


The deafening noise of the students filled the ears of Mrs Merrifield and Zendaya when they stepped into the grade twelve class.

The students were chit chatting and they're making so much noise with it.

They also seem to be so engrossed in it, cause they didn't notice the presence of the teacher standing right in front of them.

"Is this what you've come to school to do?" Mrs Merrifield asked loudly.

Fear gripped the students and they all became silent.

"We have a newbie" Mrs Merrifield said and all eyes fell on Zendaya.

Zendaya gave a sweet smile.

"Introduce yourself"Mrs Merrifield said.

"Hi everyone, I'm Zendaya Caddel, I'm seventeen, I'm lively and friendly,I hope we all get along" Zendaya said with a smile.

Most of the students were staring at her like she's some kind of poop. It's obvious they don't like her.

"Why are you so black?,you look like a black monkey, very very ugly" A girl named Cadence said with disgusts and the students burst into laughter.

Zendaya loured at Cadence.

"Shut your mouth Cadence, she's a new student,treat her with respect" Mrs Merrifield said with a frown.

A cute tall guy walked into the class.

"Why are you just coming into the class Max?"Mrs Merrifield asked with a frown.

"I'm sorry ma'am,the class was too noisy so I had to leave" Maximilian said and went to his seat.

"Noise my foot"Leonideus muttered.

"Let's find you somewhere to seat"Mrs Merrifield said to Zendaya.

Maximilian raised his hand in order to get the teacher's attention.

"Go ahead" Mrs Merrifield said.

"Can you please let that black beauty be my seatmate,I have none and it seems no one is willing to be her seatmate" Maximilian said.

All eyes fell on him but he didn't spare anyone a glance.

"Go and seat beside him" Mrs Merrifield said to Zendaya.

Zendaya held her backpack tightly and walked to her new seat.

"Hi, I'm Maximilian Adler" Maximilian said with a smile.

"Zendaya Caddel" Zendaya said and smiled back at him.

"Okay everyone, let's get to work" Mrs Merrifield said and wrote the subject PHYSICS on the board.

"Today's topic is electromagnetic induction" She said and wrote the topic on the board.

"Does anyone have an idea about electromagnetic induction?" Mrs Merrifield asked.

Zendaya raised her hand before anyone else could.

Mrs Merrifield pointed at her and all eyes fell on her again.

"Electromagnetic induction is a current produced because of electromagnetic force due to a changing magnetic field " Zendaya said smoothly.

"Amazing,do you know the unit of magnetic induction?" Mrs Merrifield asked Zendaya.

"The unit..."

"I wasn't talking to you Cadence" Mrs Merrifield interrupted Cadence.

Cadence glared at Mrs Merrifield.

"Go on Zendaya" Mrs Merrifield said with a smile.

"The unit of magnetic induction is Tesla and one Tesla is equal to one Weber per meter square" Zendaya said.

"That's awesome" Mrs Merrifield said.

"Wow,I must say you're beauty with brains" Maximilian complimented.

"Time write, bring out your notebooks" Mrs Merrifield said.

Everyone brought out their notebook and began to jot down what Mrs Merrifield was dictating.



Zendaya walked into the cafeteria and went straight to the counter to get her food.

She found a vacant booth and went to sit there.

Everyone in the cafeteria stared at her and some were even gossiping but she cared less.

Right now all she care about is food.

"Wow, you're sitting at my favorite booth" Maximilian said with a smile.

He placed his food on the table and sat beside Zendaya.

"It's a coincidence and thanks for making me your seatmate" Zendaya appreciated.

"It's nothing, what are friends for?" Maximilian asked with a smile.

"Friends?" Zendaya questioned in confusion.

"Yeah, we're friends, aren't we?" Maximilian asked with an arched brow.

"Oh yeah,of course we are" Zendaya said with a smile.

She's very happy she has made a friend.

Maximilian stretched his hand for a shake and she shook it.

"You should avoid people like the three Amigos" Maximilian said and.

"Who are the three Amigos?" Zendaya asked with confusion.

"Cadence, Lavender and Blythe, they're the devils of the school and Cadence is the ring leader" Maximilian said slowly.

Zendaya nodded and sipped from her orange juice.

"Oh my gosh,my favorite couples are here" A junior student screamed.

Cadence and Leonideus walked into the cafeteria hand in hand while Lavender, Blythe and Thaddeus are trailing behind them.

"Talk of the devil" Maximilian said.

"Who's the guy she's holding hands with?" Zendaya asked.

"He's Leonideus, Cadence's boyfriend,the other guy is Thaddeus,Leo's best friend,the girl with blue hair is Lavender and the other girl is Blythe" Maximilian explained.

"Leonideus is cute and tall" Zendaya admired.

"Wait,do you have a crush on him already?" Maximilian asked with a wide eyes.

"No, it's just a mare compliment" Zendaya said with a cute smile.

"I wanna use the rest room, I'm pressed" Zendaya said and stood up.

"I'll show you the way" Maximilian said and stood up.

"No,I know my way around already,I was shown around before I came to class " Zendaya said.

"Oh ok" Maximilian said and sat down.

"I'll be right back"Zendaya said and walked away.

Maximilian stared at her till she was out of sight.



Zendaya closed the tap and made to leave only for her to face the three Amigos standing right in front of her.

Zendaya rolled her eyes and tried to leave but Blythe pushed her back.

"Don't you dare walk out on us" Blythe said with a powerful glare.

"Hey black monkey,stay in your lane, else we're gonna make this school hard for you" Lavender said and moved a little bit closer to Zendaya.

"You should also stay in your lane" Zendaya said and folded her arms.

"Hey guys, can't you smell something gross?" Cadence said with a look of disgusts.

Lavender moved closer to Zendaya and sniffed her in.

"It's coming from her" Lavender said and held her nose.

"Are you sure you had your bathe this morning?, cause you stink a lot" Blythe said.

"Black monkeys do have bad odour,so what do you expect?, c'mon girls, let's get out of here before she kills us with her odour" Cadence said while eyeing Zendaya.

"Yeah"Blythe and Lavender said in unison and they all walked out.

Zendaya stared at them angrily till they were out of sight.

"Three enemies and a friend" she said and also walked out.



Zendaya walked into the living room with a big smile on her face.

Her grandfather and her mother are in the living room.

Her grandfather is watching his favorite TV show while her mother is painting her nails.

"Hey gramps,hey mom" Zendaya said and sat on a couch.

"Welcome back honey" Papa Coco said with a smile.

"Why are you in the living room?" Megan asked with a frown.

"Mom,you didn't even ask me about my first..."

"This isn't your first time going to school,so what's special about your first day in a new school?,you should be in your room studying"Megan interrupted Zendaya.


"To your room now" Megan yelled.

Zendaya stood up sadly and left.

"Why are you always being so harsh on her?, she's brilliant,so why are you making her study every now and then?" Papa Coco said and stood up.

"She's my daughter,I have the right to train her anyway I want and you do not have a say in that" Megan said rudely.

"You're unbelievable" Papa Coco said and headed towards Zendaya's room.

He knocked on the door twice and Zendaya opened the door.

"Honey, don't feel bad" Papa Coco said,he placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Why does mother hate me so much?,she picks on me,yell at me and beat me,over every little thing, she doesn't even care about my mental health,all she care about is money and me maintaining first position in class" Zendaya said at the verge of tears.

Papa Coco embraced her.

"Your mother loves you more than you can ever imagine, she's trying to make you a better person in life" Papa Coco said.

Zendaya hugged her grandfather tightly.