

"How dare you?!!" Zendaya yelled and gave him a thunderous slap.

The guy held his cheek and gave a frown.

Maximilian stood up angrily and grabbed the boy by his collar.

"What effrontery?" Maximilian spat.

"I feel like punching the hell outta you" Maximilian said furiously and raised his hand to give the boy a punch, unfortunately,his hand was held by someone.

Maximilian glowered at the person.

"Don't you dare lay your hands on him" Leonideus said fiercely and released Maximilian's hand.

Maximilian released the boy's collar and clenched his fist.

"Who do you think you are to stop me?, didn't you see what he did?, if he did the same thing to Cadence ,are you just gonna sit and watch without doing anything?" Maximilian said hotly.

"Cadence can never be a slut like your Zendaya, The black monkey brought it upon herself"Leonideus said.

"What do you mean?"Zendaya asked confusedly.

Leonideus went behind Zendaya and removed a paper which was attached to her uniform.

Maximilian took the paper from him.

"I AM A CHEAP WHORE,I WANT A GUY TO SPANK MY SOFT ASS" Maximilian read it out loud while wearing a frown on his face.

"I can't stoop so low to this level, someone actually did this"Zendaya said.

"You're denying because everyone has seen your true colors, you cheap idiot" Blythe said and folded her arms.

"That's right,she did it cause she was feeling kinky down there. You're not worthy of being in school, you should be in a brothel instead" Lavender said with hostility.

The students chuckled.

"That was harsh" Thaddeus said mockingly and Maximilian glared at him.

"Look, the fact that you both are cheap whores doesn't make me one" Zendaya said calmly.

Blythe glared at her and gave a long hiss.

"I didn't know who did this,but I didn't do it,I promise" Zendaya said innocently.

Maximilian stared at her for a moment, then at the paper.

"Then who did?"Leonideus asked mockingly.

"I...I..." She stuttered.

Her mind went to Cadence immediately. Yes Cadence. She has been acting so weird towards her. She could remember vividly that Cadence was holding an A4 paper before hugging her,then after the hug the paper wasn't with her anymore. How come she never noticed it?.

"She's stammering,the truth is clear already,she did it, she's a liar"Leonideus said while pointing his index finger at her.

"Yes, and we don't want a prostitute here in this school, she must get rusticated" A student protested.

"Bad role model" Another one said.

"My uncle likes young prostitutes like you, I think I should hook you up with him" Another student said.

Zendaya looked down in embarrassment.

Maximilian cupped her face, staring deep into her almond shaped eyes.

"Zendaya" He called softly and she looked into his eyes.

"Do you know who did this?" He asked.


"Who?" He questioned.

"Cadence" She said.

Maximilian's brows crumpled.

"Do not bring Cadence into this, she can never do something like this"Leonideus defended.

"You're supporting her cause she's your girlfriend" Maximilian said.

Just then, Cadence walked in elegantly, alongside the principal.

Maximilian walked to Cadence furiously.

"What did you gain from this?" He asked angrily.

Cadence gave a sly grin.

"That's the monkey who is trying to convert this school into a brothel" Cadence said to the principal while pointing her index finger at Zendaya.

"Black rat again" The principal yelled.

Zendaya flinched in fear .

The principal walked to Zendaya, grasped her hand and pulled her out of the cafeteria.

"So,what were you saying?"Cadence asked with a sly grin.

Maximilian glared at her irritably.

"And what did you gain from this?"Maximilian asked.

Cadence giggled.

"A lot darling, just watch me, the results will be out very soon. It's gonna be an emotional one" Cadence said and started shedding crocodile tears,then she burst into laughter.

"Do not even touch a strand of her hair,else..."

"You're gonna bury me alive or probably, you're gonna make me a black, ugly girl like Zendaya, right?" Cadence said with a wide eye.


"Oh please!, you're a loquacious human being. Save me this converse" Cadence interrupted and pushed him slightly,then she walked away.

Maximilian clenched his fist and punched the wall angrily.


Mrs Laurier stared at Zendaya angrily while Zendaya also stared at her with fear and embarrassment written all over her face.

" This is what you came to my school to do,right?"Mrs Laurier asked with a frown .

Zendaya didn't say a word,she wasn't even listening to what the principal said.

"I'm asking you a question, and I need a reply" Mrs Laurier howled and banged her fist on the desk.

Zendaya flinched in fear.

"I'm sorry ma'am, can you please repeat what you said?" Zendaya asked with a trembling voice.

Mrs Laurier giggled slightly and her face became red, due to her fury.

"You mannerless idiot, first it was you, fighting someone and now, it's you turning my school into a hookup center, did your mother teach you this way?" Mrs Laurier asked furiously.

"My mother has nothing to do with this" Zendaya said with a frown.

Mrs Laurier raised a brow.

"Really?, I wanna see your mother here tomorrow" Mrs Laurier said coldly.

Zendaya gulped down nothing.

"Please ma'am, I promise not to do anything silly again, please don't involve my mother, she's gonna have a cardiac arrest once she hears about this"Zendaya begged.

"You knew your mother's condition and yet you still did this" Mrs Laurier said with a frown.

"I didn't do it... I'm sorry ma'am, give me a last chance,I promise I won't do anything silly again"Zendaya said sincerely.

Mrs Laurier scanned her from head to toe,then she gave a nod.

"I'm giving you another chance"Mrs Laurier said.

Zendaya smiled.

"Thank you ma'am"She said and sauntered out.

Zendaya walked into Cadence at the hallway. Cadence was resting on the wall, with her legs crossed and her arms folded under her boobs.

Zendaya rolled her eyes.

Cadence turned her gaze into her direction.

"Oh,the dumb, cheap whore is here" Cadence said with a stupid smile.

"What's your gain?' Zendaya asked.

Cadence burst into laughter.

"Wow, you've figured out that I did it. That's was fast yunno" Cadence said with a grin.

Zendaya gave her a dirty look.

Cadence clicked her tongue.

"I was actually hoping and wishing for you to get rusticated"Cadence said with hostility.

Zendaya's brows crumpled.

" Unfortunately for you, I didn't get rusticated" Zendaya said coldly.

"This isn't the end yet" Cadence said fiercely and started walking away.

"Why do you hate me so much?, I've never done bad anything to you since I got admitted into this school, why are you so bent on making my life miserable?" Zendaya asked curiously.

Cadence stopped on her tracks and faced Zendaya. Then she burst into laughter.

"I've not even started and you're already complaining" Cadence said.

"This isn't funny" Zendaya said furiously.

Cadence burst into laughter again.

" This is just the beginning baby, the real show is coming up soon, I hope you're gonna be alive to witness it ,cause I'm gonna life so miserable for you" Cadence said with an evil smirk and walked away.

Zendaya stared at her back till she was out of sight.


Blythe adjusted her mini skirt and walked towards Maximilian nervously.

" Hi" She greeted.

Maximilian diverted his gaze to her and he frowned when he saw her.

"What do you want?" Maximilian said in an angry tone.

"Can you at least speak politely to me for once" Blythe said.

Maximilian scoffed.

"I can never speak politely to someone like you" Maximilian said.

Blythe opened her mouth to talk, Maximilian interrupted her.

"What do you want?" He asked in a loud tone.

"I came to talk to you about us" Blythe said.

Maximilian arched his brow.

"What's about us?" He asked.

"You know what I'm talking about so stop feigning ignorance" Blythe said.

"What ignorance?"Maximilian asked.

Blythe frowned and he shrugged.

"I want us to continue from where we stopped" She said.

"Continue what?" Maximilian asked again.

"Our relationship of course" She said with a smile.

Maximilian burst into laughter.

"What's funny?" Blythe asked.

"What you said" He replied.

"It's really not a laughing matter, I still love you Max, I remember everything about our love story, let's come back together and continue from where we stopped" Blythe said.

"We can't come back together, I didn't even remember we had something together, our chapter is closed, you're dead to me" Maximilian said fiercely.

"I know I've wronged you in many ways, but I'm sorry" Blythe said as her tears began to build up.

"I can never come back to you, you're dead to me,stay away from me please" He said.

"I'm sorry Maximilian, it hurts whenever I see you with other girls especially Zendaya, I still love you" Blythe said. She made an attempt to touch him and he slapped her hand away.

"Don't you dare touch me with those filthy hands of yours" He warned.

Blythe gulped down nothing.

"And don't you dare go near Zendaya" He warned furiously.

Blythe scoffed.

"So, this is about her right?" Blythe asked.


"You're only going to cause her more harm than good" Blythe said.

Maximilian moved closer to her.

"If you harm her, you're gonna see the other side of me" He said fiercely and walked away.

Blythe's tears flowed uncontrollably.

"Did he reject you?" A voice asked from behind her.

She turned and indeed Midas was Infront of her.

"You surely find another person who loves you" He said.

"Mind your business dumb head" She said and walked away.

Midas shrugged sadly and walked away.