Many more millennia had flown by in a flash and a new state of affairs had now donned itself onto our fair Omniverse. A new age where many Gods, Celestials, Beasts from the divine level to the mortal levels, Non-Mortals, and Mortals alike. All within this Omniverse who were original residents, born to its glory and majesty. Many of them were now being Possessed by the manipulations and temptations of the Blessed, and Wicked seven. Ones that we know in life as the Seven Deadly Sins/ Holy Blessings. Most fail to manipulate these seven concepts to become blessed abilities of their arsenal. Instead they are manipulated by these grand Concepts that even those of the realms beyond take time to conquer. They force many to commit atrocious crimes against one another as it becomes Civilization VS Civilization. It was a widespread carnage and devastation that was on the milder side compared to the Chaotic Era. But was of great consequence nonetheless.
Luminaria itself had its hands full in a five year long war that was waged on them by neighboring empires. Each one was being led by a corrupt dictator that formed an alliance with one another. That alliance would go down in history as one of the scourges of Colossaverse I. They were capable of holding their own even against the likes of The Light itself. It was the second generation, being led by the second White Knight. It was none other than Brittany Senkozen-Beel herself. Xenophia's youngest child so far. She and her team were fighting side by side with the Battalions of the ten Pillars. As well as a few of their eldest leaders and their children. Their current battlefront led them away from the territory of the clan and into the void between that and this makeshift Clan made of multiple separate empires.
The absolute Monarch of the alliance showed themselves at this point of the war. Sitting on a throne made of a nearby planet, watching as his subordinates take the battle to the Luminarians. Using any means necessary to gain the upper hand on their foes of light. The leading Commander of the first Division took off in pursuit of Brittany herself. His job was to kill by any means necessary, even if it meant sacrificing his feeble life for the greater cause. Even if he may be the strongest underneath the Sovereign of Ten Leaders. He was still seen as nothing more than an expendable lackey for them to use. "Succeed at thine mission and nothing more, soldier." Stood their motto for all that serve this wicked alliance.
Many of their troops could be seen falling to the coordination of the Luminarian army. Brittany led four others into a battle against that very Commander and his generals. She zipped beyond his blasts alongside her right hand, Lizzy'Lo Illuma and her left hand, Aurorano Aurora. They were tailed by a powerful fighter from one of the newer houses created thousands of years after the creation of Luminaria, the House of Joseph. His name was Jameson Joseph, and he was the father of Joshua and Jahgill Joseph.
"Allow me to move forward as the lead, then you three follow up once I separate this buffoon from his personal bums." Brittany says as her golden Knight's cape flowed ever so elegantly.
Jameson: "Sounds like a plan, Milady!
Power Scale Level: 123
Origin Concept: Morph
Elemental Concept: Earth
Study: Vacuum of the Null Void (Pact Class)
Age: 400,609,967,978
Lizzy'Lo: "Whoohooo, let's GOOO!!!"
Power Scale Level: 102
Birthright: Tigress
Element: Lightning
Study: Forest of the Tiger (Embodiment/Domain Class)
Age: 204,987
Aurorano: "Lead the way, Captain Brit!"
Power Scale Level: 105
Birthright: Bang
Elements: Water/Light
Study: Gunner's Grand Festival (Storage/Embodiment/Weapon Class)
Age: 205,003
Brittany: "Awesome, here we go then!" *SHINNNG* *FLASH*
Power Scale Level: 112
Birthright: Winter
Element: Ice/White
Study: Angel of Conflict (Embodiment/Pact Class)
Age: 205,003
She donned her special-grade Twinblades before blasting off into the commander and his goons.
Commander: "Hm!? (The little goddess is fast!!)" *SLASH*
Power Scale Level: 115
Origin Concept: Warp
Elemental Concept: Time
Study: The Five Gates of Beyond. (Piece/Manipulation Class)
Age: 44,000,012
He barely managed to dodge her blitzing strike as she flew past him. Leaving a cut on his waist as a warning shot.
???: "Commander Jackalos! Are you good, sir!?"
Commander Jackalos: "Yes, yes… worry about your mission or die by my hand the next time you find yourself concerned about anything else, pissants! Now MOVE!!"
"YES SIR!!" They all yelled out just before rushing towards the Luminarian forces.
Brittany frowned a bit at the Commander as he heals his wound. Turning to smirk at her whilst watching her twirl her Twinblades in preparation for an attack. Commander Jackalos dashed forward, causing Brittany to snarl just as he met her person. He used his metallic claws to strike at her, forcing her to leap back before making her move. She dashed forward with her Twinblades blazing, making the Commander counter with his right claws. He follows up with a sweeping attack from his left claws. Brittany dodges and rolls on his back, taking his six in preparation for her next attack. She slashes at his feet, which he leaps over with little effort. He brings his claws to her left side then turns his body to perform a grand spin that turns him into a living saw. Brittany spun her Twinblades as a defense and clashed with Jackalos as he attempted to run though her. Brittany's blade clashed with his claws once more, repelling the other before leaping back in several times over. Clashing every single time they sweep by the other.
Commander Jackalos: "How could someone so young and small be so powerful? You're only 5'10 in height as compared to my whopping ten feet. Literally half my size, yet here you are forcing me on the defensive. How about you stop holding out, little girl. I can't get serious if you won't!" *SHINNG*
He reveals his right hand and it's claws, blood dripping from them to show he did indeed make contact with Brittany a few times.
Brittany: "Hmph, how petty of you. To think you'd go and land a single slash on each of my limbs and my head. You've now reeled me back into this fight, knave! Prepare thyself for an act of suffering upon thine flesh."
Commander Jackalos: "Hmmm… your essence is surprisingly dark for someone born of Light."
Brittany: "That's simply because I was born with an icy heart. One that lacks empathy and sympathy for anyone or anything whilst my twin sister was a light born in the dark. We're opposites you see, and as her opposite… I hope to see your corpse riddled with slashes from my legendary armament here."
Commander Jackalos: "I highly doubt you can do such a thing, girl. But be my guest, I'll be adding another trophy to my collections!" *FLASH*
Brittany' "Yeah, we'll see… knave." *FWIP*
Brittany dodges a left slash from Jackalos before leaping back. Jackalos dashed towards her with more than thirty afterimages of his arms flowing forward with him. Brittany frowned with an uninterested look in her eyes. She planted her weight in her right foot while stretching her leg back as far as it'll go. Twirling her Twinblades in her right hand to repel all attacks before her. This forces Jackalos to fall back abit as his hands were forced away from Brittany and her Twinblades. He used that as a way to set up his next attack, opening his arms wide before coming down with a heavy slash. Brittany closed her eyes and turned her back to him. Stepping into his body whilst holding her Twinblades horizontally. He brings his claws down with a large helping of might behind the attack.
Commander Jackalos: "Hm… TCH! (My arms!? She split her Twinblades into two separate halves!!)"
Brittany: "Hmph, now then!" *FWISH*
She turns around to kick him in the solar plexus before he could counter her. Her foot slowly turns to ice as she turns it. Now using her left foot as a booster, she kicks forth and creates force and momentum that carries them both. This leaves Jackalos in a state of shock as his body is slowly covered in ice. Her foot turned into a white light, intensifying all the while as the ice increases. Commander Jackalos was frozen stiff and unable to move at this point in time. All he could do was watch and listen to the words uttered by Brittany and that uninterested, smug look of hers.
"Ice AGE." Brittany says.
Her ice spread around the flying Commander Jackalos forming a sphere. One that increased in size and density as the ice spread to form a small Conglomaverse(500,000 universes). Brittany could sense more than four bodies approaching her person. She turned to face the subordinates of Jackalos. They seemed to be mere generals rather than commanders. They had their hands full with the members of The Light. Brittany waltzed towards her four adversaries with her blades still being separated from one another. She carefully waited as they approached, slashing the first one in half as he swung his fist at her head. A second one appeared behind her with a gigantic sword wrapped in poison. Brittany glared at him as he swung his sword downwards. She pierced his chest with the blade in her right hand. Now facing him, she left her left blade hanging before twirling it upwards. Clashing with and slashing straight through the blade of his gigantic sword. Then she froze him solid with the tip of her blade before sliding back to finish him off. It was also to…
"Easily blocked, eh?" Brittany asked cheekily as she stares at the goddess behind her.
"Tch, now who the fuck do you think you are, bitch!!?" the goddess asked aggressively.
Brittany: "Ah, disrespect of this caliber will not be tolerated, wankah. But first…"
Brittany cut the God trapped within ice in two, then turned to face the goddess behind her. She repelled her foe then knocked away the final member of these four. They both attempted to take down Brittany at once. Repelling her attacks whilst she repelled their own. Both sides had now come to a stand still until Brittany suddenly sped up her strikes and forced both to be knocked off their rhythm. She tripped the God from underneath himself. Then went into a flying knee that knocked the guy upward, and before he could regain his bearings… she kicked him into a distant star. Using that kick as momentum, she thrusted her body into an even heavier kick that broke the blade of the goddess. Brittany's Zenchi was far beyond what they could handle.
Brittany: "How laughable. Are your commandahs the only ones truly worth fighting? It's no wonder you've been doing guerilla tactics this whole time. Pathetic!"
Both of her adversaries were beyond angered by her words and actions. The God came back in for another attack, spinning his staff as he closed in. Brittany twirled her body whilst on her side, blocking every attack he had to offer. She used the force behind his attacks to repel herself back a few meters. Allowing enough space for a swift counterattack aimed at his legs. Brittany had a very wide smile on her face as she watched the God leap above her strike. He did a backflip over her, staring down at her as he prepared a strike with his staff/Polearms. He swung his weapon at her waist as he landed, Brittany just so happened to feel the strike incoming. Leaping above and out the way as she flew forward. Both of her adversaries tried to pursue her only to be cut off by Jameson Joseph himself.
Jameson: "Sorry, but lady Brittany need not be bothered with such weaklings like yourselves!"
"NRGH!!! These Luminarians are highly disrespectful!" The God states as his weapon clashes with Jameson's own.
Unfortunately for the God, Jameson had far more power than he did, causing him to lose ground rather quickly. He was repelled like a fly on the wall, sending him towards his female partner who dodged him and proceeded forward. She used a whip strike with her flexible blade that missed Jameson as he ducked. Hundreds of more strikes came flying towards him, but none could prevail in getting through his defenses.
"Dammit, these beings of light have a ridiculous amount of speed!" She yelled out
Jameson: "Good on ya for noticing, you hussy. *BLINK* But it's a lack of skill in your case, "bitch"." *SMACK*
He backhanded her before another one of her "rapid" strikes could get through.
The girl was sent flying into the makeshift Clan made by those conquering Dictators. Her body smashed into the core of the Clan, right in front of the demonic looking headquarters for their many leaders.
"It's too bad for her that their Zenchi is so far apart. He knocked her out with his Presence Zenchi alone. He smacked her for extra insurance. It's easy to say that his essence and Zenchi are on par with my own and a few of the other Dictators. They'll be pissed when they figure it out though… hehehe!!!" The head of the alliance laughed as he watched Jameson make a mockery of his army.
Jameson disposed of multiple generals and soldiers that came his way after seeing what he did to the first two. Only… Jameson was hardly interested in these few that came to take him down. He focused on the one trapped by Brittany whilst she focused on the 'Head' of the alliance.
Jameson: "Lady Brittany, our White Knight II. Please allow me to focus on the one you trapped once he escapes. Allow your focus to be on their supposed leadah, make him pay for this and excuse him for the weakling that he is!"
Brittany: "Hmph… thank you very much Jameson. I'll make sure to end this war without bothering the Solitary One!"
Xixin: "Sounds good to me, Lady Brit! Make sure he pays for his insolence!
Power Scale Level: 125(Sealed)
Origin Concept: Circus
Elemental Concept: Gray Light
Studies: Grand Festival/Theory of Motion.
Age: 1,403,074
Brittany: "Mhm… back me up if anything goes wrong! We don't need her entering this fray, got it?!"
Jameson & Xixin: "Yes Ma'am!!"
Brittany flew towards the leader that projected their titan form to the size of Jupiter and sat within this planet of his like a throne. Watching as everything plays out, hoping that someone would make themselves available to challenge him. And now here one was, the girl who put his top commander on ice!
Brittany: "Let's go ahead and put an end to all this… "Lord" Chichiin!"
Chichiin "The Eyes": "Gaaah, let's see what you're made of, girl!"
Power Scale Level: 127
Birthright: Decimation
Element: Destruction
Study: Destruction's Requiem
Age: 650,156
Brittany: "Ah.. good… now it's time to end YOU!!!"
Brittany quickly turned her Twinblades into to separate blades that would be turned against Chichiin. He rose from his chair and used it as a conduit to create a weapon. One that would be capable of blocking her strike from succeeding in getting through. Their clash flashed across the battlefield and a dance would later go to spread across the battlefield soon after. Their clashes showed themselves to those that once thought this battle rested on their shoulders. They could now see that Chichiin and Brittany were the ones deciding the tides of battle here. They watched as Chichiin countered every strike that came his way. Reflecting and deflecting all attacks that came his way from the blades that Brittany now used. She slashed and blasted at Chichiin as they flew through the multiverse of void. He countered her left slash, kicking her in the face just after parrying. He slashed through her blasts as if they were mere insects. Smashing his left leg into Brittany's stomach and sending her flying.
Brittany: "Tch, dammit… you're a powerful one!!"
Chichiin: "And you're quite the weakling!" *FLASH*
He disappeared behind her, smashing through her guard as he sends her flying into the next multiverse over.
She went into a series of uncontrollable flips that forced her to use her element as a cushion. She froze over a large portion of space and crashed into her new creation. Breaking it into pieces before meeting with Chichiin once more. Their fists clash and repel one another with Brittany flying back further than Chichiin. This gave him space to run her down once more. Throttle her body around that new multiverse of space with no one around to stop him besides Brittany if she were to power up.
Jameson: "This isn't good, she's losing ground at every turn!"
Xixin: "Yeah, it seems that Commandah won't be a problem for you. But that Dictator draws me as odd for a leadah?"
Aurorano: "Indeed, his powah is great but I sensed a higher one from within their base ages ago. That powah is NOT his."
Lizzy'Lo: "Mhm… then our leadahs losing to a mere subleadah?"
Xixin: "It would seem so, which is very hard to believe."
Jameson: "Do you think we'd have to call-
Xixin: "Yes, we'll have to call upon them if this continues. Brittany is barely landing hits as of now even in her Hype form!"
Jameson: "Damn and he hasn't entered his Hype state as of yet!"
Aurorano: "Darn, his forces aren't even that powerful! But this is insane!"
Back within the clan, we can see a male figure walking through a large hallway. In front of them stood a woman sitting within a room with the door opened. It was completely dark and dim, void of light outside of her own body. She lit the entire hallway and room up whilst she sat there meditating. The man stared at her with a smile just as he walked into the doorway. He talked softly, barely being heard by anyone, certainly not myself. The goddess smiled and brightened her light with an intensity beyond reasoning. She projected the battlefield forward for them both to see on a screen. Two more figures sat within the hallway watching their fellow Luminarians take the battle to these foolish invaders. But the goddess honed in on a specific fight which was Brittany going against Chichiin. She had been growing in battle over these last few hours. Slowly pushing Chichiin back with her endless combos. He could feel her power increase even now when he's transformed as well. Currently, she uses the powers of White and Winter to keep Chichiin from getting the jump on her. He used destruction to break every technique into pieces.
Chichiin: "Damn… how is it that you're able to hold me off for so long? Our power is still too far apart for this to be happening."
Brittany: "Not anymore, though… t'is a battle I cannot see thyself taking victorious!"
Chichiin: "Hrngh… even then you can still manage to be a thorn in my side!"
Brittany: "Manage? I'm already that as is. You had better hope you don't slip up too much as I approach your level!" *FLASH*
Chichiin: "Dammit!!" *BLINK*
They both vanished into the void, reappearing within moments. Chichiin appeared behind Brittany, smacking her in the back of the head before they vanish again. They appeared once more, this time Chichiin ducked below a backhand from Brittany. He countered with an uppercut to the chin, disappearing into the void to repeat it once more. After more than twenty appearances, Brittany finally timed his speed correctly. Smacking Chichiin into a gigantic star. She was slightly beaten and battered but her essence increased with her tenacity. One of the few concepts she has mastered throughout these many years.
Brittany: "About time I got the bloke to back down."
Chichiin: "Absolute Destruction!"
Brittany: "What!! But from what direction!? *FWWIIIIM* From all around-
Brittany's body came flying out of the center of the explosion. Her body was left to float as it healed only to be bombarded by several more explosions. She tried to guard against them, but every attack she guarded against was met by a follow up. Ones meant to keep her suspended and damaged ever the more.
???: "Michael, dear… I think I'll be going out there myself. Hold down the fort, hun."
???: "Not so fast, Danna!"
Dannadise: "Xeno!?"
Alexander: "Uh-oh."
Dannadise: "What is it?"
Xeno: "I say I should go, I need to stretch my legs and you're a Solitary Goddess. Just sit back and watch!"
Dannadise: "Usually I'd agree but I wish to crush these peons flat and protect Brittany!"
Xeno: "Hey bitch, she's my younger sistah, dammit. I'll go protect her and run through those simpletons!"
Dannadise: "Hmph, well since you insiiist! Let's settle this with a singular game of rock, paper, scissors!"
Xeno: "Fine! At least that's fair, you prick!"
Both activate their Mental Zenchi's future sight. Then get into position before setting into the game. Their fists come down three times as they chant the name of the game. It took a near instant before they had played the game several thousand times in seconds. Each could see the others moves and made sure to counter what was to come. It took two minutes and millions of tries before Dannadise came out victorious. She raised her hand in excitement whilst Xeno took a squat with her face in her hands. She was highly disappointed.
Dannadise: "Now off I go, like I said before… look after this place, guys!"
Michael: "Ah, glad that's settled. Sounds like the best plan right now, babe. She's losing a considerable amount of ground. Even the explosions she had frozen over are damaging her, Danna."
Dannadise: "Alright, plus I'm pretty sure Brittany has grown more than enough to be satisfied!"
Michael: "Right."
Dannadise: "Well then I'm off everyone, remain alert until it's all said and done!" *BLINK*
Everyone: "Will do!!"
Back on the battlefield, Brittany was being held by her throat as the ice melted from her body. His destruction destroyed it's composition no matter how many layers she added to it. Whilst the others held their own and even pushed back the rest of the enemy forces. Their leader sat by, facing what looked like defeat as her body was now thrown down. Left floating as another ray of destruction was prepped for her. But just as he was about to fire his final attack, a bright light came forth from within Luminaria. Within the center sat a being whose light reached out and dissolved Chichiin's attack. Grabbing Brittany all at once before he could even recognize that something had occurred.
Brittany: "Tch… so you're here after all, eh Solitary One?"
Dannadise: "Heh, allow me to handle this bloke. You heal up and see where your new rise in strength leaves you, alright?"
Brittany: "Hehe, sounds good."
Chichiin: "Tch, another Luminarian looking to be defeated here?"
Dannadise: "Oh please, just one slash from my blade and you're done!"
Chichiin: "I'd like to see you try!"
Dannadise: "Try? Oh sweetheart… I've already cleaned you a new one."
Chichiin: "What, that's preposterous!"
Dannadise: "Hmph… how so?"
She asked as she walked behind his person. Creating distance between them with her stroll. Caressing her rapier's blade as she does.
Chichiin: "Tch, why you- *Spelch* N-Nrgh!? Wh-Wh… Wh-what h-have you… done??"
A slash formed from above his head. Traveling through the middle of his body in a vertical formation. His eyesight split as his eyes began to fall from one another. His body went limp and he could feel heat build up from within. He caught on fire just as his body began to regenerate, leaving him in a still position until his state of blaze had finally blown over. The entire battlefield was left speechless, stuck staring at Dannadise. The Goddess of Solitude dipped in white gold!
Dannadise: "Now then… where is your true leadah, Chichiin? I wish to…
End this farce!"
Next Chapter: What Broken Shells
are Capable Of!