Dannadise: "Now then Chichiin, where is your true leadah?"
Chichiin: "T-T…. T-T-t-t-t…. Tc-Tch! I-I-I-I… w-won't s-saaaaaaay… a word!"
Dannadise: "Good. *Shing* *shink* *shiiiinnng* May thy pitiful soul lay itself to rest!"
She bowed just after slashing and slicing at him sooo many times that his entire body became mere molecules. Molecules that fell victim to the vacuum of space. And with his concepts sealed, he was nothing more than literal space dust to be blown away from the force of multiple battles occurring at once.
Everyone on the battlefield yielded from combat. Looking onward at Dannadise as she stood there with nothing more than your average workout uniform on. An all white sports bra with matching jogging pants. Her shoes matched the stylings of one who can be called a kung fu practitioner. Her mouth, chin, neck, and part of her nose was covered by an all white scarf. The entire uniform was laced with gold on the edges and stitching. She used her Zenchi to look deeply within the makeshift clan before her. Seeking out the one who would represent them as the true 'Head' and leader. Everyone slightly backed down whenever her gaze met them. She had a suspicion that the true leader could be hiding amongst the combatants. Watching as everything plays out.
Dannadise: "Hmm…" *FWIP*
She raised her hand and caught the attention of all Luminarians currently present on the battlefield.
"Luminarians heed the command of your one true Queen behind the shadows."
Everyone allowed their essence to roar and their fighting spirit, explode.
"I want you all to show them no mercy. Not one of you do I permit to hold back your bloodlust. I want their leaders and they won't come out unless it's needed. Show them that it is, my precious, yet vicious Luminarians!" Dannadise said in an eerily low, and calm voice. It even frightened a few of her own comrades.
Everyone now watched as her left hand went back up. Her rapiers were now within their sheaths, sitting on her sides. A large ball of extremely condensed, white essence. It steadily grew unstable within itself as the plasma now danced violently at its core.
"Is she going to fire that at our home!?"
"Wh-What in the… what i-in the v-verse… (I-I can't heal!!)" the soldier thought.
Alexeno: "Of course she is. And just like yourself, it'll be no more!"
He lifted the God onto his blade. Blowing the poor sap to smithereens. Watching as everyone else now forced each of their opponents into death matches.
The battles roared as if to make the very verse itself quake. The entire Colossaverse could feel the spatial quakes and tremors from their destructive battle. Many people on both sides were falling with only a few keeping their ability to return due to their tethering to their concepts. The rest were being walked to the otherside by Life I, Xenophia, Death I, or one of their substitutes. One of those many was Chichiin once he could no longer control his individual molecules. The battlefield itself was drenched in enough blood to form a blob that floated through space. The Luminarians lost far less individuals, but still. The Luminarians grew in anger, tenacity and bloodlust everytime another member who had their concept meddled with by Zenchi, fell in battle. It made for a horrible time when it comes to anyone not with Luminarians. Making a battle that was once seen as even, into a one sided affair where the enemy looked as though they could be the heroes. With the way the Luminarians were ruthlessly ripping them apart. Tearing each limb from limb whilst conquering the enemy and their concepts entirely using their Zenchi.
Dannadise: "I'm glad it was me who commanded this out of them and not you, Brittany. You're a cold one, but I don't want you being forced to be so bloodthirsty just to win a ridiculous battle!"
Brittany: "Woah… she's about to destroy them all with that one there!"
Dannadise allowed her attack to reach a critical point, something she had never allowed to happen before. It was meant to erase their existence from the Omniverse. No one will remember they had ever even been alive by the time a year would go by. She released this attack from above her head, wrapping her legs with heavy amounts of odd Zenchi. It was almost similar to Xixin's own from all those years ago. It caught his attention more than anything.
"What, wh-when did she, when did she!?" His face was in disbelief as he placed his hand on his chin. Thinking hard about this development.
The ball began to grow as it prepared to detonate. Dannadise left an afterimage as she decapitated more than one-thousand soldiers from the enemy's side. Then, with their collective essence being assimilated into her legs. Absorption and Assimilation were two new concepts she conquered entirely in the last one-hundred thousand years. She flashed into the pit of the ball, blasting it with this new, foreign essence. It increased in potency and had now become a threat to even Luminaria. Forcing many within the clan to combine their essence to create a barrier. The three elders, Mopee, Draud, and Tadeus, were at the center of this technique. Dannadise kicks the ball higher into the cosmos, leaping above the massive attack with her back turned to it and the clan below it. She performed a backflip that allowed her remaining leg to finish the job and bring about an attack that could conquer all before it. It took less than a one-billionth of a millisecond to reach the center of the clan. It was there that it ran through every leader that tried to play guardian. That was… until the true head of the clan showed themselves. Smashing the ball to pieces as they head towards Dannadise.
Dannadise: "Hmph, not only did it not conquer their Origin Concepts, it was blown to bits. But it succeeded in what I needed. Alright my Luminarians, focus on keeping everyone alive and embarrass these bastahds with mercy!"
Luminarians: "YES MA'AM!!!"
???: "I can't believe a single attack could be so devastating. You must be the one known as the War Goddess, Dannad-
Dannadise: "Cut the focking chitchat, you yank! You and your other five leadahs are about to die, expeditiously!"
???: Tch. As if, bitch. I'll show you exactly what I'm capable of." *BLINK*
Dannadise: "Another fella who loves to use speed, eh? Let's see it then. I am the War Goddess and 1st Queen of Luminaria, Dannadise Azrufal I."
???: "Hmm, I am the leading 'Head' of my apocalyptic Clan and an esteemed Prince of the Gourmet Clan. My name is Demiganesh(Dee•mig•ah•nesh) Gourmezian(Gore•me•zee•in) "The Sovereign Dictator"!"
Power Scale Level: 137
Origin Concept: Gluttony
Elemental Concepts: Space/Bone
Study: Ten Realms of the Glutton (Domain/Embodiment/Pact Class)
Age: Classified
Dannadise: "How interesting, you're quite the figure from ancient times. It's an honor to fight someone of your caliber, Sir Demiganesh."
Demiganesh: "Likewise, I can already tell that you have sealed power hidden within you. I wonder if it's enough to conquer me though."
Dannadise: "Let us find out then… Activate the Concept: Absolute War Fist."
She vanished leaving behind a speeding afterimage that gave Demiganesh the slip.
Demiganesh: "Tch!" *BLINK*
He too, has now vanished into the cosmos around them.
Dannadise's strike completely missed its mark, releasing a storm of more than one-thousand strikes all at once. It exploded outward and shot up through the roof of the Gigatoverse the clashing clans are located in. Dannadise smiles as she looks over her shoulder. Staring at Demiganesh as he floats above her person. Watching as her attack dissipates into the void itself. She and Demiganesh began to float towards each other. Building their essence as they release their Essence Crowns. Clear signs that both have evolved into Driven gods. Dannadise finally pulled out her rapier whilst Demiganesh pulled out a heavy Straight sword with rune markings down the face of the blade on both sides. They allowed the weapons to be imbued with the essence from within. There combined signature was potent enough to suffocate everyone on the battlefield. It would seem that Dannadise, Xeno and their parents were the most powerful the clan has to offer. Meaning no one had the grit to resist her heinous influence. Her killing intent was potent enough to project literal Deaths onto those that feel it. She naturally fuses it to her Presence Zenchi, making it harder to resist. This allows her to do what Death gods are naturally able to do without such methods. It made her a danger to all around her.
Dannadise: "Sorry everyone, but this is the leadah I'm fighting. I won't be holding back my intent. But I will need my five to come forth and defeat his pathetic five subleadahs. Brittany, you ready?"
Brittany: "Hmph, yeah. I'm all healed up now and my new power has settled in."
Dannadise: "Perfect. Now then, Demiganesh. Let me show you why I am the esteemed War Goddess."
Demiganesh: "Be my guest, Dannadise!"
Both sat perfectly still, slowing the pace of the battlefield. Leaving everyone to anticipate what would come next as their influence gripped the very void itself. Moments were allowed to pass before both merely flinched, and then… more than half a billion collisions occurred all over the battlefield within the next second. Merely attempting to trump the other with small blade techniques. Dannadise easily countered any and all attacks based around essence using her many conquered concepts from her past adventures. Demiganesh smirked with a sense of admiration for her mastery. They danced throughout the cosmos using more of their more prestine techniques to try and end it quickly. But attempts from both sides would go on to fail several times over. It left Dannadise thinking it would be best to try an approach with her concepts. She utilizes her War concept and summons a volley of arrows from countless bowmen and women. It made use of the Destruction concept she had recently conquered when she chopped Chichiin into pieces.
Demiganesh: "Heh, what a tasty snack you've thrown at me!"
Dannadise: "What!? (So he really is that Glutton. The one my fathah faced when he was merely one-hundred thousand years old.)"
Demiganesh: "Devour!"
A warp gate was open in front of his mouth. Acting as a tunnel that led directly to a pocket dimension that acted as his second stomach. The gate sucked in all the attacks sent by Dannadise and added them to Demiganesh.
Dannadise: "Ah, this makes it all the more interesting, ya yank. Let us keep dancing then, shall we?"
Demiganesh: "Indeed." *FWIWM*
His body vanished as the rapier went through him.
Dannadise's body does the same as his sword swung through her. She appeared behind him with her arm extended behind her. She spun her rapier until it was pointing at Demiganesh's back. She thrusted it forward, only for Demiganesh to vanish and reappear within an instant. Turned around and with his blade held in front of him, blocking her lethal thrusting attack altogether! She used this as an opportunity to force him into a sense where one would think they have the advantage. He lunges forward, closing the distance as best as he could. Only for Dannadise to go into a mass frenzy of thrusts with her Rapier. Demiganesh was forced to dodge each and every strike as she drove him back. Pushing him into a corner where he can't counter as of yet. One could assume she needed space in order to ensure a definitive, lethal strike hits the mark.
She grabs a hold of her other rapier with her right hand. She unsheathes it, only to place it back within after noticing something about Demiganesh. He sped himself up and stepped back before making his blade with her essence he absorbed earlier. Wrapping it in Zenchi so that it may belong to him and his concepts when landing. Dannadise noticed this and forced her rapier forward with apparitions of it's own essence flowing forth with it. Making it a total of more than one-hundred and fifty combined strikes to clash Demiganesh's own.
*CHINNNNG* *tss* …
The two clash and cause a quick flash that results in an explosion that knocks them both back. The smoke quickly cleared and Dannadise and Demiganesh stood in place. Both were staring at one another intently, showing absolutely no signs of being affected by the other's attack. Demiganesh smiled as he stabbed the cosmos, standing his sword up beside him. Dannadise sat there with a blank expression on her face. Crossing her arms with both swords being put away, staring at Demiganesh as he charged a beam.
Demiganesh: "Hehe, now's the time for me to show you my true ha- TCH, dammiiiit!!!!" *GRP*
He grabbed his sword as fast as he could.
Dannadise: "Ha, the silly yank has finally noticed, yeah?"
Demiganesh swung his sword outward to try and repel what looked like an attack. A flash occured… then a mighty blast sent Demiganesh flying. Forcing the ancient god into his titan form. He now crashed into an entire Gigatoverse that was once used as her training grounds. It was supposedly created by her father some time ago, and was created with the sole purpose of being a training ground for the most powerful children of the clan during their development as deities. Demiganesh struggled to pull himself up, but when he did… he could clearly see Dannadise from all those many verses away. Her eyebrows and eyes showed that she was clearly smirking at him. Looking down on him as a whole. It merely made him smile as he returned to his human size. Flashing from that Gigatoverse to Dannadise before a second could go by. She left an afterimage of her pulling her mask down to smile in his face. He smiles back before dodging another barrage of rapier thrusts. Only this time, he slurped up the essence wrapped around the rapier everytime it was aimed at his face. Dannadise was dumbfounded to say the least.
Dannadise: "Wha… (Did this bitch just slurp on my essence whilst dodging me?) Hey, you focking cocksucking, loose lip having, wankah of a god!"
Demiganesh: "Wow, quite the mouth on you!"
Dannadise: "Shut it! You won't be doing anything that focking ridiculous evah again!"
Demiganesh: "Ah, so you say! But I believe…" *BLINK*
Dannadise: "Hm?!
Demiganesh appeared before her very eyes with a large helping of essence sitting in his mouth.
Demiganesh: "It'll happen when I want it to happen!!" *PYEOOOOHH*
He blasted Dannadise with his blast as it sent her hurling into a nearby Conglomaverse. It exploded and destroyed the entire construct with Dannadise at the center. The blast itself had a prolonged explosion that kept Dannadise stuck in place.
Demiganesh: "I can't leave this to chance. Soooo…
He stretched his right arm back while holding it at the shoulder.
Activate the Concept, Bone… now to add my concepts of Bullets, so that my fingertips do some real damage. Then we'll add, Wartanium, Explosion, Erosion, Poison, Ice, and Absolute Acceleration! Now then… Bullets of the Concept King!"
He fires five bullets from his fingertips that reach the center of the blast almost instantly.
They added to the explosion and damage Dannadise could be facing. The blast slowly dissipates within this vast void. Being watched by all who could see it and of course by Demiganesh himself. It took a bit of time, but it eventually disappeared and within it's center sat Dannadise who had a rapier sitting on her shoulder as she faced Demiganesh. The only thing that had actually gotten damaged by his attack was her scarf.
Demiganesh: "But how in the verse did she-
Dannadise: "I can tell you how… easily."
Demiganesh: "Oh, WHAT THE!?" *BLINK*
He instantly leapt more than a million miles away from her after she suddenly appeared behind him.
Dannadise: "You see, Demiganesh… you're far too used to facing people weaker than yourself. So you're not accustomed to using more unique concepts and many more than just seven at once."
Demiganesh: "Tch!"
Dannadise: "You're about to find out why it was a mistake to attack Luminaria."
Demiganesh: "Hmm…"
Dannadise: "I myself have mastered well over one thousand Concepts and those few you used are amongst them. Any part of my Origin Concept could counter you. So now allow me to say this…"
Demiganesh: "Ah… (Her essence has vastly risen!)"
Dannadise: "I will use every concept in my arsenal to make your pathetic clan gravel beneath…
The Absolute might of we Luminarians!"
Next Chapter: Luminaria's Mark on