

"What the heck is going on here?" A short,chubby woman yelled.

Everyone became quite instantly.

Maximilian, Leonideus, Cadence, Zendaya, Lavender and Blythe froze. They didn't expect that at all.

"The six of you to my office now" The principal yelled,her eyeballs looked like they were about to fall off.

The six of them sauntered out of the cafeteria.

The principal glared at the other students before walking out of the cafeteria.



Mrs Laurier glared daggers at the students standing right in front of her. They all have their heads bowed down, they dare not look at her face.

"So, you all turned the cafeteria into a wrestling ring, just how gutsy are you?" Mrs Laurier fumed.

"We're sorry Mrs principal" Zendaya apologized.

"Did I ask for an apology?, you black rat" Mrs Laurier hollered.

Cadence, Lavender, Blythe and Leonideus gave a slight chuckle.

"So,who started it first?"Mrs Laurier asked with a serious look.

None of them spoke.

"Have you all gone nuts?, I'm asking you all a question and I need an answer" Mrs Laurier yelled.

Cadence raised her hand.

"The back girl started it" Cadence said.

Mrs Laurier glared at Zendaya.

"Yes ma'am, she slapped Leonideus and pushed Cadence on the floor, I went to confront her about it but Maximilian involved himself,then he got into a fight with Leo, Zendaya pulled Blythe's hair and twisted her hand so hard, I warned her that you can come into the cafeteria anytime and that may put us all in trouble but she said you're too fat and round like a ball so she's going to kick you away" Lavender lied fatly and winked at Zendaya.

Zendaya was dumbstruck.

"What!"Mrs Laurier exclaimed.

"Ma'am... I...I... she's lying against...me..." Zendaya stuttered.

"If you didn't say it, then why are you stuttering?" Mrs Laurier asked with a deep frown.

"Zendaya didn't say anything like that, I'm a witness"Maximilian defended.

"She said it" Leonideus and Blythe said in unison.

Maximilian glared at them and they began to squabble.

"Shut your stinky mouths" Mrs Laurier howled and banged her fist on the desk. She stood up and sauntered towards them.

"How can you all be so insolent?, don't you have manners?"Mrs Laurier asked angrily.

"And you black rat, how dare you insult me?, is this how you insult your parents back home?" She asked angrily while glaring at Zendaya.

"I didn't insult you, I swear" Zendaya said innocently.

"Cut off the pretence and admit that you said it" Cadence said.

Zendaya gave her a deadly glare.

"I was going to give you all a severe punishment but I had a change of mind, the black girl is going to stand in as your Savior, she's going to carry out community service"Mrs Laurier said.

Zendaya looked at Lavender hurtfully.

"Ma'am can I assist her?" Maximilian asked.

"No and she must complete this punishment within a week"Mrs Laurier replied coldly.

Lavender and Cadence grinned at each other.

"You all should get out of my office" Mrs Laurier said and walked back to her seat.


Cadence laughed like a maniac.

"That was great" She said in between her laughter.

"I'm sure you've achieved your goal" Maximilian said with a frown.

"Of course, don't you think I deserve an Oscar for telling those incredible lies?" Lavender asked with a smirk.

"Your going to regret this"Maximilian said fiercely.

"More of it will come baby" Blythe said with a grin.

"Come on baby girl, time waits for no one, I think you should start your punishment right away"Cadence said mockingly with a lopsided smirk.

Zendaya gave her a deadly glare. She feels like plucking Cadence's eyeballs out of the sockets.

"I don't blame you" Zendaya said.

"Of course you can't, cause we're not a common cleaner like you" Blythe said mockingly.

Zendaya was about to fire back but Maximilian held her back.

"You all should go rot in hell" Maximilian said and made to leave with Zendaya.

A strong hand pushed him back.

"Must you poke your nose into ladies matter and how dare you utter that statement?"Leonideus reacted angrily.

Maximilian gave a smile and that ignited more fire into Leonideus.

"Should I just stand here and watch you bully my friend, uh!?, and yes, I uttered that statement so what are you going to do?,hit me?"Maximilian asked furiously.

Leonideus raised his hand to punch him, Maximilian held it.

"Don't you dare" He said with a bloodshot eyes and dropped his hand harshly.

"Leave him alone baby, I'm sure he's still pained" Cadence said.

Maximilian grabbed Zendaya's hand and they both walked away.

Leonideus snorted and scurried off with his hands tucked into his pockets.

"This girl is getting on my nerves now, I feel like crushing her" Lavender said and clenched her fist.

"Let's just start making life miserable for her" Blythe said.

"I have a plan" Cadence said.

"Come closer"Cadence ordered.

The three of them clustered together and Cadence whispered her plan to them.

"Are you sure about that?" Blythe asked.

Cadence nodded.

"How did you know?" Blythe asked.

"She doesn't look like someone who can" Cadence replied.

"I wonder why that stupid fat principal admitted her into this school, I hate black people a lot" Cadence said with a deep frown.

Blythe felt an arm wrapped around her shoulder, the person's head lowered down to her neck, she could feel the person's hot breath and that sent cold shivers down her spine.

"Here you are damsel" A familiar voice said.

Blythe gave a frown.

" Midas" Blythe called.

Lavender and Cadence were surprised to see him.

"Finest boy ever liveth" He praised himself.

"What are you doing here?" Cadence asked.

"Are there restricted areas in this school?", besides,why are girls acting like you just saw a ghost?" He asked.

Cadence glared daggers at him.

"How long have you been standing here?"Blythe asked.

"I just got here,why?"He asked, then he looked into their eyes one after the other.

" Are you hiding something?" He asked.

They all gave him a deadly glare.

"Chill" He said and brought out a chewing gum from his pocket, he unwrapped it and threw it into his mouth , chewing on it like he's some kind of prostitute.

The girls shook their head in displeasure.

"I came here, because of this damsel" He said and touched Blythe's cheek.

Blythe gave him a questioning look.

"Don't you think we should start preparing for the project?" He asked.

The girls were shocked,they didn't expect that statement from him, he has never for once been serious about school stuffs.

"Since when did you start taking projects seriously?, or, are you using wrong dosage of drugs?"Blythe asked.

"I'm not on drugs, I'm in love"Midas said.

The girls rolled their eyes. That has been his usual anthem. But, what do they expect from a playboy?.

"Can you please leave, I'll come to you later" Blythe said cutely.

Midas gazed at her a little bit and his lips curved into a coquettish smile.

"I'll be expecting you" He said and scurried away.

Blythe shook her head.

"I think he's really in love"Lavender said.

"With you, right?" Blythe asked.

Lavender shrugged.

"He's cute anyways,so I see nothing in that" She said.

Blythe and Cadence stared at her in disbelief.


Zendaya groaned as she mopped the pool's deck . She has never done anything as tiresome as this in her entire life. But she's doing it now because of those Amigos. She started humming a song since everything is so boring.

"Oh, here you are black monkey" A familiar voice spoke from behind.

She faced the gloak robotically and glowered at him.

"If you're here to mock me or put me into more trouble,then that's the exit"She said and pointed towards the exit.

She is in this mess all because of him and his girlfriend.

Leonideus gave a lopsided smirk.

"I would have loved to mock you but I'm not in for that" He said.

"Then, what are you doing here?" She asked.

"The project,are we doing it at my house or yours?" He asked.

Zendaya scanned him from head to toe. There's no way she's going to allow him in her home or allow herself in his home. Except from the fact that her mother is going to either break his legs or her legs, she feels like she can't stay a minute without the both of them getting into an argument. She hates his sight and he also hates her. His girlfriend is also a pain in the ass.

"You know what?, do yours separately and I'll do mine, when it's Tuesday, we can stay in a quiet place in school and finally carryout our partnership" She said.

"Aren't we partners?, or did that..."

"Must you always pick on him,or are you so restless that you can't do without him?" Zendaya cut him off.

Leonideus rolled his eyes.

"It's all good we're doing it separately, cause I can't imagine myself staying with a black monkey, why I did I even come to you in the first place?, hmph!, I'm such a fool" He scolded himself.

"Yes you are, now scram off, I'm sure your periwinkle girlfriend is waiting for you"Zendaya said disdainfully and continued with her cleaning.

Leonideus glared at her and walked away.

"Dumbass" She cursed.

Cadence suddenly appeared in front of her.

"So,you've started meeting with my boyfriend secretly?"Cadence asked with a frown.

Zendaya groaned in frustration. First it was the boyfriend and now it's the girlfriend. Are this people not tired of her one bit?.

"His he too hot and handsome to resist?, that you can't stop your self from meeting him secretly, Stop wasting your time monkey, you're not his type" Cadence said.

Zendaya gazed at her for some seconds and guffawed.

Cadence frowned.

"You're calling that gally bagger handsome, Maximilian is more handsome than him, I expected you to be blind anyways, since you're his grotesque girlfriend" Zendaya said and chuckled.

"What are you waiting for Cad?, push her before someone comes in" Blythe said from where she was standing, a little bit

away from them.

"Oh!, so you came here to hurt me" Zendaya said with shock .

Cadence pushed her angrily.

Zendaya's legs slipped and she fell into the pool.

Cadence gave a devilish smirk.
