

"Oh!,so you came here to hurt me" Zendaya said with shock.

"Isn't it obvious"Cadence replied and pushed her angrily.

Zendaya slipped and fell into the pool. She floundered in the water.

Cadence smirked evilly. Blythe and Lavender gave her thumbs up from afar.

"Let's go" Blythe said.

"Rest in water,poor Zendaya, your number is up already" Cadence said with a contended smile.

"Zendaya!!" Maximilian screamed from afar.

The chocolate he was holding slipped from his hand, he ran to towards the pool and dived into it without thinking for a second.

The girls were shocked and angry at the same time,they never expected that.

Maximilian swam towards Zendaya and got hold of her. Thankfully,she has not lost consciousness. He carried her in a bridal style and brought her out of the water. He carefully place her on the pool's deck.

Cadence hissed angrily, she made to leave, unfortunately her leg slipped and she feel into the pool. She doesn't know how to swim either.

Blythe and Lavender watched in terror as Cadence struggled in the pool.

"Max, please help" Lavender screamed.

Maximilian frowned, deep down in him, he doesn't want to help her, but he has to do it for humanity sake. After all, it's not right to pay evil for evil.

He groaned and dived into the water, he swam towards Cadence and helped her out of the water.

Blythe and Lavender rushed to Cadence. Maximilian scoffed and went back to Zendaya.

"I guess that's payback for trying to kill me, I'm always covered by the Lord"Zendaya said while glaring at Cadence.

"That's your luck fool", Cadence said while glaring back at her.

"Let's go girls" Cadence commanded and stood up.

"Really?, are you not even remorseful at all?" Maximilian asked angrily and walked to her.

Cadence scoffed.

"And why should I?" Cadence asked and folded her arms.

"Because, you fucking pushed me" Zendaya replied angrily.

Cadence rolled her eyes.

"So what?, you're wanna report?" Blythe asked.

"Then go ahead", Cadence said with a smirk.

"I can't believe how ungrateful and wicked you are" Maximilian said angrily.

"Oh really,so you want me to put my head on the floor and raise my legs up in the air, just because you saved me?, if you're waiting for that,trust me, you're gonna wait till eternity" Cadence said nonchalantly.

"I can just push you back into the pool,you know"Maximilian said indignantly and moved closer to her.

"Then go ahead, and this will be the end of your education" Cadence said and gave a lopsided smirk.

She clicked her tongue against her teeth and walked away with her friends.

"Those dimwits annoy me a lot" Maximilian said furiously and clenched his fist.

"I'm feeling cold already" Zendaya said and sneezed.

"I'm gonna give you a ride home since it's the closing hour already, besides,you have to change your clothes" Maximilian said cutely.

Zendaya's ears widen after listening to what he just said. She can't let him give her a ride home again, she's going to get into a lot of trouble.

"No, it's fine... I mean, you don't have to take me home, I'll go home myself, after all, I'm not a kid anymore" She said with a smile while blinking her eyelids cutely.

Maximilian raised his brows.

"Is there something wrong?" He asked.

She shook her head negatively.

"No,I don't wanna bother you"She said and stood up.

Maximilian stared at her for a moment.

"Are you sure?" He asked while staring deep into her eyes.

Zendaya nodded.

"Ok, I'll go get your backpack",He said and walked away.

Zendaya gave a sigh.



Zendaya walked in tranquilly and was shocked to find her mother in the living room, doing whatsoever on her phone.

Zendaya took her lips in.

"Good day Mom, I can see you're home" Zendaya said with a shaky voice and gave a nervous smile.

Megan diverted her gaze to Zendaya.

"Why are you sodden?" Megan asked solicitously.

Zendaya was surprised,She can sense the concern in her mother's voice. Could this be that her mother has terminated the contemptuousness she has towards her?. It's making her feel so thrilled.

"It's a long story, I'll be right back"Zendaya said and rushed to her room happily.

Megan rolled her eyes and scoffed.

Zendaya came out few moments later, dressed in a blue jean and a tank top. She sat on the single couch opposite her mother.

"So, there's these set of girls in my school..."

"Keep it to yourself" Megan cut in.

Zendaya gave a bummed look.

"I was only trying to explain the reason why I was sodden"Zendaya said.

"I'm not interested anymore" Megan said nonchalantly.

Zendaya's brows crumpled.

"I just..."

"Don't you understand simple english or are you deaf?" Megan asked while glaring daggers at her.

Zendaya looked at her woefully.

"Mom, can I ask you a question?"She asked, hoping she gets an approval.

Megan stared at her for a moment.

"No" She said coldly and stood up, heading for her room.

"Why do you hate me so much?" Zendaya asked and stood up.

Megan stopped on her tracks and faced her.

"Because, I regret giving birth to you, you're a bad luck,I lost everything after I birthed you"Megan said coldly.

Zendaya's knees weakened, her heart shattered into smithereens.

"Was that the reason you started working in that place?" Zendaya asked with a trembling voice.

"I owe you no explanation"Megan said and walked away with a frown.

Zendaya fell on her knees,she was gobsmacked, staring blankly into the space. She tried to cry but her tears refused to fall. She wished she never asked that question.




Zendaya walked into the hallway with a smile,she isn't going to let her mother's words affect her socialization and education. She doesn't want anyone to find out that she isn't living a happy life.

"Zendaya" Maximilian called from behind and she faced him.

"Because, I regret giving birth to you, you're a bad luck,I lost everything after I birthed you" Those words rang in her ears.

"No,get those words out of your head" She said inwardly.

"Max" She called with a smile.

Maximilian moved closer to her and embraced her tightly.

"You're choking me" She managed to say.

Maximilian disengaged from the hug with a bright smile.

"I'm thrilled to see you in school, you were absent yesterday " He said.

"I was a little bit ill, but I'm fine now "She said with a smile.

"Phew, I was worried and I also missed you" Maximilian said and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"Oh, the black monkey is finally back in school" A familiar voice said. It was Lavender.

Zendaya's smile vanished while Maximilian frowned.

"I guess she has finally recovered from what happened the other day" Blythe said and chuckled slightly.

"Hi Zendaya" Cadence greeted with a smile.

"I'm not in for your useless drama,you guys should just stay in your lane"Zendaya said with a frown.

"I'm so...so... sorry"Cadence stammered and bit her lower lip slightly.

They stared at her in confusion.

"I'm sorry for trying to kill you the other day, I finally realized that my hatred towards you has no meaning and I mean it" Cadence said sincerely.

Maximilian and Zendaya gave each other a look.

"Cadence are you sure you're fine?"Blythe asked while checking Cadence's temperature.

"Yes,I am".

"You're apologizing, you've never done that to anyone before" Lavender said. with surprise.

"I'm doing it now, it's not bad after all" Cadence said and gave a sweet smile.

The bell rang, everyone started rushing to their various classes.

"I want us to be friends" Cadence dropped the bombshell.

Maximilian choked on nothing, Blythe and Lavender were shocked and confused,Zendaya kept a neutral look.

"Something is fishy about her"Maximilian whispered to Zendaya.

"I'm not looking for a friend"Zendaya said nonchalantly.

"Yeah,she isn't looking for a friend"Maximilian said and walked away with Zendaya.

"Stupid mouthpiece" Lavender said and hissed.

"Cadence what's this all about?"Blythe asked.

"Just sit back and watch" Cadence said with a lopsided smirk.


Zendaya closed the faucet and turned to leave only to find Cadence in front of her, looking so innocent.

"What is it this time?" Zendaya asked with a frown.

"I came to apologize again, I've wronged you and I'm sorry" Cadence said and blinked her eyelids cutely.

Zendaya scanned her from head to toe. Is she being sincere or she's up to something?.

"It's fine if you don't wanna be my friend, we're not in the same level anyways" Cadence said with a chuckle.

Zendaya rolled her eyes.

"I mean, can I get a hug from you?" Cadence asked.

Zendaya said nothing, she's so confused right now. Something is really fishy about Cadence, She's acting weird.

"I don't need your permission, I'm hugging you whether you like it or not" Cadence said and hugged her.

Zendaya pushed her away.

"I still don't want to be friends with you" Zendaya said with a frown.

"Ok, but thanks for the hug anyways" Cadence said with a lopsided smile.

Zendaya shook her head and walked out.

Getting back into the cafeteria, a lot of people were staring at her weirdly and they were also laughing and insulting her.

"She's really a whore like she said" Someone said loudly,while staring at her.

Zendaya was confused,what the hell is going on. She ignored their states and walked to her booth. She was about to sit down when a guy spanked her butts.

She was surprised and angry at the same time.

"How dare you?!!!"