essence. Joelli takes both the essence, pieces of the concept its taken in and a boost of power from converting the malice into essence. Without his own essence being the fuel however, he wouldn't be able to accomplish this feat.

"Now your ridiculous added weight won't be a variable, ya bastard." *Prch* Joelli punches Li'Ricio in his jaw then chops his neck to cause severe dizziness.

Joelli: "Now for the show stopper! Hellish Blood Art of Zenchi!: Chaotic Realm O'Blaze!"

Li'Ricio: "Gaaar- NRGH! Black Blood Art of Zenchi!: Red Ocean World!!!"

Merilizette: "You four! We're moving now, so latch onto my essence stream!!!"

Everyone: "Y-Yeah!"

The four of them hop on her stream and dash off with her to escape the Arts of Zenchi. Techniques that expand that principle beyond its usual confines. Being able to mix two sub-branches of origin essence back with the source to fuse in their principles and properties. For a grand example, both Lu'Ricio and Joelli fused their Elements and Birthrights to the principle of Presence Zenchi. Allowing them to expand their realm and control the properties of both within their respective bubbles. The wave of presence acts as the dome that holds the realm.

Meanwhile, Jollister had noticed the sudden leap in power from Joelli and decided to peek in.

Jollister: "He's fighting head to head with Li'Ricio? Well that shouldn't surprise me, I did send him there to fight Curti and the others. Only natural, but… who in the world is- Oh… I know who now. Merilizette, the infinity healer. I have no qualms if she's there. I'll just phone her real fast." *Flip* *CLICK*

Merilizette: *BZZ* *BZzZzZZ* "Hm? Now who is- OH… son of a BITCH!"

Curti: "What's wrong Lizette?"

Merilizette: "Hideaki, your older cousin seems to be calling my Communicator."

Hideaki: "Jollister!?"

Merilizette: "Yeah… I'll answer and see what he wants. *beep*

(Jollister: "Yo, Merilizette… how're things over in the old Mozan?)

Merilizette: "Things would be tranquil and smooth if not for your buddy here. What do you want, clown!?"

Jollister: "Ah… Don't be like that baby. Need some more jolli stick in ya life?"

(Merilizette: "Ugh, we're not a thing anymore, Imbecile. Be serious here!")

Jollister: "Ok, ok. I just need you to be ready to heal Li'Ricio… he's too rage filled to win against someone that feed on it. A gods rage is almost always full of malice. Even if it were of positive nature, Joelli can feed on that too. Go back."

(Merilizette: "Y-you can't be serious. He's been playing the king from the start!?)

Merilizette: "HELLOO!?"

(Jollister: "Yes… he has. Now go!")

Merilizette: "God dammit. *Click* You guys stay here! I have to go save the king."

Curti: "You think my father would lose!!?" *Clench*

Merilizette: "No… I'm saying you were used as a trap. With your father out of the way, no one can stop them from leaving here. Our head knights are with the queen and the others are too far away.)

Curti: "Huh…" *his heart, mind and body were all shook to the core*

Merilizette: "Joelli, no… Jollister played us that quickly. Even making sure your father survives this."

Curti: "Tch!"

Hideaki: (Jollister… is going to be THIS MUCH of a nuisance!?)

Joelli and Li'Ricio continue their fight within the newly created realm. A constant clash of presences screamed across the cosmos. Li'Ricio used his black blood to mold and attack at a cellular level. He wanted to take back some of the essence Joelli had stolen. But every single blood cell was fried by a simple touch of Joelli's hellblaze blood. Slightly frustrated by the elongated struggle to get out of their stagnant battle.

"You keep oozing that potent and surreal malice. It's quite the nice meal for me. Now watch me takeover!!!" , Joelli became an inferno of bursting essence. He set ablaze the entirety of the realm and burned every cell he could. Even the ones found in his own blood techniques. Li'Ricio could only block using his Armor Zenchi and a solid orb of overly dense black blood. It allowed him to destroy the cells as they approached. Even the particles found in the flames were destroyed with ease.

Li'Ricio: "This could go on forever so long as I don't up anymore sudden bursts of malice. And we can both feed on the blood at high rates so there's that as well."

Joelli: "Yeah yeah… but you won't be getting very far regardless. You're a fool if you think I can't use my other halfs element too. Your benevolence is just as delicious. You'll lose regardless of what, King Li'Ricio."

Li'Ricio: (This bastard can eat that as well. Either way, my blood assimilation is greater than his. He does not embody this concept as I do.)

*FWIP* Joelli dashes in on Li'Ricio to attempt an essence burst punch mixed with Physical Zenchi. Li'Ricio flashes out and lands a hefty blood explosion on Joelli's back. He goes flying out into the distance, but rebounds just in time. Li'Ricio tries to follow up, but is quickly intercepted when grabbed around the waist from behind. Joelli had emerged from a puddle of blood and had a grip that just could not be broken. He was lifted quite high into the air and slammed down on his neck.

" Gah… no you don't!" , yelled Li'Ricio right after putting his hands into the ground. He turns it into a pooll of blood and blends it as he mixes himself with it. With him blending in, he was almost impossible to keep track of. The realm being made of an assertion of blood types which made it extremely hard to find Li'Ricio. Joelli being a god who loathes patience, quickly figured that complete destruction is far better.

Joelli: "It's been fun, but this realm gives you too much leverage in a fight that's at my field of play. So I say… fuck your realm!"

Li'Ricio: "Nrhn!"

Jorlli: "Bloody HELLRAISE!!!"'

The realm was set on fire with a flame of high potency. The cells within the realm were completely burnt to a crisp. Joelli went as far as to project more Zenchi for a perfect shatter of their realm. Li'Ricio is forced out in the process and avoids all the harm that would've come from the attack. Upon coming out of the realm, Li'Ricio lost sight of Joelli completely. Frantically searching for him, his presence or even a faint essence signature. But none could he found.

Li'Ricio: (Damn… did the bastard run off before I could merge?)

Merilizette was close to making it back to their locale. Flying as fast as she could to make sure she makes it in time. Upon getting within eye view… she spotted trouble approaching her King at speeds far greater than what he claimed to be his highest. She could only muster three words of warning before…

Merlizette: "LI'RICIO, LOOK OUT!!!"

Li'Ricio: "Huh…"

Li'Ricio turned around and saw only a blade coming down upon his face. He could only manage to lean slightly out the way, causing his eye to be struck by his hellfire blood. He was unable to disperse his blood particles to avoid the damage. His right eye was useless as far as we know.

Merilizette: "LI'RICIO!!!"

Jollister: "Ah man… I feel bad now. His malice just shop up, and now Joelli can see that eye using his essence and malice against him. She won't be healing that. Only we can."

Joelli: "Sorry your highness, but I'll be using your malice and essence as a conduit for sealing your eye. If you ever so much as flex some killing intent or bloodlust. The seal will strengthen. I'll remove it once our mission is over."

Li'Ricio: "Tchss. Y-You bastard, Joelli!!!" *FWISCH*

Merilizette: *GASP*

Joelli: "Your assistant will save you. Farewell, until next we meet… great King Li'Ricio."

Li'Ricio: "U-Uh… *BLEHC*

Joelli leaves the King with a pierced lung as he retreats. Merilizette rushes to his side for aid and the two thieves are nearly gone. The situation grows grim for STRIFE as the race for the Key continues!

Uriyah: "Yo Nekros… we're nearly there. We need to get out of here before Joelli bops on us for being slow."

Nekros: *Pant* *pant* *pant*… "O-ok… I'm *pant* I'm ready when you… are."

Uriyah: "U-Uh… hm. *Clench* *He stares at his fist* Hold on man. I got just enough for this. Reverse Injury: 5!"

Five of Nekros' more severe injuries disappear and he is slightly more capable than before. Or at Least… he was no longer panting and grasping for air.

Nekros: "Th-Thanks man. Now let's get the hell out of here."

Uriyah: "Hm. Let's ride then.

Next Chapter: Phoenix Distress Call!